Why are modern men such fags?

Why are modern men such fags?

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They were raised by boomer moms.

he was a chad

Should have broken her jaw.

She should go to prison for aggravated assault. For sure if a dude did that it'd be 5 years, maybe out in 1 with good behavior on parole.

>gets suckered punched
>clearly doesn't hurt at all
Fuck off jidf/discord tranny shill with your fucking slide threads.

Bitch boy got decked. Thinks he can go around disrespecting people like that.

>*White men

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Fucking bitch

A chad would have knocked her out. If a bitch did that to me I would curbstomp her into the pavement.

Whatever you say Poindexter.

story behind this? did she get punished?

The pain is irrelevant, as even a slight knock up against your skull can cause neuron death inside your brain. Obviously leading to life long complications, the phenomenon is called cte btw. Pic related.

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Sorry roastie but you want equality.


Get in the helicopter, commie

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>did a women get punished for assaulting someone
lol, women never get punished for anything they do


Nah hes beta

Wew, an italian who advocates beating women. You're a real big man, chef boyardee, you can kick the shit out of a quasi-child. Real fucking tough guy, you are.

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Western governments are emasculating as fuck.

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>gif related
>posting a jpg

did you suffer brain damage?

Chads don't do fortnite dances you fucking faggot lmao.

He's Irish. Retard. Get it right amerimutts. I'm Italian, not Irish, and OP is Irish and not Italian.

Accept it

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Holy shit. I wouldve knock her teeth out wtf. Then again why is this fortnite dance still a thing? Also, thats why you lift faggot. She turned aroundcand saw his beta small shoulders and weak neck so she wwnt went for it. Should would just turn around and nervously laugh if it had been 6'+ chad with arms the size of her head.

Guys like you are the reason the world is shit. Sometimes people just need some corporal punishment, men women or children.

Their refusal to transition into adulthood.
Examples here:

Based Patty
kek now we just need an Indonesian here

Liberal parents, phytoestrogen in food and water, Jewish plot to instill sensitivity and empathy in school.

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Probably the entire population of Australia has a similar problem

Shit, i'm sorry giuseppe.
Wew, an irishman who advocates beating women. You're a real big man, paddy mallone, you can kick the shit out of a quasi-child. Real fucking tough guy, you are.

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You're probably right, burger-kid

Feminists want equality they are going to get it. Any woman that hits a man is most likely a feminist.

And you are both completely irrelevant

I've been hit by a couple of women before - one even had a glass (not broken) in her hand when she did it.
I didn't react or flinch or anything, just took the hit to absolutely no effect (because woman duh) aside from my head recoiling slightly. I simply gave them a serious stare and in both instances, after realizing their attack had no effect and further attacks may bring retaliation, they ran away hastily (scared).

To aggressively beat a woman would be like beating a child - complete overkill and unnecessary (unless she persists).

You not slapping her shit in is why she did it in the first place. Women need to know their place and not punishing a woman for doing shit like that makes things worse for every other man out there

I like to think they learned their place when they ran away scared.
The woman in op's pic clearly didn't but that's because that kid is a faggot - if those bitches were still squaring up with a raised fist to me it'd be a different story.

>I like to think they learned their place when they ran away scared.
leftists like to think they're saving the world

op is italian

Zoomer btfo

>I like to think they learned their place when they ran away scared
They didn't

At that point you slap her so hard your hand smacks her down on the ground. You don't go ballistic and beat her with a fist. But you absolutely slap a drunk bitch. Otherwise you just look weak to everyone. Even if you stand there and take it, people don't think "oh hes cool" or "badass". They think "hahahaha that guy just got beaten by a girl", regardless of how little damage she does. You hit her back with a big open hand and it's always "what a psycho" then they talk about how the chick hit you and had it coming. It literally always goes like that

get a load of this tough boi
let me guess afterwards everybody got up and clapped right

The mothers pushed them away from their dads and overloaded them with love and affection. Plus taking it in the ass didn't help.
I was saved from that problem because my dad was good and my mom was a needy, pained woman who's affection was meaningless to me. Now while I can't achieve an erection I haven't yet been ass dicked buy the (((golem))). WASP upbringing best upbringing.
I pity my wife. Violence is the only way to really turn me on.

After she hits you you explain what you were doing and why she was wrong to hit you. You then slide a finger in her butthole and run away screaming rape help she’s trying to beat me and then rape me. All while flailing your arms like a lunatic.

i would have raped her.

>Why are modern men such fags?
Cause modern women are psychotic whores.

Are you 45??