New York's getting a $10 billion wall for an imginary flood

New York's getting a $10 billion wall for an imginary flood.

Imagine my shock

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Are they racist against water? It's just looking for asylum!

Why are they so racist? Walls don't work


why do you care? better to spend money on projects like this than projects to "combat" climate change

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10 billion dollars to protect jews on a tiny island against a fake flood. Zero dollars to defend the entire continent from become a Latin American shithole.

How to launder 10 billion

The water will just go under, or over the wall anyways. Walls don't work. They're also inhumane.

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jews all live there

That right there. But it could be any country with nuclear capabilities. It makes me wonder if any rumor of the (((chosenites))) and their nuclear suitcase or reasons for their inexplicable sway are true?

>meeting with (((climate scientists)))
So I guess climate scientist are more of an authority than hydrologists, oceanographers, and civil engineers. This seems like a quick rich scam to embezzle and defraud city habitants by corrupt city officials with their crony contractors.

To do what? Keep out underprivileged minorities like mermaids?

Lower Manhattan actually needs that shit for real, you weren’t here during hurricane Sandy dimwit. Pic related

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That plan isn't going to pass for the sole reason that NYC is expected to be underwater before they can complete the project. Building the wall will take too long.

Forgot to add that this thread is a perfect example of pre 2016 Jow Forums and the reddit-Jow Forums hybrid we’ve got today. OP makes a retarded thread that in his mind owns the libs, triggers the libs, then random wankers waltz in, see the headline add a little spice of their own and proceed to homowrotically circlejerk each other like the faggots they are. It’s one thing to have an informed opinion on something and putting it down for a discussion and another to be a sauceless insecure turbonigger, out to find your kin so that you may feel superior at someone else’s expanse.
I was working with some contractors during Sandy and we were cleaning up lower Manhattan, the whole fucking place had flood, furniture was on the fucking sidewalk and mud all over the streets and an entire subway line, the R train, was shutdown for a year or two. Let’s not also forget that lower Manhattan is home to some of our nations most precious historical sights. The project’s all about preventing that from happening again, but wrapped up as “fighting climate change” cos it’s pop here and to make it seem like politicians are doing something about it.

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could also be an 'r'

I heard parts of New York will be abandoned because no amount of money will be able to prevent them flooding. Think Miami might be the same.

I hath witnessed an astute boi! You’ve earned it

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There’s magicians and then there’s engineers, they’ll figure it out

south florida is even worse. water table is already very high

Why would you not want to flood the financial district?

Because. City hall, Brooklyn bridge, Woolworth building, St Paul’s chapel, trinity church, 9/11 memorial, federal hall national museum where George motherfucking Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States, Fraunces tavern where said president rested his presidential head for a nights sleep, Bowling green park, Hamilton’s U.S custom house, The battery and stone street.

he is ancap. he doesn't care about our nations history or future

My bad I didn't know about that, I'm not a burger and despite knowing most of your geography and history I don't know much about NYC, I just figured that's where the cancer of wall street was located. Maybe the water could work its way around all that.
Actually wrong flag, but what else am I going to choose so some overeager CIA doesn't exact revenge against me for saying so. And you're wrong I do care I loves the US dearly, you have no idea.

All this "climate change" shit is really just a means by which urbanites can justify stealing money and control from the rest of the country. When the urbanites get what they want and have full control over energy in the country and can fuck over vast areas of land that don't conform to what the nearest big city wants, then the urbanites will quit giving a fuck about the environment because environmentalism was really all just a means to an end.

>sea level rise isn’t real

Absolute state of pol

can we somehow meme this wall as anti-immigration?

Imagine a bunch of guys in MAGA hats cheering as the Manhattan wall is built. Libtards would be so salty.

1 post by this ID
You know, this is very common for a 2nd reason no one mentions: since you can't self-bump your own threads, people with dynamic IPs will just clear their cookies and restart their modems so that they can self-bump. This is what OP likely did in this thread and what OPs often, but not always, do.

you really think people care that much