Daily Stormer is Over

Hey Andrew,
I hope you enjoy the company of Spencer, Cantwell and Heimbach because you are now consigned to their ranks.

You can’t come back from your wretched desertion.
What a waste.

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Daily Stormer has objectively been one of the best websites on the net for many years now. No clue what your issue is with them.

Don't care, will still read it as well as its French equivalent

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TRS is against Trump now too. You're either blind or a shill if you are still falling for the trust the plan bullshit. Trump is nothing but a kike puppet that wants to flood us with more browns, but legally.

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I always though he was a faggot.

they are a humor site, they post funny articles and memes
i think you're really missing the plot here

imagine unironically reading the daily stormer
imagine not seeing that yang is the best choice in a sea of kike-approved options
secure the bag

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why wouldn't you want to meme the Democrat primary, that's the most important influence you can have right now

this. imagine not wanting millions of leftists to meme about the JQ.

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TRS is all homosexual LARPagan literal kikes

Third Jimpact

>Stop Zog by voting for a kike goy!

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Look, give the fucking man that we all worked our asses off to meme into the presidency two fucking terms for fucks sake.

This stupid Yang half-humor is predicated on the fact that “we’re fucked either way so pay me $1,000”. And then some jibberish about some pro-White Statements Yang has made.
Meanwhile, the sweat equity we have put in to backing Trump for the last 3 years is being flushed down the toilet before he even gets into his second term where the political consequences for acting are lessened considerably and the leverage in increased.

We should be pressuring Trump, yes, but with a message of accountability to his base. Sperging over his embarrasing semitism will get us nowhere, with anyone.
I can see memeing the fuck out of Ann Coulter but not a fucking Dem who has already denounced us.

We’re being played so fucking hard. And Anglin being too smart for this to be a huge blunder is in on it and is no longer to be trusted.

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Thats great but WHY IN FUCK destroy Trumps brand even further than he is right now.

We have NO GOP alternatives. We need to get Trump straightened out. Not further hobbled.

Andrew wants Whites to give $1,000 per month to niggers. I always suspected he was a Jew faggot.

Yang want huWhites to pay niggers $1,000 per month. If you're with Yang, you're a faggot kike.

No dumb leaf. lol

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Yeah, paying niggers $1,000 per month and opening the border is really going to save the White race, you intolerable tranny faggot.


YangBux can't be claimed on top of existing welfare. The cumulative effect will be blacks, spics get nothing while whites get some of their money back.

kys you MIGA shilling ZOG operative

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I hurt myself, today...

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Of course, everyone is suddenly a kike when they stop supporting the president.
People that don't even try fighting for us don't deserve benefit of the doubt. He has betrayed us time and time again. Yang is a meme, but I probably will just not vote, unless he shapes up and stops with this legal immigration shit and passes something big to make up for everything. I better see actual progress being made on the wall or he can fuck off.

Your already paying them close to $1000 per month so why wouldn't you want to get some of that sweet gibs too? Trump already said he wants record numbers of immigrants so how is that going to save the white race?

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Andrew will not be mentioned in the history books. I'm actually shocked he has not shot up a school.

I watched a video of Anglin a couple years ago when I first heard of him. He was walking along with an Asian girl, wearing a MAGA hat eight sizes too large that made him look like even more of a manlet, and chattering nonstop into his phone camera like a chick. That was enough.

Fuck you, give whites 1000 dollars you shill. Shitskins are getting Gibbs, you wont do anything about their Gibbs, only white Gibbs.

I’m not even saying give Trump the benefitbof the doubt bro. I’m saying, get more out of our investment of hope and effort. We got him memed into the whitehouse on promises he cant take back.
Use Coulters messaging (or better if we can come up with it) but stay the course. Destroy his ego, not his chances. Make him WORK to get our trust back. Through memes and whatever online presence we have left.

Don't worry, if he actually makes it to the debates and gets any airtime, he will be found having committed suicide with 5 shots in the back.

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Get a real job faggot. You're the TMZ of four chinz.

Whatever. We should NOT be having this debate.
Enjoy your Dem government guys.

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it's not free money, it's literally the government taxing me and then a little of it back and saying "woohoo free money!" this shit only benefits you if you're a NEET faggot or a tranny

>I’m saying, get more out of our investment of hope and effort.
I've given him hope for the last 4 years with no return, I'm all out at this point.
>We got him memed into the whitehouse on promises he cant take back.
Sure he can, he'll just blame the Dems. That's why he waited 2 years for them to take back the house to shut down government over the wall.

The idea is that if trump wanted to be re-elected he would have fought harder to prove it to his base
>no eo on birthright citizenship
Literally no excuse for this.

Oh man still stuck in 2015 I see.

Infowars weighs in on the yang gang youtu.be/fZkXjgXqmvI

Why can't all races just live together in peace? Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians.

>best websites
For what? Trading dickcheese?

Sounds like a you problem.

>no eo on birthright citizenship
you can't executive order entire laws out of effect or alter the constitution. the only thing executive orders do is affect how the executive branch functions

This was never about Yang. Just Democrats 1D chess trying to take votes away from Trump. They're going to be so assblasted come 2020.

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I really hate that I have to explain this because it kills the joke, but it's about accelerationism and promoting infighting on the left, you dumbass.

America isn't worth saving, so better to make it set up to tear itself apart so we can rebuild from the wreckage.
>what if he opens the borders
Then it all escalates to our favor.
>what if he confiscates guns
Then it all escalates to our favor.
>what if he doesn't do either
Then what's there to worry about?
>what if his policies cause hyperinflation?
Then it all escalates to our favor.
>what if the $1000 is excluded from white people
Then it all escalates in our favor.
>what if neither of those happen
Then what's there to worry about?

The only fear we have is he's more deceitful and indecisive on the promises but backdoor a shill for the big team, and in this day and age you can't be that unless you're Hillary. Neolibs are just as reviled as neocons, goods have to be delivered, and those goods will come with the work that will
a. Deliver the accelerating blow to a bloated and unwanted military industrial complex bitch for foreign wars and aid to Zogdom
b. $1000 extra a month

The only other options beyond that are giving other lib candidates more room to go buttfuck with reparations and 2nd Amendment repeals or white people tax, and then Trump is the lesser of evils to at least give breathing room.

YangGang is praying for the end. Trump was the hope that America can be saved, Yang is the acceptance that it can't.

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>Andrew wants Whites to give $1,000 per month to niggers.
but this is already happening

>wants to meme dnc
>spends unending hours memeing a trchnocrat faggot with zero chance rather than Kamala or biden

>just stop paying taxes and the money will be free lol
okay bud

This is True. But theres certainly more chance of accomplishing some of what he said with him in office. Guaranteed NO chance without.
At the very least, we should be trying to save face and try to force his hands somehow. Not going full-retard-sef-destruct-mode.
Why dont we get fucked up on opiates and die early while we’re at it? That’ll show ‘em.

> Sanders / Gabbard
I vomit

>this shit only benefits you if you're a NEET faggot or a tranny
this shit benefits you if you make less than $120,000/year
or, if you're married, or living with a woman, $240,000/year

>Vote Sanders-Gibbard for the white race

I'm so sick of this shit. Fuck your socialism open borders gun control bullshit, fuck your lefty policies. You're not gonna get me to vote for a fucking lefty no matter how much of a ZOG puppet Trump is.

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Andrew wishes he was an e-celeb
Maybe when he release the tape of him blowing two niggers he'll make his mark

Sanders openly opposes Israel's crimes and wants to stop sending aid. Unlike schlomo-sucking Trump who moved embassies, gives 38 BILLION, Marie's his daughter to a kike, wake the fuck up and realize Trump is a kike pawn.

>This was never about Yang. Just Democrats 1D chess trying to take votes away from Trump. They're going to be so assblasted come 2020.
Nah, it's not the Dems, it's Trump supporters meming. No one un-ironically supports Yang, we just don't currently support the president. Fuck you, pay me.

Fuck off, Anglin is hilarious

Oh so your problem is with the government and not me. I guess vote your way out of it. LMAO.

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Oh, wow, you actually believe your own bullshit. Nice crystal ball faggot - not how the world works. Are you often inspired by your own intellect?

1. Birthright citizenship isn't a law.
2. It's not about the EO itself, it's about forcing the question of birthright citizenship to the SCOTUS. That's he said he will do it. You don't get to excuse him not doing something he promised by outright saying it wouldn't work anyway.

>implying they dont already get $1000/mo in food stamps, healthcare, and other welfare

there's no political solution

Lol the Constitution. Yeah man they still follow that. What fucking planet so you love on? The USA is no longer a country. It's a fucking strip mall. The rules only apply to white men.

Do you have any fucking idea how bad it's going to have to get for an accelerationist strategy to work? the soviet union lasted for 60 years and killed at least 30 million people. It was literally unimaginably horrible. But people didn't have the power to change anything until it crumbled under its own weight.

Do you want to do that to America? Do you want us to suffer like that when we could have had the chance to stop it?

Accelerationism is pure kikery. Shut the fuck up you assblasted shills. Nobody on this board who isn't a shill is an accelerationist.

And I hate to have to fucking explain that accelerationism (besides being almost definitely a psy-op/shill meme) only works if you have a plan and are organized. You need at least twice the organization the left has which is a fucking laugh when we are having stupid discussions like this.

We are years into the only plan that made sense. We knew he might be a trojan. So? Force his hand. It’s the ONLY way.

Where are the intelligent anons man. I obviously missed the exodus to a different site.
This is sickening.

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Bernie supports Israel, search his interview with AJ.

Anyway, even if he was against Israel, which he isn't, who would you want to damage your economy and society with a radical leftist president? Are you pro white, or are you anti Israel ?

>anglin is a jew
>vote bernie



Fuck you faghot



Trump has been a failure on every level, literally no different than any other politician, and Anglin/DS didn't want to countersignal him until the last 1-2 weeks. Shortly before this switch Anglin published an article explaining why he continued to meme for Trump for so long in spite of all the failures (Anglin often posts full explanations for why he publishes the things he does, but they're hidden inside seemingly unrelated articles so you have to be a dedicated reader to catch the important stuff.)

I've gotten annoyed with his waifu/racemixing shilling, but you have to stop and remind yourself that it's a meme site.

at least whites would get something out of the deal with Yang

Yang doesn't even bother me but the awful memes, no idea why stone would say they have good memes.

Fucking this, it's obvious this a trump shill attempt to fuck up the democrat primaries. Right wing are just as bad as lefties.

Are there idiots here who actually think a ubi will happen?

So do people really think The Daily Stormer and Richard Spencer's support will win Yang Democratic Party primary votes?

Lmaaao, Sanders/Gabbard
I see Bernie stans are desperate as ever for a red-brown alliance.

Idk there are a lot of idiots who think we could achieve nationalism or a wall

SHE is the only one who can take down Trump. Assuming that he really doesn't want a second term.

Those people are dumb but their goals are at least more grounded in reality than a ubi. You have to be low I.q to think a ubi is possible.

He fucked up with the ricky vaughn/optics debacle. He threw way too many people under the bus in a rebranding attempt. There is no coming back from that. Remember daily stormer radio? Yea, me too.

Sauce on top image

>Voting for Bernout Bernie

What a great meme, well done

>Are there idiots here who actually think a ubi will happen?

Apparently. Probably the same retards that think that shitposting memes on a Qinese cartoon kekkle enthusiast imageboard actually affects anything IRL.

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I know that bro. Ive read the same justification pieces.
But in addition to to the embarrassment Trump is creating, falling for the Yang meme and driving people away from Trump is making us look like even worse fucking losers and idiots. It’s legacy destroying for the “meme-war-right”.

In a BEST case scenario Anglin thinks he is co-opting the Yang meme and discrediting it by association with neon-nazis.
Problem is this yang raid is, to their credit, the first industrial strength cluster fuck the left has managed on us using memes.
Anglin wont be effective with this shit. Only very harmful.

Trump NEEDS as second term no matter how fucked he might appear to us. Obama didnt get gay marriage and obamacare done till his second term. Its how it fucking works.

I can’t fathom how stupid we’re being in putting up with this.

Yang. Fucking embarassing.

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LOL @ sucking gook dick.

Its the numbers and relentlessness and the confusion as to whether its 100% shill or if we have legit deffectors from /ourguys/.

Anglin is fucking helping that confusion BIG TIME but with no benefit. No cooption. Nothing but crapping all over his platform and dividing our ranks.
He’s toxic for us now because of this. He is now to be suspected in all raids and shilling.

just sayin

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DS is still funny. That’s why I read it.

I unironically think Anglin, not spencer, is driving enough of the less-intelligent anons into a very confused, demoralized, blackpilled state to weaken our base. If they dont vote Trump, it doesnt matter who they vote for, Yang or otherwise.

Fine. But If you find yourself being swayed even a little then Andrew is fucking you while you sleep.m

>Its the numbers and relentlessness and the confusion as to whether its 100% shill or if we have legit deffectors from /ourguys/.

Fuck off with that shit, faggot. Jow Forums has never been a monolithic 'single person' and has always been an arena to test out new forms of abuse. You make the mistake of not realizing that many of us that meme'd for Trump were only doing it for the laffs and to spite that cunt Hillary. I for one never trusted that one percenter faggot, and he sure delivered on my suspicions. Memeing for Trump is no longer kek-inducing. Yang is just about the only one that is retarded enough to support, just for the bantz. Not to say that I would ever do that, but I can see how some anons might. I actually like Kamala because she called out the one percent, but she will never be president now for that same reason. A shame.

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Reminder the pic related (New Knowledge) is using Jow Forums as a testbed for information dissemination for their benefit. Think independently. Question everything.

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Christ, this is cringe.
Imagine anyone over the age of 18 obsessing over, and saving/creating/ memes.

Lulz only worked to make Trump POTUS because the memes were actually true in addition to being funny, and more importantly, fueled by life and death urgency. An awareness of being on the tipping point.

This yang thing is shallow and thats how we know its fake. A psy-op.
Its pure numbers. The only truth-power it has is that we are embarrassed by Trump cucking. We are losing face.
Its preying on that. Our neirosis.

Jow Forums may not be a monolith. But the Tump support base thatboperated from here was. If you tagged along for the lulz, good for you. Im sure it was fun.

Butvyou actuallybare in the minority and right now you are the cancer.

I'm not sure democrats read the stormer, my friend.