How would you react or think if you saw a girl dressed like this in public?

How would you react or think if you saw a girl dressed like this in public?

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kill myself because i would be in America.

This happens in Europe too. And this is assuming the person doesn't have dyed hair or is too weird.

look at her, shake my head, then continue to mind my own business.


Probably assume she has a cool taste in music

What kinda music you think she would like?

Nirvana, the beetles, Bassnectar and Skrillex, the good stuff

Lol this isn't me I'd assume punk.

Never heard of Bassnectar before gonna give him a listen, but good taste in terms of the others.

I would have assumed punk or some form of power rock/metal tho you can never assume. I mean I look completely normal but dig metal so idk. On a side note are they not crazy chicks that like metal?

Would never ever want to talk or look at her again. But happy that she dosent look like 99% of other girls.

I’m a sane metal chick. Don’t even suffer from depression, nor am I a neet.
Got a pretty normal life and with a happy and positive attitude. And I ask myself if there is any normal sane people out there.

What metal bands do you like the most?

Primordial, Dimmu Borgir, Vehememce, 3 inches of blood (my favorite). Etc

I dress like that and like nirvana and a bit of beetles, but that's not what I'm generally into. I do like a lot of unknown artists though.

>On a side note are they not crazy chicks that like metal?
Metal is garbage and generic, there's very few metal producers i like. Like White Mice or Deafheaven.

>would have assumed punk or some form of power rock/metal tho you can never assume
The only punk I deeply like is devo. I mean, I've liked same random old punk bands too but not as passionate about that music as the other stuff I generally listen to. Here's a plot twist: I like a lot of 1940s-1950s music, 1980s too.

Yeah you're right, but generally the people who dress like that tend to have somewhat uncommon tastes in music. I mean I look like a normal, plain girl, yet I listen to the weirdest shit sometimes.

Agreed with this. I might try talking with her but if she has overly liberal views, I'd slowly leave.

Just remember that’s a difference between being radical and liberal. Unless you’re a right wing cuck then she won’t be for you.

>Unless you’re a right wing cuck then she won’t be for you.

You left leaning parasites really think you are worth something dont you?

I have only really listened to the metal classics like Black Sabbath and Dio, but I just listened to 3 inches of blood and actually like it a lot. I will listen to the others you said later, but thanks.

>somewhat uncommon tastes in music.
Like what? im curious

I’m a centrist, but you wouldn’t know the difference because you get your political views from YouTube.

First album of 3 Inches of Blood will blow your metal mind. Enjoy random internet stranger

>Just remember that’s a difference between being radical and liberal
No there isn't. Both are brainwashed and brain dead. I don't even like right wingers because they're also corrupt as liberals, but slightly less.

>I’m a centrist
That's worse than leftist. You have no opinion. You are retard. Now fuck off from my sight peasant.

Centrists are retards. Literally nothing ever changes with centrists, because they're always afraid to offend someone, they always want to please both sides. Centrism has been proven to fail again and again. It will never work.

>t. was centrist when I was a dumb 15 year old

Well usually it's just your regular punk or metal, alt and indie shit are common as well. One of my friends dresses kind of similarly and she listens to older rock/post-punk mostly.

Honestly just hearing that there are normal chicks out there that listen to stuff I listen to is a breath of fresh air considering I have never met a non crazy one before.

silently judge her and go about my day.

We're out there. You just don't see us because, well, we look normal.

Its a shame that life works that way but gotta shower so peace

Any other whore who dresses to get the most attention from whichever group she's found it easiest to "be apart of" aka get attention from the men within it.
I'd probably be a little disappointed too, because usually these types of girls could be very pretty if they dropped the act and 6 pounds of makeup and hair dye

This isn’t D&D you dumb fuck. Centrist dosent mean “no opinion” good job, we now know you are a teenagers with autism

>implying you're not obscuring the face because she's cute.

Probably ask her out in the most horribly awkward way possible.

>Centrist dosent mean “no opinion”
Whats your opinion then? Other than saying that both sides suck.

Classical liberal ideals, putting the individual first etc.

then you are not centrist. You are liberal. Stop being bitch and pick sides.

Lure her with alcohol and drugs and compliments.
Easy lay, right there.

Some lo-fi artist she follows on soundcloud.

An we get back to metal/punk checks instead? Listening to the political opinions of angsty teenagers are so boring

Not the user you're replying to, but you are american, aren't you? Everywhere else it works like this: liberalism is the ideology of the center, conservatives are generally on the right, and communism is on the left.

Where do monarchists fall?

On slippery surfaces?

Could be either/or, but more often right-wing.

Who the fuck cares

Historically far-right, which is a main key to why they failed.

I figured
>why they failed
I disagree in one way, agree in another. Oh well. The world probably won't ever be great to live in again

She looks normal to me i guess

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I’d try to fuck her. Feminists are attracted to me for some reason. Maybe it’s because I’m black

Show bbc or gtfo!

Doubt it

Wouldn’t be surprised if she is subbed to @gangsterpopeye with the rest of her retarded wanna be ingram witches

Personally, you look like a tryhard. Nowadays is trendy to dress different, many girls who follow this trend don't have a personality, it's like they're trying to replace their personality with their "sense of fashion". I'd prefer a girl who looks average but actually has her own thoughts.

I dress like that but I wear 0 make up. I dyed my hair only 2 times in my whole life a shade lighter than my real hair. And I don't do it for "muh attention" because I already have a normal bf who isn't apart of some random edgy group, because he's busy with his job. The real reason I dress like that is for fun but also because, well.... Artists. Many of us dress weird because we like diy'ing clothes or wearing bright colors, my fashion sense got altered by the things I drew. In art school, everyone dresses a little weird too. Although your stereotype is true for a good 70% of people who dress like that, and I can't blame you for the misconception, but i wouldn't label everyone dressing like that as someone doing it for attention. I genuinely just really liked 1980s fashion with bright colors.

She used to look really really attractive actually, a face worth envy, but due to veganism, she now has severe pizza face syndrome. Has more acne than my bf did when he was a teenager with hormonal imbalance. It's a sad loss. I also once had awful acne when I was on a semi vegan diet, that shit fucks your skin up really bad. Immediantly going back to normal food and gaining weight fixed it though.

What if she's lesbian? Because she actually is

You're accurate. And indie crap.


I like your attitude.

Haha veganism don’t really alter your look in that way. But I laughed

That outfit, I would assume they would be an overly leftist, SJW type.
I dress similarly, but not quite. I'm into punk and have been for over half my life. I wear boots, a lot of black, band shirts, studs, battle jackets/vests.
I'm secretly right wing though. I was a naive liberal when I was young, now I'm old and redpilled, yet I don't think I'll ever outgrow being part of a subculture. I love it.

>Nowadays is trendy to dress different, many girls who follow this trend don't have a personality
>it's like they're trying to replace their personality with their "sense of fashion".
You're not wrong.

>I'd prefer a girl who looks average but actually has her own thoughts
Literally why is this relevant? Not trying to be rude but everytime someone makes one of these types of threads, a straight ass dude always has to bring up "x is more sexy to me".

Anyhow, yeah, you're right. This is how many make up for a lack of identity and hobbies. I dress like this and used to socialize literary with anyone who looked similar, only to find out they were all very boring and didn't have much variation from one another. They always talk about how much they hate men, veganism, horoscopes, how they believe in black magic and they tend to read too much about Wiccan stuff. You can tell they mostly sit at home on their pcs or they fried their brains out on drugs previously. Friends i had that were fun and interesting people, who switched to this style, turned their entire identity to just a living, walking, breathing sjw type ideology cliche. Not all of them are like this though, but most are. I met two that were pretty interesting people, and I wouldn't call myself part of the stereotype either. I have hobbies, I can hold hour long conversations with people about varied topics, I'm more on the conservative side, etc. The reason I dress weird is because I'm an artist who draws stuff, and to me customizing clothing is another form of craft I enjoy. Also art school ruined my taste in fashion, I guess.

>What if she's lesbian?
A lot of lesbians enjoy straight sex, as long as you are on their good side.

It literally does. You turn underweight, and it's a proven fact maintaining normal weight is very hard on the diet. Being underweight means high testosterone, low estrogen in women, hence why many vegan women don't menstruate and why vegan men have a lower sperm count. Bad hormonal issues and underweight leads to severe acne in some cases. I was on an on and off vegan diet, and eventually realized all it does is poison your body so I quit. Our stomach acid ph levels are that of lions, we are born to eat meat, not emaciate ourselves by eating plants we can't even properly digest. We aren't goddamn rabbits nor cows meant for eating grass.

That’s generally referred to being bi-sexual.
But yeah, I’ve slept with my lesbian friends. Just think they lie to themselves honestly

I have bad news for you if you think being alt-right is "redpilled". But you're probably not that type of right wing, so you might be OK.

It’s as much proven fact that a lot of people who go to vegan diet becomes overweight because they eat poorly... It’s a poor way to make a point this way

No one is born lesbian nor Bi, you become it, so any of them can be turned back to being straight too. I knew too many lesbians who dated men but just because they had one bad relationship, they'd switch to girls. I was Bi too then realized literal mother and father issues were the reason I became Bi in the first place. It's just trauma.

Not at all, I guess "redpilled" wasn't the right word to use due to that association.
Definitely right-leaning though.

Definitely, I believe it's because they have serious trust issues with men, probably due to abuse.

Vegans literally never go over weight. It's impossible when you are malnurishing your body of nutrition. Statistics will literally show you meat eaters have an average to large weight (depending if they eat junk food or not), vegeterian are slimmer, and vegans have the lowest weight. That's why veganism should never be a life long diet, it was created so people could starve themselves to go from fat to thin.

Yeah, don't say redpill. It's become a very alt right term. Especially hope you never say it outside of Jow Forums.

Ex Bi person, ex gay, can 100% confirm this. Every single gay or Bi friend i ever had was raped or abused in some way, or grew up with a single mom. It's not entirely due to trust issues necessarily, it's more so you longing for what you never had - a proper mother or father figure. Or due to fear of the opposite sex.

I mean it's not bad, if you feel comfortable with it, good for you, I'm not such an autist to assume straight up that you are a boring girl beause how you dress, I prefer finding out. But I see it this way, if I was a girl and saw a fit guy, I'd think "Damn this guy must be really charming and confident" and when you meet him it's just another sperg Jow Forumsfag who fell for the "workout=confidence" meme, huge dissapointment, right? It's like you make positive assumptions about someone based on how they "represent" themselves, but then they crushed them. On the other hand, if someone looks average but has a really interesting personality, that would be a huge surprise. Now the fact that you studied art makes you interesting enough, at least for me, although nowadays "art" is also trendy and kinda lost its depth.

Vegan food don’t lack nutrition. People would die, people are on this type of diet because it works. Maybe it dosent for you, and why would it. You clearly haven’t looked into this

>Ex Bi person, ex gay

You want to know how I know you're full of shit?

>although nowadays "art" is also trendy and kinda lost its depth
I miss the days only rich people were allowed to study art, back then bad art didn't over flood the market as it does now. Also, don't forget the fact art schools are full of propaganda these days, so if you aren't a mindless drone pre art school, they'll try to turn you into one afterwards. But teen me thankfully grew up in a conservative country where that didn't exist in our art schools. Also you sound like a decent guy, good views. But again, can't blame you, normally I'll assume people dressing like me are likely shallow, so when I do approach them, I try to be careful. If they turn out to be chill, then it's great.

Humans literally can't digest more than half the food on the vegan diet, you dolt.

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Wow, big shocker, sexual orientation can literally change. Most lgb teenagers in school grow up suddenly turning straight according to statistics. Are you butthurt because your faggot identity isn't real?

Vegans can be overweight
A lot just eat candy all day or processed vegan food.

I mean, you probably really have to try hard and be wealthy to accomplish that. Candy technically can't be vegan, small bits of non vegan stuff gets inside of it. Hence why vegan candy is a thing and costs more.

>Candy technically can't be vegan
>vegan candy is a thing

Yeah, vegan candy and normal candy are two different things. I meant general candy is something vegans can't consume, it's only vegan ones, which already are rare to find.


I hardly see how or why I would give a shit

who gives a rat's ass