Why do doctors never follow-up and ask if the treatment actually worked?

Why do doctors never follow-up and ask if the treatment actually worked?

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they are trying to kill you

Because if you fix a car you only get paid once
But if your partially fix it theyll come back and youll get paid twice

Heres a few Rules of Aquisition to help you better understand
#39 Don't tell customers more than they need to know.
#87 Learn the customer's weaknesses, so that you can better take advantage of him.

So doctors are only interested in making a profit and not actually helping us?

Almost all of them, yes. Some may be interested in helping but the treatments are too jewed to work properly.

And I have read that doctors are heavily pressured by pharmaceutical companies and the health system.

They dont have time.

Here they ring you up to ask how it went if you do not call them back.

Because you're a fucking house nigger, that's why.

Because they know that, unlike OP, a non-retarded person will call up the doctor's office and let them know that the treatment isn't working.

He is using that ethiopian jew baby to practice his circumcision skills and just fucked up.

That is the most stupid argument I have ever heard. The main aim should be to heal as many people as possible which requires to know if the treatment is actually working. If they never check if it is working then they may prescribe ineffective treatments all the time.

Interesting. What do they ask or check particularly?

If the treatment is not working then most people will just go to another doctor or heal themselves.

Mine did about 72 hours after I visited for a sinus infection

They dont care. The same reason they do abortions and sex changes. They got paid is all that matters.

It is not for every little thing like one time remedies but if you have a recurring ailment they will ask you if the treatment worked and if not they have a list of medicine to work through before they offer you a procedure.

But the small remedies may be actually also interesting because they occur more frequently, thus affecting a lot of people.

Do they also listen if a different treatment has helped you? Like for example also natural treatments instead of medicine? Are they trying to find the actual cause for example bad nutrition or lack of exercise?

What were they asking exactly? Were they interested in finding the actual cause and/or alternative treatment?

Because they already have your money. If you want to give them more, they'd be happy to receive it

They do, what kind of shitty doctor do you use? Any time I've had to go see a doctor for something they always schedule me for a check up some time after the treatment to make sure it worked.

Because the patients never pay a second charge to say thanks.

depends the type of doctor and the condition.
some conditions if they improve, there is no need to follow up.
some conditions are very serious or left permanent damage that they require followup

Why would you thank someone for doing the job you paid them to do? They don't say thanks for the money you're giving them.

If you are not making a profit what you are running is a Charity.

if you don't come back that obviously means you either died or the treatment worked

obviously i duno about america for poor people having to keep getting appointments for their chronic illness, but there is never a shortage of patients in countries with public healthcare

Simple if it didn't you'd either come back or are dead.


You have any idea how many patients they have? You think just because you go to a doctor you're so special the doctor thinks about you all the time? You're literally one random body squeezed into a tight schedule among a long queue of other random bodies. Doctors diagnose your ass by percentages based on the data they have and hope it solves the issue. They have no time to follow up, the patient has to be proactive or pay for a follow-up chitchat call if they need it.

They literally do. Any doctor in the us will discharge you with instructions for follow up. Problem is most amerimutts are too stupid to read

Finbro at its best

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they cured my gayness, oh wait...

Disagree here. If it is not serious it still could be common. As a responsible doctor it would be your duty to see if the treatment was actually effective and to register any side-effects.

In Japan they do. Even the dentists.

They make profit. Letting some assistant ask the customers if the treatment helped is not a big task and it could improve the treatment effectiveness tremendously.

Lol no. It could mean many other things like you went to another doctor or you healed yourself.

>Never check if the treatments actually work
>Rather prescribe ineffective treatments to thousands of patients without ever asking

Also, it would be very little effort that the assistant of the doctor asks the customers.

If the customers are never asked if the treatment worked then the doctor is obviously not interested in helping them.

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do you clean your teeth with dirt?

I hate you faggots, you make my life miserable.
Go neck yourself.

>what are follow-up appointments










>What were they asking exactly? Were they interested in finding the actual cause and/or alternative treatment?
They asked me if I was feeling better and that if it got worse to give a call right away and they will fit me in. I have an old school doc with a high tech staff. They are on it.

the modern institutions of medicine are all thoroughly corrupt, and doctors are all complicit in it. they are almost all complicit in restricting the number of doctors there can be, so as to retain their own value.

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I don't post on here a lot but i lurk a lot more than i should.
Doctors don't follow up because it is presumed the medication worked, and the follow up relies solely on the pt as to whether or not their condition has been treated properly.
At most, a courtesy call can be made to check up on a pt but not always the case. I go to 4 different hospitals and own several dialysis units, i have management that looks over these kinds of things for me, but in short, they come back if there are any other issues. In case anyone wonders, i'm a nephrologist of 12 years.

nice flag, poof

Many patients just go to another doctor if it gets worse or heal themselves.

If I was a doctor I would follow-up each single patient and make notes about everything including side-effects in order to provide the best treatment possible.

Many doctors see 100+ patients a week. And there usually is some sort of follow up appointment or number to call them. Wtf else are they supposed to do?

They suggest lifestyle changes and dietary advice.

>It is presumed the medication worked
Looooooooool doctors are then either extremely incompetent/dumb to presume that or simply not interested in healing the patient.

There are many other reasons why a patient would not come back even if it got worse, for example going to a different doctor or healing themselves. Also, if you want to find the most effective treatment with the lowest side-effects solving the disease completely you would need to get in touch with the patients and follow-up all the time.

Just prescribing a treatment and presume that the patient will get back is absolutely ridiculous and criminal.

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>wahh da joo doctor didn't call me to ask if my booboo is better

Pretty much. As long as they give the approved treatment, they make money, get kickbacks and take on no legal risk. Actually helping people is hard and requires you to understand things like their diet and lifestyle and how they can make changes, it requires testing treatments and actually caring about what happens.

MDs just want money, and the one that want to help either are blind or get kicked out.

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I feel thats what mine does. I've damn near thrown surgeons out of windows before buy my primary care doc is pretty good. He's not script happy either. Turned me on to the Plant Paradox which has helped me quite a bit.

Oy ey, stop thinking for yourself!
the application of vaccines is illoligal if you think about it. the goal is not to realy eradicate diseases...
pic and vid related:

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Be Doctor spend all day dealing with sick third worlders who don't speaky the language. Now twice as busy cause have to call them.

OP is so dumb.

So you're just going to completely dismiss the fact that without vaccines diseases like measles and smallpox would still be rampant? Or maybe the vaccines themselves are good, but they're adding something to it to fuck kids up?

Why does the babby already have over-developed shoulder muscles?
Could probably take the doctor out with one punch..

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and that, kids, is why you allow for both public AND private medical care, where a doctor has an obligation to certain hours in public care before he can practice private.
the masses go to public, and if doctors don't take care of the problem, they drown in work for the same pay, unable to go private.

>So you're just going to completely dismiss the fact that without vaccines diseases like measles and smallpox would still be rampant?
dude, nobody should die of measles in our modern times. its a thing only weak african malnurished children die of. its like blaming the wind of crashing old and sick trees to the ground.

dont be an npc, educate yourself. Here some stuff if you are not yet redpilled on vaccines:
polio man made disease (10-vid playlist):

Bombshell Study: Aluminum and Autism

vaccines with mercury:

herd imunity measels 3min:

vaccination league lester humpfries 110% vaccination rate:

Leicester 1871 110% vaccination rate:

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lazy unaccountable fucks

daily reminder that the healthcare system is the #1 cause of unnatural deaths in the west, they kill like 800,000 people per year in america alone

about 100,000 americans per year are killed from taking medication. and those numbers only include correctly prescribed medicines, and the patient taking them correctly, and allergic reactions being excluded

most MDs are either psychopahts, narcissists, or autistic

and if they dont start out that way they will become that way after the education process

and if they still are not that way they will eventually be debarred and lose their license

the pharmaceutical industry basically writes all their educational material

This Jew, Mortimer Sackler and his family murdered 100,000+ White middle class Americans, by single-handedly causing the opioid epidemic, making billions from it.

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