"The Mutant Says in his Heart: There is no God"

Fellow anons, this is a reminder that you are being overrun and subverted by a group of mutants and degenerates projecting onto you their impotence and hatred of Emmanuel, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that guides and resides within us

The path of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to life. Confess and repent for your sins and you may enter the gates of heaven. I'm a fellow degenerate though so you should probably do it in person to whomever has experienced your iniquities


I will be posting psychology redpills and justifying religion in secular terms for those who still have ears to ear

Attached: confess.png (231x218, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: hedonism.png (1269x576, 181K)

Attached: GenderWarSolution.png (1486x1669, 609K)

Attached: FeminismPill.png (1500x3719, 595K)

Attached: consciousness4.jpg (640x589, 230K)

Attached: therealdualism.png (1127x545, 439K)

Attached: ManipulatedMan.png (1124x1968, 433K)

this and pic related are meant to be read as composites. both are mostly true

Attached: MalePrivilege.png (1283x1275, 300K)

>how Christianity has been subverted

Attached: homological_structures.png (592x379, 75K)

oops, wrong pic. oh well, I'll keep going

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Attached: SexAndCities.jpg (2405x917, 761K)

Attached: Leftism.png (699x306, 35K)

Attached: TheStages.png (777x2777, 770K)

Attached: KarlSage.png (1222x3222, 729K)

Attached: Hermeticism.png (1222x3555, 1.25M)

Well, that should be enough for a few hours of your time. Have a nice day, remember to train your mind!

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Almost forgot
>based Hippocrates

Attached: HippocraticOath_Original.png (826x514, 66K)

where's no. 5? I'm saving these for later got to run to work soon

I've been looking for it but only those 4 were posted when I saved em. thanks for reading though!

...."even words of Truth"

Simulation. That is god.
He is nothing but who made a simulation of reality within simulations.


sure. but do you wish to break free from the simulation, i.e. are we simply trapped here in a prison planet? keep in mind, usually a simulation is built to model your current reality in a much more engaging way

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So I need to train myself to use my right hand because it's degenerate to be left-handed?

>Gays are good because they're more religious

Yeah no this guy lives up to his name, he's definitely a heretic

Unironically, am I in the image of God?
Is this God Jesus?

God is imaginary. He would not be capable of the things He does, were this not the case.

Civilization is imaginary, too. There are as many ways to build a civilization as there are humans who would think to lead one, but only those civilizations led by God endure beyond the death of the mortal men that create them.

Kek mason shill

Honestly just researching philosophies and keeping an open-mind turns out to be a pretty spiritual experience.
At least in my case.

A saying from Ecclesiastes. Solomon, the preacher, goes about indulging in all manner of human pleasure. He did this as a service to the rest of the world to find what's the point of life. Even doing all the bad he did, he was still able to speak truth and set in order many proverbs.
He came to the conclusion that a human should
1. Fear God
2. Keep his commandments
This is the whole duty of Man.

Yes you were made in the image of God. And yes this God is the man Jesus.

No. This passage should not be taken literally. It should be taken spiritually. Right hand, historically speaking, is a sign of strength.

So is it the word of god or not?

It is the Word of God.

Then why are you saying its up for interpretation other than literal? The 10 Commandments for example are literal and plain.

hahaha no, he's explaining why that came to be a religious theme. societies that permitted high rates of left-handedness would invariably permit other closely-related, and culturally destructive, phenotypes

Yeah, but he presents a useful model for understanding behavior. I agree with you though, pedos should be executed and pederasts should at the very least be shunned or quarantined to prevent further contagion

this gets into some pretty spooky science, but according to some work done by a series of Russian biologists, subsequent CIA projects, and newer studies finally admitting this, our DNA is specifically encoded to emulate Phi or the Golden Ratio in a fractal system that is self-similar at different levels of scale - allowing the circulating electromagnetic field(s) to constructively interfere at all of these levels of scale. This, combined with the (fractal) bifurcating cardiac and limbic systems (which create their own electrical fields) allows wave conjugation, or more basically allows resonance between these electromagnetic fields all the way from the chemicals of a nucleotide to chromosomes to cells to circulatory system (regulated by hearth rhythms) and finally to our brain waves.

We can study this by doing EKG readings of brains and literally see what frequencies they are operating in. It turns out all of the frequencies with highest amplitude are in a perfect phi ratio to each other in what you could call a religious experience

And no, masons, I'm not talking about your sex magic cult, I'm talking about the specific emotion of bliss or 'transcendence,' not adrenaline and the passion of 'libido dominandi' as E. Michael Jones would describe it

tl;dr - yes, we all are, but those most inclined and able to 'tune in' to the frequencies of God are basically "higher resolution" images of him. Thus, the Son of God was
I thank the useful idiots for retaining ancient history

I'm talking about the professor who's YouTube you posted, who posits what I just mentioned physically about actual left handed people. Which isn't even true from a Biblical perspective , being at God's left hand (wicked) has nothing to do with being physically left handed (the tribe of Benjamin were lefties iirc and followed God)

Are you saying the entire Bible should be taken in a literal sense?

I did not post the youtube. I see where you are coming from now though.

there may be a god but organised religion is for literal retarded c ucks. every religion is compromised

oops I got cut short.

>Thus, the Son of God
by his own definition was fully emulating and resonating with the divine, and as such was no longer just himself, but in complete deference to the will of the creator. In other words, the only way you can emulate God is by letting him become you. This does not negate sovereignty of the son, but rather a sovereign choice to become greater (at the cost of the Masons' most beloved ego, or self)

You will find that the satanic religions are entirely about Will to Power and exerting the power of your will on the world to manifest abundance, and all that tripe. Wide are the gates that lead to damnation...

If the religion was never organized it would have died out and you would not have heard the Good News.

dude yeah, I posted an autistic smart guy because I can see his reasoning and he's not lying. He makes a couple great points, but he's wrong about some shit...just don't take him seriously as a religious scholar

Think for yourself


organized religion has been taken over by Jews and Jesuits, ironically because they held stronger religious convictions than our lukewarm feel-good pastors.

That type of rhetoric only aids them further

I agree. Also, the Catholic Church has been under constant assault from satan since its inception and it will continue until Christ comes in Glory. Satan has infiltrated the Church but he ultimately will not succeed. Revelation tells us what is to come. The world will continue in a downward trend that ends with satan launching a futile assault on Christ and His Church. The eternal fag is then btfo and thrown into the pit with all those who did not believe on Christ.

good point

yep...the study of philosophy, history and tradition as a foundation for a moral code IS religion...or rather, what it used to be and should have remained

Where do the billions of souls who never heard of Jesus go? They never outright rejected him, so do they get an automatic ticket to heaven? At what point of denial is needed for eternal suffering to be applicable (some white missionary throwing a bible at your head)?

Honestly curious.

yeahh pretty much, but we don't know that that will happen yet. keep your eyes open but don't sit around waiting

I believe we're told that his name will be heard by all people from the corners of the earth. something like that

Paul speaks of this in Romans. The law is written on the hearts of man. So if a man follows the law (what Jesus commands, ie love thy neighbor as they self) then he is with Christ without actually knowing the person Jesus.

True. We must always be vigilant. Only the Father in Heaven knows the appointed time. Could be today, tomorrow, or thousands of years from now.

I think machines are in charge.


not entirely...not yet

I mean, if you think the AI tech is all-powerful why haven't you bowed down in reverence to Qanon? I think if anything's an AI, that one is

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well put