DDR thread

How old where you Jow Forums ? When you realized the DDR were the good guys?

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The DDR was the test for the surveillance nightmare we all live under now.

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DDR and the various commie regimes past the 1950s were inefficient shitholes but they were far less degenerate compared to the west

>2 anglo countries
>the posts
why am I not surprised?

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It was a poor shithole and we are still paying for it. Since 1991 we have a tax to rebuild the shitty east. 5.5% of your income tax. Fuck the DDR and fuck Commies!

Then don't work and don't pay taxes you good goy. Those 5.5% don't go to East-Germany, they go to Israël.

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>muh israel
>muh jews
Go back to stormfront

bring it on faggots

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>that post

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Can do this all day Schlomo

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>the eternal butthurt wessi

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I wonder how many of the German flags actually have Germans behind them?, and not Turks, Jews, Slav rape baby’s, and what not.

>now also anime posting

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good times

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>iwn experience this

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back when east germany was white

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post moar DDR babes

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this one appears to be a jewish tranny, but you are anglo and are not any better

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OY VEY!!! How dare germans be anti-immigration??? Those anti-semetic bastards!
Better shill on Jow Forums to make them support Israël!

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>Anti Migration
Wow your education sucks, they imported vietnamese, other asians and even nigger from befriended socialist countries.

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Fucking based

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No, you're just uninformed

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(1) didn't grant them citizenship
(2) it was far less than west germany took in turks

west germany imported millions of turks, especially non-educated bumchucks

>this kills the larper

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still whiter desu

>ossi women craved the big vietnamese dick

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Meanwhile in the BRD

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I’m not British, or an Anglo.

Oh no no no

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Are you an angloslayer by chance?

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>west germany imported millions of turks
and (((who))) forced them to do this?

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If you would have lived in that shithole of a Nation you would think differently.

it was only couple of thousand of vietnamese (60k) while west germany importat millions of turks.

and vietnames weren't granted citizenship

capitalism doesn't care when the country goes to shit, cheap labor is everythin

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Your right on the money user, very good.

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Importing "Hans" from the jungle of Mozambique because Genosse Egon can't get a stiffy anymore is so much better

This once again proves, that Varg is right about capitalism.
Fucking estfag

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Based ossis

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I hate posts like these because they fuel the sentiment that authoritarianism is the recipee for the current predicament of the West. It's bullshit.

Commie societies are actually super degenerate, because everyone is poor and thus, everyone is stealing. The people who grew up on this work ethic soiled the reputation of all slavs by the way.

Aside from that, you get constant surveilance, which is degenerate as fuck because it undermines trust in society, and you get snitching, which is peak degeneracy. In some cases, people were even snitching on members of their own families.

You also had the state in open conflict with the dominant religion, because you can't have people who believe in universal truth in your communist dystopia.

On top of all that, social status was determined by your relation to the party. Imagine DNC-tier party intrigues, but if you don't participate, you become a member of the underclass and you can't even get a shitty car. The entire country had to struggle with Clinton-tier corruption and nepotism. Everywhere, all the time.

Modern West is degenerate as fuck, but it's got nothing on Warsaw Pact in this regard. The US would need to be under DNC rule for at least 40 more years to even start approximating the degeneracy of the USSR.


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lel faggot.
Foreigners in the DDR were segregated and under constant Stasi surveillance.

>cheap labor
That's communism for you

Fuck, forgot to remove the meme flag.

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>because everyone is poor and thus, everyone is stealing.
t. nigger < 80IQ who never went to the countryside

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>Irish are basically anglos
any ''''''''''Irish''''''''' person who says this deserves the fucking pike

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Belgium isn't even a real country lmao!

>under constant Stasi surveillance
Everyone was under constant Stasi surveillance in that shithole, otherwise everyone would have escaped into the west

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Say that again when we conquer the world;
the UK will be the first to fall under our might.

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Imagine you must build a wall to keep people inside your shitty country.

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Eastern Europe wouldn't be half as based without the iron curtain. The west got too pleased with itself and look where they are now.

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Viets have done better for themselves since reunification than Bio-Ossis

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I was raised in the countryside, went to University and returned to the countryside as soon as I could start doing remote work.

Besides, you're a fucking Belgian or 20-something diaspora, stop pretending like you know anything about communism, faggot.

Shouldn't have turned off your memeflag Polanski

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Yeah, but that's only because we got fed up with all the bullshit I was writing about and we actually started rebelling against it in the 80s. We're more resistant to commie crap because we actually had to deal with it for 40+ years.

Most Westerners have no idea what they're in for when they say they support socialism.

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unironically the best implementation of socialism edge communism while being extreme
it was still shit
I guess it's our autism that takes everything to the maximum no matter which ideology

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Let them have a go at it and see what happens. Might even do them some good when they come back to their senses

same could be said about your flag Pawel

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and the west imported muzzies
i'd rather have some viet mafia than that

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>m-muh Stasi!

...was unironically pro-White.

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that last line...

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Tell me about the jew, why does he stick Lego bricks to his head and struggle with electrical tape?

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actually was
it was like natsoc more soc, less nat
but people were still prideful

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wtf why would a jew do that?

And people were dirt poor. Ossis are still significantly poorer than Wessis because of it.

So they basically the classic kike trick of false flagging their enemies in order to justify calling everyone a Nazi. East Germany really was a Jew puppet state.

yugoslav socialism > GDR imo
both where great

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*so they basically did the

Absolute state of capitalists: rather have your nation turn into Al Americano than to be poor but have your blood and family.

>believing the memes
yeah because it's still shitty communism
the point being wessis are cucked beyond imagination

Blood and family won't buy you cool stuff and provide a comfortable life.

Rich cuck > poor Commie

>cool stuff and provide a comfortable life

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I've never tried it.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm having a blast watching good-for-nothing lazy millenials completely wreck their countries. There's some poetic justice in that, but then again not everyone in the West is a leftist retard, so I feel a lot of pity for nationalists and conservatives who live there. In all honesty, it'd be better if they rebelled before their politicians really turn their countries into authoritarian shitholes. If their economies collapse, we're gonna be somewhat fucked too. For example, I'm pretty sure most Estonians wouldn't exactly be thrilled if the entire Central Europe was suddenly forced to align itself with Russia and/or China. I mean, we could all live with that I guess, but it'd suck. A lot.

Oh. I thought this thread was about DanceDanceRevolution.

I was assuming for super secret jewish reasons that had something to do with their affinity for silly hats and complaining.

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