/WhiteGenocideGeneral/ = /WGG/

Welcome to the general daily thread for White Genocide.
I invite all members of all races to discuss the open topic of the genetic destruction and replacement of Ethnic Europeans and their diaspora populations world wide.

If you have any questions relating to the definition of genocide you can look towards the summary definition as seen in the Geneva Convention law book.

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you know its the jew. every fuckin time. what else is there to discuss?

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Totally a fair and non-misleading depiction of Australian Aboriginals.

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We were trying to form an army last time

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Pretty sure a mixed mutt is a lot less fair


What can whites learn from Jews about preventing their own genocide? Love them or hate them, you have to respect a group of people who have persevered through multiple attempts at getting rid of them. Cherry on top is that they united enough jews globally, many who did not speak the same language, to carve Israel from occupied territory.

I want to breed with a white Nordic waifu.

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Yeah, that thing is totally 100% abo.

Well, don't we deserve to die out at this point? Our history's nothing but fucking over other races. Might as well redeem oursleves for slavery and native american genocide by sitting back and letting nature run its course on us.

She's a full abo dipshits, look at her dark skin.

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Portland niggers have to be some of the most arrogant, insufferable niggers in the entire country. Every """white""" in the city worships their skin, and it really affects the attitude the blacks have.

Show me her DNA test

We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket, son?

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Race is a social construct. You ill find "whites" who look just like the abo.

It's a rat you fucking bigot

Keeping with your own kind, I see.

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Jesus Christ you really aren't human, are you? You out yourselves so God damn easily that anyone can tell you're a schlomo. Get back to the ovens


LOL you think thats full abo? LMFAOOOO imagine being that much of a fucking retard

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>melanin - melatonin - sleep cycle
Niggers are asleep.
MJ was a woke nigga.