Joe Rogan is a sellout with millions of views on alot of his videos

Joe Rogan is a sellout with millions of views on alot of his videos.
On some of his most viewed podcasts he speaks about DMT. Is that subject pushed intentionally for some reason? Like how most rap music of today talks about drugs and murder, JRE talks about DMT.

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He's not the brightest, but he's definitely genuine.

He seems to push a lot of topics that all the other self help gurus and billionaires push: meditation, UBI, psychedelics, fasting, keto...

He has said that he is a big fan of self-help books and whatnot.

DMT can be harvested from child rape victims in addition to adrenachrome. Sure you can get plant based DMT, but if you're raping and murdering the kids anyhow...

He's supporting the cabal. That's how you get to be rich while being stupid.

He's just a liberal. Whatever you see on DMT trips brings little of value to the physical world.

When you have a crazy trip you want other people to experience it too so they can feel what you did

Literally who

>he's definitely genuine.
Must have missed his supreme cuck-out with Dorsey

Have you tried it? I'd like to some day, but I'm kinda scared. People say that sometimes it changes you as a person completely, and that's pretty frightening to me. Ignorance is bliss, after all.

All I'm gonna say about Rogan in the only occasion I was ever willing to watch his podcast is mad props to making that discussion between Tim Pool and Jack and his pajeeta mistress happen. They got absolutely destroyed and the whole world sees them for what they are.

Joe Rogan EXPOSED CIA Elon Musk, MAPS, Esalen, Military MK Ultra Brave New World

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he may be a tranny

Joe did DMT once 20 years ago when he was a Stanhope hanger on

Do you think he got paid? Why have another podcast with Tim Pool where Twitter gets BTFO then?


Owen Benjamin is the ultimate refill. Toe Rogan is a gatekeeper

I don't think he's genuine at all. You can see his personality morph from one guest to another.

Hes afraid to trip now because he knows hed have a bad one

Fucking phone, I bet the men with small hats dis this

Follow the money
Rothchilds -> MAPS -> rogans podcast

Not really sure why rogan pushes DMT so much. Everything he talks about is by design that much is certain

You should go to a 'legit' Aiwaska camp in Peru. They will take care of you and help you make sense of the visions.

Otherwise, you'll just end up a slave to the clockwork elves.

All the peace and love, open borders faggots all done DMT, psilocybin, LSD and other drugs, really makes you think.

he’s jewish
>Rogen (seth rogan)
>whiny, high pitch jewish voice
>looks jewish
>coincidental media connections
>neandertal body/head type
He’s a Jew =\= genuine

It can give you a glimpse of true reality and of the true self. Once you see that your ego is not real, yeah, youre going to be forever changed. Not everyone gets this far though.

It's just a more serious version of dudeWEED or dudeACID. Rogans a druggie so DMT is the logical conclusion of his habit

Being able to adjust your personality according to what guest you have on does not mean that you're "pushing" something, like the OP suggested. I mean that he's genuine in his beliefs.

Joe Rogan claims he and his horrible chums didn't start taking drugs until they were in their 30s or 40s. (Or from whenever they began to be paid by the Counter-Intel of the Police State Apparatus to promote drugs).

But the people he is promoting drugs to are mostly vulnerable children or young people. The younger you are when you mess with drugs the more damage they generally do. This has been well proven to be the case with weed.

What a bunch of cunts.

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Peace and love are good virtues dude.

He had a podcast with Duncan, and Duncan tries to talk anout the weird shit the elites do, etc. and Joe just treats the subject like dog shit, somebody is paying him for sure

I've done it multiple times. I was nervous each time I did it, but came out please each time.
It absolutely changes who you are down to your core.
After doing it you no longer fear death, at least for me, because you learn what dying means.

I can tell you that it serves no practical application in the physical reality we reside in, other than maybe boosting your confidence.

Joe Rogan is just a typical Hollywood liberal that's promoting things he has no authority to talk or promote about.

Rogan is an Irish surname.

The last time we had kids experimenting with psychedelic drugs en masse we ended up with the Boomer generation and their hippie movement.

They are until you end up beheaded by little brown fellas recording with cellphones from 2007.

Joe Rogan regurgitates what Terence McKenna talked about his DMT trips like the elves and the jesters, the "look at this", makes DMT less interesting when they format the experience like that.

"Ayahuasca" you fuck head.
And even though Ayahuasca is chemically related to DMT, the trips are different and Ayahuasca lasts hours whereas DMT is a few minutes.

Rogan and the 'Intellectual Darkweb': A Jan Irvin, Matthew North & Jesse Spots

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Vaped lots of DMT - its not how they say it is, the "elves" they speak of is just how Mckenna described them and its caught on. On more than one trip has the righteousness of protecting my own people from subversion and conquer been cemented. What IS being pushed (not so much by Joe) is the "new age" bullshit with "peace and love, goy, were all the same goy, let them into your lands!".

Possibly. You know that Timothy Leary and a lot of the founders of the "counter-culture" were actually the kids of CIA agents. It's pretty much common knowledge that they were deliberately pushing weed and acid to placate the masses and a lot of decent minds were lost forever to acid.

its california faggot shit mister rabbi. lots of kids who are dumb as bricks smoke dmt

They are not chemically related, Ayahuasca has the MAOI vine and a DMT admixture - but not always, from my understanding theyve ramped up the DMT for Gringo's abroad who want to trip, but the vine itself without DMT is enough in its own right.

Guy's a fucking retard who thinks he's smarter then he really is

see what i mean about people who smoke dmt being dumb as bricks - case in point mr. australian

It also makes you puke and have diarrhea and costs up to 1500€ to have a shaman guide you in an ayahuasca retreat.

>they don't know dmt is literally in their brains

Stay interdimensionally pleb

I was replying to you, not the OP. Genuine beliefs? What would those be? Pro gun, or pro gun control? For big government or libertarian? SJW or right wing?
He's fake, his podcast is a show, and it can't go back to what it was.

Yea and goldberg is a german obe right. he’s jewish. He looks jewish, sounds jewish and has a jewish job.

Yeah exactly, and that seems to be be what most retards want to go back too with this legalizing weed shit, but everyone who wants legal weed is a pathetic degenerate. I mean, what could go wrong with having a country filled with burn outs and dead heads?

He does have his moments, he's smart, just not an intelectual.

How are they similar. The vine that they call aya, b.caapi has no DMT in it, chakruna or Psychotria viridis has the DMT.

>pay some tribal charles manson 1500 to whisper in your ear while you trip balls

There is no proof it is in our brains or produced by pineal, it was a hypothesis by Rick (((Strassman))) which was retracted almost a decade ago.

Come on Hangul Bro, didn't you see the second one with Jack Dorsey?

Look, all I mean is that I don't think that he gets his beliefs from people paying him, or whatever. His beliefs might be dumb, always changing, or inconsistent, but they're his beliefs.
I don't know about Goldberg, but Rogan is an Irish surname. Rogan may be Jewish if you use that word as a slur, like I'd call someone who's greedy a Jew, but he's neither ethnically nor religiously Jewish.

>Ayahuasca contains DMT but they're not related


retarded jew, Rogan is a sensation. His show is the one thing the MSM hate because it and shows like it will destroy them. They no longer can control the argument with their 5 minute debates on things when you can go on Rogan for 3 hours and leave room for nuance. It is the show we need

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Liberals eat this shit up.

I have done LSD and I am not an open borders faggot.

He's irish and italian

Ayahuasca is the name of the "brew" but its more known to the natives as the name for VINE, aka B. Caapi itself. If somebody says they like to DRINK we think of alcohol but a drink isnt necessarily alcohol. KYS faggot.

I’m glad you said literally otherwise I’d think you were joking. Just google him if you don’t really know you drooling autist retard

It wasn't placation, they wanted to socially engineer generations of people.
Which they succeeded in doing, but I don't think LSD was their ultimate trick.

Sounds like you drank the Kool-aid. Go read up on your chemistry smart guy.

That's because if directed properly, the user doesn't lose all inhibitions and motivators.
I.e. if you have a friend sit in your house with you, or you're on your computer the whole trip you won't really have a complete brain wash.

LOL why don't you read up spastic, the info is all out there, you are either a stupid nigger who is just 'igg'nant' or a kike.

Ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi) vines contains beta-Carboline alcaloids like Harmaline and Harmine that acts as an MAO (mono amine oxidase) inhibitor allowing the alcaloid contained in the chacuruna (psychotria viridis), the DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine) to pass to the central nervous system and produce the ayahuasca effects, the DMT is a strong visionary compound that is also present in many plants and animals and some research like the doctor R. Strassman explains that possibly our own brain could produced it in certain circumstances by the pineal gland.

Banisteriopsis caapi is the main ingredient in ayahuasca brew. Brews always contain b. caapi aka the ayahuasca vine with a combination of other ingredients; commonly including chacruna (Psychotria viridis), chaliponga (Diplopterys cabrerana), and datura (toe). It contains harmine, harmaline, and tetrahydroharmine, all of which are both beta-carboline harmala alkaloids and MAOIs. The MAOI’s found in Banisteriopsis caapi are what make the DMT found in Chacruna (Psychotria virdis) to become orally active in the brew and allow its effects to be felt for hours, rather than just the few minutes that smoking DMT produces.

Maybe you'll get raped like that one lady

>DMT is still what makes you trip
I'm blown away dude.

He keeps repeating that our bodies produce it like it's a fact and no guest questions it, very annoying.

Isn't his wife a jew? Therefore his children (supposedly). That's why he obsesses about the circumcision shit. No?

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i've smoked DMT for about 20 times.
I've met the elves. They offered me fruit of knowledge. Didn't take it tho, was too intense and i was scared. Its not a "drug". Its literally a portal to another dimention.
Rogan is alright

if youve never taken a psychedelic you should.

I haven't found proofs that it is produced by the pineal but some sites report that have been found traces of it in urine and human blood, so probably it's not so absurd that in some way it is present in small doses, whether it's in the brain or not.

lol, k faggot. kys

Rogan: "There was monkeys and they was like, giving me the finger, and I was like, what the fuck...."

I don't believe in the CIA paying him and all that. But the amounts of money, fame, recognition and admiration he's receiving have definitely corrupted his integrity.

Joe Rogan is your friend's stoner older brother that sits in his room except now he has millions of people watching him. He just sits around talking about how drugs have freed his mind and all the crazy ass conspiracy shit he thinks the government is doing and how some plant is a scientific breakthrough even though there's no evidence for it. Guys like this have been around since the 70s, probably longer.

i have no idea what you are talking about junkie. speak plain english

Good work sharing that, that video is very succinct. The depths of this kikery is intense.

There is a vine called scientifically banistariopsis caapi but commonly known as ayahuasca which contains an MAOI through its alkoloids called harmala and harmaline - these are what makes DMT orally active. Inside another plant colloquially coined chakruna is DMT, when combined the just call the brew ayahuasca hence people thinking that ayahuasca vine contains DMT but it does not.


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Isn't it worth it to know it comes from a plant as opposed to a tortured and murdered child's pineal gland?

You euros are always so fucking poor.

You dont need a shaman to go to those realms, people conflate culture with the plants themselves.

sorry senpai, replied to you instead of the dude you replied to

>Rogan may be Jewish if you use that word as a slur, like I'd call someone who's greedy a Jew, but he's neither ethnically nor religiously Jewish.
His wife and children are literally Jewish. He married Jessica Schimmel the daughter of now deceased comedian Robert Schimmel.

He's a retard

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toe rogan is fucking degenerate and a moron. he acts "woke" to get publicity but i doubt he actually believes in anything beyond getting blazed daily

That is an incredibly inefficient means of producing DMT unless it's chemically different than the plant based version, which there is no reason to believe.

This. These Jow Forums niggers unironically believing Alex Jones.

It's present in the lungs, never been proven to be in the pineal.