Would you bang one of your female friends? I have a pretty big thing for one of my male friends, and I don't know if he's into me. He's a virgin and always talking about needing to get it over with and get laid. Is it a bad idea to offer to fuck him no strings attached?
Would you bang one of your female friends? I have a pretty big thing for one of my male friends...
yo desu sounds like the mother fucker is desperate, don't think he'd be able to do anything "no strings attached
That cannot end well and you know it. At the absolute least the sex will be bad.
>That cannot end well and you know it. At the absolute least the sex will be bad.
Get a load of this guy.
Absolute slimy cockblock faggot
>no strings attached?
oh there will be strings, in fact he'll latch on to you and you won't be able to breathe. guys get attached real easy to pussy
You don't think no strings attached as a bro favour would go down well?
It's a good idea. I hope you do it.
He will get emotionally attached, I'm sure. But it might be good for you to take one for the team. It's a lesson he needs to learn. He will grow as a man from it.
It's not a bro favor if it involves utilizing your own pussy.
He will get attached.
Don't you guys think it's better he goes through this experience with OP who is his friend, rather than with some poor unexpecting girl one day?
He'll get attached but he will get over it. And when he does, he'll be a non-virgin with a greater level of confidence.
If you don’t mind losing the friendship when he gets overly attached and don’t mind having terrible sex, sure...
but why?
90% chance of losing him as a friend afterwards. He'll get attached, you'll say no homo, he'll get bitter, school goes shooty. Better to go for a random girl.
The thing with guys in general, and especially inexperienced ones, is that they don't get hints, clues or nuance. You will have to explain everything beforehand. Straight up predict how he's going to feel, tell him what to do/not to do when he gets the inevitable attachment, how to deal with confusing feelings etc. Explain like he's 5, because that's how men are. And on the topic of sex this guy is 0.
I think you should go ahead with it. Random acts of kindness always restore that teeny bit of faith in humanity, and even more meaningful when done in spite of all the gatekeeping in this thread. Thanks for lightening up my day OP, I guess. Please let us know how it goes.
If he's a virgin after 20, there's something seriously wrong with him.
Why are you even friends with him in the first place?
>I have a pretty big thing for one of my male friends
>fuck him no strings attached
Do you like him or do you not ?
>t. Someone hoping he's the guy OP is talking about
Too risky if he's a virgin desu, but that depends on the dynamic of your friendship. You usually catch feelings the first time around and it can get really awkward if you do not share the same feelings.
>lmao this person wants something nice to happen they must have personal gain attached
Is it really that hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes?
Why would you ever fuck a virgin without him paying you?
Literally everyone else in this thread is correct in saying it's a bad idea it she doesn't want a relationship with him because he WILL get attached. Is it so hard for you to stop living vicariously through this random user and see that?
My Bestfriend's girlfriend (ex now) raped me 2 years ago. Or sexually assaulted. To be honest, I don't really know the correct terminology to use but I would not have had sex with her willingly and I was drunk out of my mind. A man has to have a code.
Let me count. 6 against, 4 in support, 2 unsure, and 1 shitpost.
That doesn't look like "literally everyone" to me.
Why are you trying to force your opinion, anyway? OP does what OP wants.
I want to say go for it because I'm in a similar situation and holy shit would I say yes if that was possible. But I probably wouldn't be the right person to ask.