Vargs vikernes

i just researched this guy in the last 30 minutes. what is Jow Forumss thoughts on him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

His daughter is fucking a nigger. So I don't know.

His daughter is riding the BBC as we speak. /ourguy/

He raised a coal burner.


retarded when it comes to neanderthals. he we wuz neanderthals just because there's a tiny fraction of a percent of neanderthal DNA found in Sweden (because of the tonnes of jews they took in during WWII). No idea how he manages to still believe this as the rest of Scandinavia and Northern Europe has about 0% neanderthal DNA. Middle Europe has about 1%. Southern Italy has 2-4% and the arab-peninsula has upwards of 20-60%.

Other than that he's a charming fellow.

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americans hate him because varg is 100% right. ignore the bs story about his daughter as his oldest child is 11.

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he does have an older daughter, but it's not true that she's getting blacked.

Huge faggot.

I met him once and when I told him my name --David-- he ripped me apart for having a Jew name and called me a kike.

This fucking faggots first name is Kristian.

He makes 5+ threads here every day. Check the archives. You can go back years, and there’s multiple threads every day.
Go read them instead of spamming this crap.

Varg's name is now "Louis Cachet." What kind of man takes the wife's surname? LOL

Larping is grandest delusion a modern white person can do. It’s pathetic.

Christianity had its issues. When given all authority, the Church was tyrannical and puritanical. But PostWW2, secularism won the culture war. Now without spiritual hierarchy and oversight, degeneracy is commonplace.

Take your Jew religion somewhere else.

The shills seem to be doing overtime today, that thot is NOT his daughter, this has been confirmed many times before

I don't hate him



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It's entertaining to watch his LARPdom, and occasionally he'll make some good points about where modern society goes wrong.
Can't help but cringe at the Norse Hinduism he and his autistic frog wife came up with, though.

old news

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does he actually believe in placentas or is he just pandering to his wife's fanfiction?

I love your meme

He's an edgy LARPing faggot and I don't recommend anyone take him seriously, regardless of whether or not they are Pagan or not. He makes us look like fucking idiots, which isn't a difficult accomplishment. Ted is right, and Varg is a faggot.

t. another edgy LARPing faggot

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Varg Niggernes is a retarded paganlarper, who was in jail for burning churches, which got rebuild by taxppayer money. He lives like a nigger and demands from his followers to life in a shitty shack throwing rocks at invaders while niggers, which surround him because France, have laser guns.

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Hes a murderer that makes hacky pseudo black metal

Used to be an edgy nazi sympathizer but is now a reformed man preaching pro-european values and being self-sufficient.
Pretty based dude.

Also I like his music


From what i see people are torn between the message he promotes and the dumb shit he has done before
by the way if you're a porn addict you are subhuman

He's the Dunning-Kruger effect personified.

Here are some things he's said in past videos:

>Capitalism is bad because greed and exploitation
>Feudalism is good because the strong should rule and weak should know their place

>Christianity is a Semitic desert religion and not European
>Christianity's traditions are Pagan

>All races should take pride in their people and heritage
>80% of Europeans are low IQ subhumans and are not my brothers

Basically, he's an edgelord who will say literally anything to be the edgiest guy in the room, even if it contradicts something he said five minutes ago.

dumb meme

Also, Jesu Tod is the only good song he's ever made:

Sometimes he's retarded, sometimes he makes good points. His wife's home vlog style videos are nice to watch if you're into that sort of thing. Also he was in prison for killing Euronymous, he never admitted to burning the churches and no one had any proof he did it either. Christians hate him because they know he's right about them and their part in the abandonment of traditional European paganism, culture and traditions.

retarded when it comes to most things*

>traditional European paganism, culture and traditions
Heil Odinn! Also buy his role playing book!


No thoughts, I don't think about men whose daughters get blacked.

Not bad. Bit too long and repetitive, though.

The faggot mods are vargshills, know the truth

At least he put effort in to writing multiple books unlike Survive the Support My Patreon and TGO, who does barely anything and then asks for money.
All three of them are retarded but at least Varg puts a bit more effort in and doesn't ask people to buy ugly ass t-shirts and protein powder.

Is it larping when Africans live like Africans always have? Or Asians, or Hispanics? Choosing to live like and honor what your own pre christian ancestors did is not larping. Nigger Israelites, beaner WASPS, comic con faggots now that's larping.

>le no fun welfare man

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He burned down a creepy church. Looks like the church of Satan
His daughter is taking black dick in all three of her fuckable holes so the guy is a loser only way to redeem himself would be to kill his daughter

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His ideas are generally correct, but he as a person is a larping hypocritical attentionwhore.

Why are americans so obsessed with nigger dick???

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He burned down a church. He will burn in hell for his crimes.

It's not end of the world if its a good wife and you don't have relatives, friends or family who you need to explain yourself to. But if he gets divorced then it's pretty humiliating to have your ex-wife's family name.

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Trust fund millionaire larping as a viking on his jewtube TV show

Cause they probably see them IRL since their youth with niggers publicly exposing themselves.

He's taken his medieval roleplaying a bit too far. He didn't have to destroy churches and murder people, he could have just picked up fencing like civilized people.