Jow Forums absolutely BTFO

Jow Forums absolutely BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ancestors fought in Civil War
Great-Great Grand-daddy fought in WWI
Great-Grand-daddy fought in WWII
Grand-daddy fought in Vietnam
Daddy fought in Desert Storm
Entire family worked the mines

And no one gives a shit about them. No programs, no affirmative action, no free pass to the middle class. No college entrance preference.

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You are the oppressors tbi

Perhaps your ancestor should have opened Talmud and read sections on how to deal with goyim before fighting jewish wars and expecting any sort of reward.

How about both? The rich and the brown conspiring to rob the guy in the middle. Same thing happening wherever you look.

>it's actually jews tipping the scales

wow pol btfo

They're paying because they aren't brown.

More like the liberal elite and their pet mud people fucking over blue-collar whites, in this as in everything else.

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These people are Clinton donors

Ahh okay, I get it. Since a fraction of a percentage of white people and about 50% of Jews can afford to bribe colleges, the other 99% of white people aren’t getting fucked over by affirmative action. Thanks for clearing that up.
>in all fields

Why is it an irony against affirmative action that rich people used their money to cheat admissions? Affirmative action still stands, a white student has to score and have grades 30% higher than a student of color to qualify for most college applicants. A rich parent bribing ivy league colleges to let their kid in because they're too stupid on merit alone has nothing to do with affirmative action.

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No, it just shows that middle class whites and Asians are super-discriminated against in admissions to elite colleges. Black people have a massive leg up, wealthy people can pay their way in. Only middle class whites and Asians have any kind of disadvantage.

pol btfo because rich jews buy their kid's admission to college?

Leave the Jewish people alone.

They are doing a banging good job destroying USA, as they should.

You get a 10/10 for not mentioning Asians getting discriminated against

You get a gold star for jumping on the bandwagon.

You get a 10/10 for not mentioning Asians getting discriminated against.

You get a gold star for jumping on the bandwagon.

>cheating is bad
>cheating is bad
whoa how do I hold these two contradictory thoughts? must be cognitive dissonance

>Who's getting the thumb on the scale?
It is possible that affirmative action and bribery are BOTH unfair.

I turned on npr yesterday and listened to their reporting of this story. The entire segment was basically fuck white people and affirmative action isn't real. I'm sick of these racist attacks against white people.

>make a definition that excludes AA
>oh look goyim, white people bad again

this bundles the far right
>too many niggers, spics reeee
and the far left
>too many crackers mayne
and skips on any details

it's perfect for goyim

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Its low IQ white dumbfucks who need to bribe in order to get in. Jews and Asians score high on their SAT.

>30% are rich kids
>40% are minorities that don't deserve it
That leaves only a window of 30% for real merit.

>Jow Forums absolutely BTFO
Are these wealthy kids coincidently jewish?

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Working class whites are, as always, not even in the conversation.

>rich likes get better treatment than everyone
How exactly are we wrong again?

Why not both?

The data say otherwise.

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Wow you are such a enlightened centrist can you share your political beliefs with me?

If you're poor and white, that's your own fault.


>wealthy jewish elites cheat their way to the top
>media blames it on white people

Really makes you think.

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how do you assign blame to someone for a situation they were born into? this should be good

So to get accepted into an Ivy league school, you need to be Jewish, black or latin, or rich enough to bribe through admissions. Cause it looks like from that data, don't even bother if white or Asian, it's barely better than a 50/50 at best

We do it with the black community all the time.

jew is not a race.

That’s not an answer to my question, moron. Try again?

Hello newfriend.

it's a parent's duty to make better conditions for their children. I wouldn't say it's your fault but your parent's fault that you need to do better than so that your children's [spoiler] >implying [/spoiler] will have better opportunities

(((wealthy kids)))

I very really read the whole thread when replying to OP, which is bad form I know.

Not sure I’m following you. You do or you don’t agree that the concept of “if you’re white and poor that’s your own fault” is racist nonsense?

Eh. They'll bribe the courts to stay out of prison and in a month from now the media won't give a shit about either of them.

This. I keep thinking this. The bitch, king nigger, and crew, are all going away in shame and hopefully worse.

Poor White kids have to compete against institutional racism and nepotism to get their places. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

When you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor

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>When you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor

Fucking Bernie shilling hard for the minority vote.
He is a Senator from one of the whitest states in America.

That one bitch is hot as fuck.

You have no idea dude. As a kid, we spent 1/2 our time finding something to eat. We never starved, but we knew what it was.

Leafs are the lowest of all races.

Absolutely fucking false. A few kids of millionaires getting in where they shouldn't does not even begin to compare to every black person enrolled on college being where they shouldn't. Seriously, the boost Under Represented Minorities get in admissions is one of the biggest red pills I've ever seen. It's disgusting. Check out the law school admissions data here: . Click on any school and go to their graphs. Every fucking outlier is a URM. Kids going to yale and Harvard that would he laughed out the door if they were white or asian. Shit is fucked.

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My ancestors worked for a seigneurial Lord on a land they didn't even own
then they worked the (((Anglos)))' (as our history books name them; we all know what they mean) textile manufactures, then they killed himself for two Wars over the pond for something that never concerned us, and now they're stealing back what we took for ourselves during the sixties under the name of "acceptance" and "diversity".
We've always hated those terms here in Quebec, because those were always reserved for the english-speaking faggots living in Montreal racking cash by the millions while we worked ourselves to death in their asbestos mines.

This. I wish she would force me to go down on her for a spot in college

>wealthy people pay for their retards to get into college
>wealthy people shill for affirmative action to flood schools with groids so their kids dont stand out as much

quite clever really. how much has spamming the universities with retards set us back?

Your reading comprehension is shit. He's saying it's the parents' fault. Jesus.

"A hero in times of war will be considered a criminal in times of peace."

>wealthy kids taking advantage of nepotism
hmm I'm sure this is 100% 'white' people

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>liberal children are so fucking stupid that they have to cheat in order to be admitted to mid-level universities that have literally spent the last 25 years tailoring their admission processes to admit the dumbest fucking people possible

(((Expert))) sez


Who said that?

>shows irony of affirmative action complaints
>non-whites and women get in on scholarships and reserved spots
>the rich buy their way in
>the rest have to earn it

If anything this proves the complaints are valid and gives more weight to how much a joke the current education system is.

>Implying wealth doesn't give you access to SAT prep course to game the system
If whites and Jews really are more intelligent, they wouldn't be using their money to get an unfair advantage.

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>jews get caught for something
>blame white people
why is this news

>i dont agree with someone
>they are jewish

this is pol in 2 sentences

It's how whites counter affirmative action.

Thank you for your service, goyim.

All this does is confirm how overrated elite schools are. The undergraduate courses taught at Harvard and Yale a cover the same material as those courses do at generic state university. The only edge elite schools supposively had was only letting the most brilliant students in. We’ll apparently that isn’t even the case.

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>wouldn't be using their money to get an unfair advantage
Legally using your money for an advantage is the smart thing to do

so, Amnesty Trump was a huge Clinton donor

lol this dumb bitch disabled every single comment on every video on her youtube.

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If whites are superior to blacks, then they'd have no problem pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.

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Then it has fuck all to do with my question, which he replied to, you illiterate ass.

Is that your argument?

As usual the white middle class, the backbone of the country is the ones that get the middle finger.

They do, whites are still the number one producers of wealth and opportunity in the US. The white middle class is the most over taxed, over worked and benefits the least from social programs that they pay for.

wtf are you saying you little shit. You posted a screencap of a headline from a shill website. Learn to fucking code. This person is obviously a retard if she thinks 50 kids is the majority of all affirmative action. Bribery isn't even a form of affirmative action. If you are currently enrolled in school expel yourself. You have no future.


>Benefit the least
>Half of all welfare goes to whites
Then middle class whites should elect leaders who won't tax them. But obviously blaming brown people for your problems it's easier and you fags fall for that shit every single time. Genuinely intelligent whites and Jews recognize this and use that resentment to gather wealth and political power.

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>FMmM pull
hey whatever gets you off pal

What does that even mean?

And yet its all rich liberals and kikes doing this.
Niggers are so fucking dumb.

Is this your argument?

>If you're poor and white, that's your own fault.

And all poor non whites are oppressed eh?

jvy leagues

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>english-speaking faggots living in Montreal racking cash by the millions while we worked ourselves to death in their asbestos mines.
And people wonder why I constantly rage against the Eternal Anglo.

they are. deal with it, honkey. if you're white and poor you're literally worthless.


What if you’re black and poor?

(((White children))) are over represented in Ivy League college

Don't forget the 30% or whatever that are asians