'I just want to be friends' - what does this mean?

I've been dating a girl for 6 weeks, its felt like we've got along pretty well. We slept together and she said she almost said she loves me however she is is telling me she is going through mental health problems currently and that she isn't ready for something more. She told me today she just wants to be friends.

Is she honest in saying this or is there something more behind it like she doesn't like me enough? A bit bummed out but more confused than anything about it all

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You're probably coming on too strong and she's losing interest. I'd tell her you're interested in something romantic, then start backing away. If she likes you at all she'll realize she's gonna lose you and she'll hit you up. If she doesn't chase you, you have your answer, she's just not that into you.

Alternatively you could try being friends with her, but probably it won't lead anywhere beyond that and you'll get hurt.

I told her I was open to more and I have since ghosted her, I'm not going to bother with friends I need to move on. We'll see if she starts trying to message me again I guess..

Just kinda annoying because she's telling me how much she likes me yet why is she saying she isn't ready? maybe I'm wrong but it just doesn't seem honest

Because she thinks it will hurt you less. She doesn't want to come out and say "Sorry user, I just don't like you anymore like that". For one a lot of guys fucking lose it when girls are honest like that, and for two most girls would feel really shitty for "hurting" someone like that and would much rather try to couch it in some white lie to soften the blow.

"I'm not ready for a relationship right now"
"I just really need to focus on myself"
"I'm just really confused right now"

Or any variation, usually means "not that into you". At least, at the moment.

You sucked in bed.

This is what I'm thinking, I'd rather hear it straight than some excuse. Who knows though, it sucks hearing that she's telling me how much she likes me and she wanted to tell me she loves me but then her mind changes just like that?

Eh I don't think I was too bad

She did though.

Yeah well we all wish they'd be more straightforward, but they're not. My ex said the same fucking thing, "I'm not ready for a relationship right now". She was dating another guy as soon as I moved out of town. They just don't want to risk being that blatant for some reason. It's a rare person who's direct enough to tell you how it is.

Just stick to no contact and try to start moving on. If she gets back into contact, set up a date at your place if you can to make dinner or something, then try to smash.


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I'm leaning toward it being a bs excuse but part of me holds out on it being genuine. I'll never know for sure though. Sorry to hear about your experience user, it really does suck. No contact does feel best, even if she changes her mind I'm done. If she wants to end it like this once she'd likely do it again

Possibly, would never go back though

Dont be a cuck

You would question any reason she gave you for wanting to cool it. Sounds like you went from 0 to 100 right away and its not what she wants.

>'I just want to be friends'
It means: "I am not into you romantically, also I don't actually want to be friends so don't contact me. I will keep you around to use you though."

How long did you know her before you started dating?

Why not just believe her?

Are you an ax wound?

Could be a whole host of issues, no point stressing.

she said what she wanted you to hear, and thats that. be a man and take it.

as much as it sucks to lose someone, forcing a relationship when a spark isnt there doesnt lead anywhere good. if she's not feeling it you gotta respect that.

if she's got mental health problems, then the best position to put yourself in would be to demonstrate to her that you can handle her issues without being hurt. maybe she'll appreciate that and reconsider in the future. i mean, it's probably over, but if you get emotional on her than you're sealing your own fate for sure, keep some dignity and you at least have a shot.

I would so I'm thinking its probably best not to dwell on it

Well I'm definitely not going to let the last part happen

tinder so if that counts as prior to meeting maybe a week

I think its only human nature to believe there could be other reasons behind someones actions

Yeah I'm not trying to force anything so I just accept it for what it is. It just confuses me with her saying how she was almost going to say I love you and then out of no where this happens

The girl is telling you straight up that she has mental health issues and warning you that it's not good for you to be around her, and you need more reason?

Go! Run! Don't stick your dick in crazy!

She's clearly not that into you.
If you really push her to stay with you, hey, maybe she'll stay with you out of fear or pity. But you'll be in a loveless relationship.
And that's worse than being alone.

Pic unrelated.

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Kek sounds like what my ex said to me.
Met her on tinder as well and after like 3 months and her repeatedly saying she loves me she tells me she would like to be friends. Caught me completely off guard. It also was during a vacation we did together.
I also went no contact like you did cause I'm not able to just be friends.
Kind of mad at her for fucking up the vacation and making me think she actually loves me.
Her reasoning was that she is so used to being alone that she cant let anyone be close like that right now. Whatever the fuck that means.
Anyways just accept what she said. I know you want an explanation but you won't get one. Just move on and hope the next chick is more into you.

If someone tells you that they love you after knowing you for only 6 weeks, they do not know you well enough to love you. So don't be too surprised if they change their mind.

Or if they feel like they can't be in a relationship with you for "reasons".

It can be disappointing when something that seems promising doesn't work out, but the best thing to do is accept it and move on.