The Trump/Yang compromise of 2020

Can you faggots stop with the "Trump is a lying retard" shit? You know that's not true, Trump did more for this country than anyone in the last 60 years. Shill for Yang in the Democrat party but it won't be the fanatical support you had for Trump in 2016, it's essentially blackpilled. If you could ultimately get Yang to be on friendly terms with Trump that would break the spell the kikes have over much of the TDS'd whites voting Democrat.

God you guys are such faggots when you're blackpilled.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No compromise.
It's too late for that.
Yang Gang to the win!!
Based Yang will save us!!

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Please follow these instructions.

Attached: If you INSIST on being so blackpilled.jpg (1336x881, 338K)

Everyone on Jow Forums posting Y*ng Gang Thread are paid shills and coordinated infiltration by them.

>Trump did more for this country than anyone in the last 60 years.

You fail to understand the beauty of Yang.
Diversity is our strenght!!
1000$ for everione!!
It ll be like star trek, dude!!

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I just called Master Netanyahu and confirmed. Trump is 100% still based and redpilled.

>Trump did more for this country than anyone in the last 60 years

lmao gonna need a source on that one faggot

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>break the spell the kikes have over much of the TDS'd whites voting Democrat

Trump has branded the Republican party pro-Israel and Democrats antisemitic. Which party are those people going to support when they become aware of JQ?

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>Trump did more for this country than anyone in the last 60 years

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The only compromise is for Trump to adopt UBI

I think that's case closed right there

>The only compromise is for Trump to adopt UBI

>King Zio
>adopting a policy giving Americans and not Israelis money

Uh no

This cringe. For example.

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What a majestic video!!

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>The only reason Yang is getting support is because the Jews have brainwashed the board!

How about we only ever liked Trump ironically, he is objectively a middle of the pack president at best, and a fresh new meme candidate has taken his place.

nobody give a fuck about Trump anymore.
Jow Forums isn't r/T_D
Yang has the meme power now


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>no wall
>leave troops in Syria
>”more legal immigration than ever!”
>”we need them to work in our factories!
>cuck to pelosi
>cuck to the deep state and bomb Syria
>wants to bomb Venezuela and Iran

No thanks, I’d rather take $12,000

Ah the boomer mantra

>everyone I disagree with a shill!!

We're coming for you, old man.

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>Trump did more for this country than anyone in the last 60 years.
I think people were expecting little more of him than just making libtards mad.

fuck off cuck. zhang gang 4 lyfe. free money for everybody (except israel)

how new are you to not recognize shills and opportunist trolls?
ooooh now i get it. you are a shill, aren't you?

>Can you faggots stop with the "Trump is a lying retard" shit?
Not until Trump stops it first.