Why is it that when a shitskin pilot on a third-world airline crashes the whole world overreacts?
AirBus shills stay out.
Why is it that when a shitskin pilot on a third-world airline crashes the whole world overreacts?
AirBus shills stay out.
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Because the world's air safety record is so excellent that two similar failures in the course of one year is a significant event.
Ethiopian Airlines has a good safety record and is using mostly foreign pilots tho
Several Pilots repeatedly warned federal authorities of safety concerns over the now-grounded Boeing 737 Max 8 for months leading up to the second deadly disaster involving the plane, according to an investigation by the Dallas Morning News. One captain even called the Max 8's flight manual "inadequate and almost criminally insufficient," according to the report.
"The fact that this airplane requires such jury-rigging to fly is a red flag. Now we know the systems employed are error-prone — even if the pilots aren't sure what those systems are, what redundancies are in place and failure modes. I am left to wonder: what else don't I know?"
Boeing management is a joke. Now they've made sure their products meet their same standards.
Planes are generally shitskin proof.
t. Transport Bureau
I blame diversity hires.
These, usually i would jump at the chance to ridicule the proto-human ghouls but this is a legit problem.
This. It's gonna be fun watching the entire company burn to the ground after this. They are fucked.
At least five complaints about the Boeing jet were found in a federal database which pilots routinely use to report aviation incidents without fear of repercussions.
The complaints are about the safety mechanism cited in preliminary reports for an October plane crash in Indonesia that killed 189.
The disclosures found by The News reference problems during flights of Boeing 737 Max 8s with an autopilot system during takeoff and nose-down situations while trying to gain altitude. While records show these flights occurred during October and November, information regarding which airlines the pilots were flying for at the time is redacted from the database. -Dallas Morning News
One captain who flies the Max 8 said in November that it was "unconscionable" that Boeing and federal authorities have allowed pilots to fly the plane without adequate training - including a failure to fully disclose how its systems were distinctly different from other planes.
>cant trust boeing anymore
>could never trust airbus
its a good thing NEETs dont need to travel for buisness trips
>could never trust airbus
This is your brain on a burger diet.
I was going to make a joke about straya airplanes but realized it was non existent.
This the same boeing that didnt inform pilots of a system that automatically and repeatedly pitch trims nose down in the event of a single sensor failure?
What a total design oversight.
Ayyyy! Boeing Field. I live across the street in South Park. Comfy part of town. They’re testing the Super Hornets rn. Really cool to watch them do maneuvers. Also, the Boeing air museum is Awesome. If you’re ever in Seattle be sure to check it out.
>two significant events
Someone spoon feed me please. I’ve been busy with school and work the past few weeks and I have no idea what’s going on other than some planes getting banned
Because airbus is superior and who ever invest in the boing, thats the sound of the boing share is making hitting rock bottom, should pull out now as long he can at least get out with a zero profits.
Op i hope you dont work for them because it looks like you get unemployed.
Memefag detected
An airplane is literally an aluminum can travelling though the sky at 500mph.
People demand constant assurances that shit is safe.
As I understand it the nifty new feature of these jets is a hyper efficient wing that's so unstable it needs fly-by-wire technology to stay in the air.
The downside of this is that if the software craps out you're left with a jet that's nigh uncontrollable.
>An airplane is literally an aluminum can travelling though the sky at 500mph.
I believe some of their newer planes are plastic.
OMG, even worse.
AOC was trying to save us, and we laughed.
2 pilots. the fact that a nigger couldn't keep the shit in the air is the problem. you shouldn't have to be an astronaut to keep these things in the air.
Two 737 Max planes took a nosedive due to a faulty angle of attack sensor causing a "safety" system to overcompensate and pitch the plane into the ground.
The system can be disabled but boeing never told pilots or airlines about the system at all because they thought it would be "information overload" for the pilots.
There is an optional upgrade that costs money that displays to the pilot that the angle of attack sensors are messed up.
This is all a scheme by the EU to merge their superstate and nationalize Airbus
Why keep making new planes? Engineers have already worked the kinks out of old ones that have good safety records. They're just introducing new points of failure.
I'm glad you are woke on this. Imagine all the airplane scraps every time they crash that pollutes the earth and poisons the earth. Say what you want about humans but at least their dead bodies are bio degradable. Bamboo planes are truly the future.
>t.son of Bonbardier employee
You really do this for free?
What do you think happens to the human brain when faced with certain death? These planes have a malfunctioning sensor causing them to overcorrect and nosedive into the ground. Imagine hurtling towards your death at 500+ mph stuck in metal tube. Literally THE worst way to die
There are worse ways to die. Don't most of them pass out? Also instant death at crash.
Essentially this oh, it comes down to not wanting to spend the money on training and using that cost saving measure to sell planes. Good planes, bad late-stage capitalist tendencies.
Of course it’s an “optional upgrade”. Fucking Jews want to nickel and dime you simply to not die
>Good planes
No. The system should be fault tolerant and in this case it was not. It is a poor design.
China was the first major country to announce they were forcing their airlines to ground the MAX, followed closely by all the little shitholes with heavy chinese influence/reliance. It's convenient for them considering they have their own nationalized jetliner manufacturer they are trying to gain market share with; also Boeing is one of the largest and most profitable US-based businesses, basically a cornerstone of the current boom economy, and prolonged heavy losses could spark contagion through US markets and lead to recession. I also noticed that the CEO of ctrip.com (big chinese travel booking website) has been making the rounds on all the financial networks this week, but that may be coincedence.
So yeah, fuck the shitskins that can't read a manual on how to fly the MAX properly, but also fuck the chinks for peddling fear, uncertainty and doubt to try to tank the US economy.
Because they want destroy trumps economy and better way than killing boeing
It was a false flag you faggots
Similar system design had Blackhawks nosediving in the 80's. Boeing should know better.
sure were a lot of UN employees, lawyers and translators on that plane, just saying.
Because everyone knows the software that is partially responsible for the situation was written by a bunch of poos here on an H1B visa. The whole thing likely will need to be redone.
Because McDonnel hates Boeing.
Boeing press conference regarding their safety and QA issues: youtube.com
Lol I have seen enough video on liveleak to disagree completly with you
>oy vey won't somebody think of the shareholders
Obviously being skinned alive and decapitated by a jihadist Sandnigger would be worse but as far as things that you can’t reasonably take precautions to avoid, plane crash is the worst.
>those wingtips
Is this like pic related but in plane version?
Someone do a quick shop please.
Boring trying to fight the race war
Why is a plane crash worse than a car crash, being stabbed, falling to death or any number of violent and/or catastrophic deaths? On what kind of scale do you even measure that?
Can a car fit 167 people?
I’m more thinking about it in terms of the mental anguish you would experience before death. There aren’t many ways to die where you have extended time to think about it before you actually die
Why don't shitskins crash Airbuses?
>nationalize Airbus
Imagine being this much of an uneducated mutt
Because it's something the national media relies upon heavily. They don't drive vehicles themselves and they don't live near dangerous minorities, but they sure as shit couldn't live without air travel. If there weren't constant flights from the east coast to California they'd be forced to actually go through the interior of the US (which they call "flyover country") and interact with real Americans. Any threat to convenient air travel = threat to their way of life = most important issue facing the country.
vid related is why
MCAS system
Because this is a new model with over 5000 orders placed on it.
If it turns out that there's some kind of an inherent flaw in it, it's going to be one god damn expensive ordeal for this massive company.
The orders are worth over $600 billion. Imagine if countries start cancelling them and go with other companies instead.
If this was some meaningless little shit company no one would give a damn beyond posting "thoughts and prayers" on twitter. It's getting attention because a whole lot of money is riding on these planes.
Significant economic pressure to decrease maintenance and flight costs
Ouch, I guess it is a good thing for airbus.
I feel like it was hacked to kill some un reps and some climate scientists. But thats just me.
I mean if you think a journalists car was hacked to prevent a story, then this is way more believable.
Whiter than you Mohammed
It's not pilot fault, even Trump react retard...
>shitskin pilot
Nah. Look.
Because planes are supposed to fly themselves and the 737MAX doesn't.
>implying shitskin H1B hires didn't create the problem
I'm not much into conspiracies, but the bugmen of China do not value life like the rest of the world. They would happy slaughter a few hundred people for financial gain. They have killed millions in the past for the same reason.