An edgy incel before it was cool.
Ted Kaczynski: a man of contradictions
Joseph Morris
Jason Carter
He doesn't hate tech though retard
Levi Rivera
Do you even have the license to read his manifesto britbong???
Daniel Murphy
>An edgy incel before it was cool.
weak post straya
uncle ted is /ourguy/
try again
Kevin Peterson
This has nothing to do with Yang.
Brody Allen
Ted Bundy did it better.
Higher score, serious thot patrolling of 70s thots.
Alexander Ward
They actually weren't very sophisticated.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
His bombs were the oppsoite of sophistication
Parker Myers
gr8 b8 m8
Ryder Kelly
I hope this is trolling. you have double digit IQ if you think that is a contradiction
if you reply to me I won't reciprocate