Tewskbury weapon cache


>Everyone has already forgot about this
>No follow up story
>Both Frank and wife suspiciously calm

Attached: tewskburyweapons.png (755x600, 788K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Bradley told police part of his mission was to make sure people who were infected with a virus didn't eat each other


never even saw this story. bump.

He was talking about bath salts.
Was forgotten within a week. I remember hearing about it though.

it was a computer virus, he did IT

People having guns is a story now?

The guns were always part of the story

Oops misread. Im tired

'tewskbury' sounds like an english estate or something.
i was expecting it to be a cache of butter knives and wiffle ball bats.

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What’s the story. Looks like a very average collection to me.


Here's more info apparently he actually was a literal glow nigger.

"According to Francho Bradley’s LinkedIn profile, he also goes by Frank Bradley and lives in Coppell, Texas. These two facts help connect him to a series of WikiLeaks releases. Frank Bradley and his Ensyma email address ([email protected]) show up on a WikiLeaks file called “Lifetime Value Report.” This is part of a series of releases by WikiLeaks on its Global Intelligence Files from a 2012 Stratfor release. WikiLeaks’ explanation of the report is: “They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.”

>guy is renting a house in a gated community
>rigs cameras up, leaving weapons cashe while they are out doing something
>calls 911, says something is up and that he is worried about his cashe
>police arrive discover everything
>guy hands himself in for carrying across state lines.
>looking into Frank anons discover his website is basically a dead end to adobe conference call and has various affiliations with agencies like CERN
anything else?

holy shit.
DC sniper part 2: false flag jiggaboo averted.

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You forgot the part about how he was proctored to do a secret mission for the government, but couldn't disclose any more info to the authorities. Something about a virus.
CDC guy mysteriously drowned under some random bridge crossing a few days later.
All of this as the femin virus shit was getting spread around here.


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fuck here's 2

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Massachusetts was a mistake

can't figure out why no one is ever interested in this. the threads only had a few anons participating when it first happened as well.

Have a bump

deffinite spook shit. probably a cover story but doesnt explain why its picked up. distraction maybe?.

they work for
the government. he had a dod carry permit.

he took his normal stash of guns that any real american owns and was with his wife.

he turned him self in. you are retarded

Funny because that town is perhaps one of most armed citizenry in America.

>dod carry permit
no, it appears you are the retard


Apparently he is a giant bullshitter too.

A milsurp Webly fucking revolver with moon clips in an expensive cartridge
> this is a Gov't Op if I've ever seen one

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