Redpill me on Roger stone, without him, there's no Trump president...

Redpill me on Roger stone, without him, there's no Trump president...? The fall of Trump is caused by the eviction of Roger Stone...?

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Slimy sleazeball Jew.

>Redpill me on Roger stone, without him, there's no Trump president...?

Trump won because people HATE politicians that GAVE AMERICA AWAY!

Trump is a business man that said AMERICA FIRST! AMERICA! AMERICA! AMERICA!

Roger Stone is a NOBODY!

Trump GREATEST PRESIDENT in American history!

Attached: trump awesome.gif (480x338, 3.74M)

Roger Stone and many others were all threatened, frivolously prosecuted, investigated, sued, bribed, false flagged and so on.

It seems like Trump really steered toward neoliberal bs once Roger Stone was arrested.

We need a visual map of all the original Trump allies and influencers who were taken out.

anyone who is not a shill or wants to know how important this guy really is should watch a documentary by a leftist called 'getting rodger stone'

really good doc even though its supposed to be a hit piece. Shows why leftists panic over this man.

Who has done more for western civilization than you ever will

or it might be 'get me rodger stone'
have fun

Wrong, Trump got elected because of Jared kushner. Or as Israel calls him, the messiah.

see pic related

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informant and a liar. at least according to the wl phonecalls.
Seems like he repeats things he learns with no vetting too.
thinks he knows about Seth Rich

sexy boys

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Every deck has a joker in it, most people take it out, Trump said leave it in and let’s play

>Roger Stone is a NOBODY!
without Roger Stone
Trump would have died in the late 80s along with
all his buddies that died
enroute on the flight he was supposed
to be on but was delayed by his first meeting
with Roger Stone
Trump said that Stone was
the reason he decided
to go forward with a plan to one day
run for president

without Stone
there would likely have been no president Trump

His real plan?
Whose to say user what Stone is keeping in that dome

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>It seems like Trump really steered toward neoliberal bs once Roger Stone was arrested.

Stone had a ton of goods, infos and data
Trump also has it too.
Stone was a conduit.

Wikileaks was provided emails
via seth rich
there were no russians involved
Stone is just very good
at figuring out the lay of the land and what
maybe happening
also one of the reasons
he was gagged was to
prevent him from spilling the beans
on the deep state
that are going to get wiped out
before hand

for all you know
Trump wants him quieted down
so he can manage and oversee
the final touches on
his plan without
Alex Jones
or Stone
flapping their big yappers
about what maybe coming

Attached: The Myth of Russian Collusion The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won Roger Stone 9781510749 (1171x597, 634K)

>His real plan?

Attached: The Myth of Russian Collusion The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won Roger Stone 9781510749 (1159x598, 724K)

>Whose to say user what Stone is keeping in that dome

Attached: The Myth of Russian Collusion The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won Roger Stone 9781510749 (1185x590, 673K)

It is scary how the Left can keep a nothingburger Russia story going as if it is real.

The Left is powerful and the Right is scattered. We need to reorganize.

I actually KNOW what happened. I knew about the dirt on Hillary beforehand because Roger Stone was literally teasing it on Twitter with public tweets. I didn't take it seriously though because he exaggerates all the time.

This is what actually happened:

>Roger Stone becomes a free agent.
>He sends Twitter DMs to Julian Assange.
>Assange teases about dirt on Hillary in a DM towards Stone.
>Stone teases about dirt on Hillary on Twitter.
>Stone calls Trump and exaggerates that he spoke with Assange on the phone about dirt on Hillary.
>Trump doesn't take it seriously because knows when somebody is lying.
>Emails are made public.

>Right is scattered. We need to reorganize.
Well, myself, I was booted several times from FB
and Twitter would never let me open an account
as if it already had a profile of me
as if it were shared from facebook or something.

Attached: The Myth of Russian Collusion The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won Roger Stone 9781510749 (1168x502, 605K)

>informant and a liar.

Attached: The Myth of Russian Collusion The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won Roger Stone 9781510749 (1171x470, 531K)

>thinks he knows about Seth Rich

Attached: The Myth of Russian Collusion The Inside Story of How Donald Trump REALLY Won Roger Stone 9781510749 (1173x438, 351K)

A true patriot that Trump screwed over

>has done more for western civilization than you ever will

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>Trump screwed over
not really
in the end Stone
will be vindicated as will Trump

most people are just to busy busy to read
the best book on the subject

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Trump won because Hillary was running.


I am currently watching Get Me Roger Stone (Documentary) and noticed that he actually seemed to campaign publicly against Clinton - as in, campaigned in public. One banner I noticed at one of his rallies was a Bill Clinton "RAPE" banner - so he was obviously aware of the Bill Clinton rape scandals.
However, what surprises me is that he was obviously a well connected man that would have, no doubt, known about the $2/Slice Gate (don't want to bait the shills). Yet, I've never heard him mention it nor have I heard him imply it.
Can anyone rebut this? It makes me incredibly skeptical of the guy.

he has a weird head he's probably remotely operated or something