Really makes you think

Really makes you think

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Trannypedes btfo

so profound
are you telling me that people think the holocaust is fake?

mind blown

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But the Holocaust did happen it has been very well documented

meanwhile irl.

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Yes, with exactly zero documents

All three are putting the book in the wrong way.

Yeah ok jew

>When a wise man points at piles of dead bodies the imbecile examines the door.

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Isn’t this just saying only edgy faggots think the above three are fiction

Typhus victims

But it's illegal to forensically investigate what amounts to the worst, most widespread, and arguably 'best-documented' crime in human history.

In an age where we can determine the hair color of a Neanderthal by fossilized ashes.

The "holocaust" has been stolen by the Jews. The camps whern't just for jews but anyone deemed "subhuman" by the Nazis. This included Gypsies, Slavs, the disabled as well as jews. The starvation and death came from allied destruction of infrastructure from all the carpet booming.

so did jesus and morehammad

>carpet booming
I found this funnier than I should have.

drop the boom booms on the carpet

Attached: crotch boom.gif (500x300, 1.9M)

So that's why there's practically zero proof of it besides some obscure documents, right?

8/10, would boom boom.

Not even that.
No orders to even execute prisoners at any time during the war were ever found.
If it was it would be framed in a solid brass, Barium-filled case next to the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Then why do they censor people for doubting?

makes you think how redpilled stonetoss is

Probably for the same reason why they criminalized independent attempts to investigate it.

Are you implying all three ore true? Islam and christianity are diametrically opposed, they can't both be true, and the Holocaust didn't happen so.

Two were the clumsy attempts of a scared, lonely, primitive people at making sense of a vast, cold, impersonal Universe and their place in it.

One was a vile mass-deception for shekels and political clout.

I really don't understand why people Deny the Holocaust, the holocaust it's probably one of the greatest achievements in human history and you guys are like "oh no, it never happened trust me", it's like those /x/ fags arguing about how the pyramids and every single structure ever build before christ was made by aliens.

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>it's this easy to bait Jow Forums kids

Because going against historical facts is retarded?

>Jow Forums is one person fallacy
Personally I don't know, and I think it's impact on current geo-politics or social impetus should be little and less.

But imprisoning and excoriating people for even ATTEMPTING TO VERIFY the scale and brutality of some of the crazy, outlandish, even cartoonish methods of mass-murder alleged to have been used should raise eyebrows and suspicions. If we can determine the last meal of a fucking dinosaur, we could easily verify if a literal "Holo-coaster" or "big lowering electric hot-plates in water" existed.
But one of those things is ILLEGAL.
Even expressing DOUBT about one of those things is ILLEGAL.
Fuck, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

We have to be consistent, that's Jow Forums's greatest strength. The fact that no matter how much paid shilling goes on they can literally watch the "opinion index" shift back to baseline between shifts.
Vigilance is the cost of freedom.

>made by aliens and not made FOR aliens
Why even build?

This kills the boomerpede

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Nope I’m sorry but no matter how much you wished it didn’t happen it will never change the fact that we killed 6 million Jews which is why gen Z will be the one to kill off nationalism

>6 million

Attached: millions die.jpg (990x1278, 361K)

Why do atheists respect islam so much?

It's not fashionable to insult them, and atheists are mostly leftists, so the highest sin is to not be fashionable.

And Russian Christians

The holocaust was an anti-colonialist uprising by indigenous Europeans against the j*wish occupation of Europe.

Doesn't that confirm then, that there at least six million jews in Europe before 1945?


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The joke went right past your head.



Look at the dates.
40 years before it "happended" they already knew that 6 million jews et cetera et cetera

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If only I could have fit "How Germany could have won ww2" on the cover

>not putting books on shelves spine facing out

Yeah, all those dead bodies and ashes found and shown to everyone.

it is most incorrect in the third panel that has writing on the cover. if "caust" is on the side of the opening, instead of on the side of the spine as it would be in western books, this implies the book is most liking asian or arab where they read right to left.


>virgin spinal shelfing vs chad open posture shelfing

Made the final pic more distinct

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I’m gonna need to see some documentation to confirm this. The victor gets to write history.

Can't you read? All the articles before 1945 talk about six million jewish lives being in danger, not that 6 million jews were holocausted.

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>muh qtard boomerisms
please stop this

great edit

cant believe people are falling for htis. Here's a (You)

sorry nigger it didnt happen

its about conditioning the mind

Thank you, I wanted to point that out too but I didn't want to be that guy. If they just mirrored the art it would have been fine.

See for clarification.

Nice, also digits.

Fuck off Macedonia it was funny, and you haven't been relevant in the last 2000 years.

Faggot Nazi. Sux it.

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((( )))

I love how the Poles have worked on takingcthe Holocaust back from the Jews. Jews were so butthirt by that.

I take no stance. If you don't like it, it's in your end.

That's not Macedonia.

yes it is my south macedonian friend :^)

>No orders to even execute prisoners
there are, but in retaliation for trying to escape, or some other partisan activity. executing partisans was legal, today we call them "terrorists"

of course, it wasn't from poison gas, it was from bullets.

>typical leaf shitpost