What can I do about a professor who keeps injecting politics into lectures which are supposed to be on totally...

What can I do about a professor who keeps injecting politics into lectures which are supposed to be on totally unrelated subjects? For instance today he was supposed to lecture on the developmental biology of the human nervous system, but he kept ranting about the politics of abortion and transsexuals. Probably around 1/3 to 1/2 of the class time was devoted to this sort of irrelevant pontification. Now I don't particularly care what his political beliefs are, but it's infuriating that he would waste our time in this manner. I have never before had a professor do this. Not even did teachers at my high school ever act in such an unprofessional manner.

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I've had professors do this on either side of the political spectrum and it's really just to related real-world examples to whatever dry facts that you just memorize from the textbook anyways.

I also doubt most of what you're saying because you're a cancerous frogposter

Leave him an anonymous note telling him how you feel. Slip it under his door after hours.

Does he rant about the political aspect to this subject or the biological aspect to what has been politicized? Because this is relevant right now. Even if it’s boring to hear about a guy ranting all the time.

The content of these rants is much more political invective than scientific application. I mean, I don't even disagree with this guy's opinions on LGBT rights or abortion policy. I just don't appreciate being preached at.

Had a business law teacher ranting about muh drumpf but about halfway through the semester he toned it down a lot, otherwise I probably would have complained

Yeah. If that’s the case it’s kind of a waste of time going to his classes. But a lot of professors, and teachers do this. I’ve always hated it. If it’s a large assembly and attendance is important, bring earplugs and study on your laptop, hehe.

Raise your hand and ask if this will be on the test?

If he says no, pull out a textbook from another class and start doing homework.

>If it’s a large assembly and attendance is important, bring earplugs and study on your laptop, hehe.

Hm not a bad idea.


Most probably he is a lazy teacher that wants to fill minutes with that crap. I bet he tells himself that his political ideas are more important for you to know that the actual subject. But the honest truth is that he is just a lame teacher that refuses to teach you what you paid for.
>tl:dr you're being ripped off user

Ask the school board, I'm sure they have options for contact

>I bet he tells himself that his political ideas are more important for you to know that the actual subject.

he says with absolutely no self-awareness as he shoehorns are a political video about muh ethics of abortion into his post

Most of academia is leftist so they can indoctrinate kids and young people at early age. Im not American but i have heard lots of stories like this. They are brainwashing you. I call them marxist warriors. They wont shut it about their ideology because they feel like they are in right. No one dares to challenge them because of positions they are in.

>I call them marxist warriors.
That sounds cool as hell

Yes. They are the first one who will die at front lines when shit hits the fan. Peons to the elite.

Of course

*checks notes*

the leftist university professors are going to the first ones to die when

*checks notes again*

the right-wing elite controlling them go to war with

*checks notes one more time*

*notes are just pepe the frog drawn in crayon on a napkin*

cringed hard. Stay parasitic my left leaning friend.

literally nothing I said was even left-leaning, you're the one who came in here full pepe. OP didn't even mention if his teacher's politics were left or right.

>right wingers don't retirement for decades

Do you think i care? Your autistic quetching because i wrote some post about communist is all i need. I have wanked it 12 times to your faggot post. Love how butthurt you are. Now fuck off from my sight peasant.

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>Do you think i care?

Yes. You care way too much, which is why you started talking about Marxists out of nowhere and you're busting out the anime girls like a good r9k NPC. You're gonna call me a cuck next lol


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do a thing called
>>speak up
and say things like: what has this to do with the price of fish in china? should snap him out of it.

send him an anonymous note saying:
>I know you're racist
watch him go insane

is professor tenured?
if not then they can be fired. record him with your video phone and show the dean

Go to the absolute bottom of the clasroom and study or do homework there, that way you don't lose time.

A teacher of mine did this so I can speak from experience. Just do other shit while he gives his ''class''.