>campaign based on false info, absolutely refuse to listen to anyone saying your favorite leavers are lying
>nobody wants to be PM to carry out the task
>once the ball drops "brexit" isn't a thing reject any attempt to salvage the situation
>reject agreement after agreement the worse it gets
Fucking bongs it's gonna be hilarious when you beg to be let in without the rebate and without the opt-out of EU legislation
Campaign based on false info, absolutely refuse to listen to anyone saying your favorite leavers are lying
Other urls found in this thread:
They are too scared of the public's reaction to admit brexit is a failiure.
sorry bulgarskibros, we fucked up :(
Can we leave first before passing judgement? Clown.
>Can we leave first
Nah everybody is tired of Brexit, if the referendum were held down it would be 70-80% for remain. only the most deluded of chavs still want brexit because they blame the "FAWRINERZ" for "TAYKIN ARR JAWBZ"
>Can we first leave?
Since when were you under the impression that you could leave?
Leave what?
>MFW There are british citizens who bent their knee when macron called them a bunch of nationalist Cucks
America here, what the fuck is wrong with the EU
The problem with the EU is that it challenges US and Chinese hegemony
nice bait faggot
well they're not deluded, you are
>public's reaction
What they're gonna do? Make long faces?
Many MPs got into Parliament because they misguided voters and promised them the restoration of former british power and influence. If they were to cancel brexit, most of them won't be re-elected.
gas the EU
What about your officials? Who is going to feed them with (((us))) out of the picture?
the future looks bright
Gas Bulgarian officials too.... now that you are on it gas everyone who is involved in corruption, globohomo or censorship - so around 99% of all EU politicians
remember the eternal kraut
fake & gay
Reddit is leaking
(((We))) find your comment very offensive and anti-gnometic. Please note that(((we))) are aware where you keep your savings.
shut the fuck up pussy
The shrinking birthrates are to blame. Besides, their culture is truly unique. You have no excuse not to look past your own nose and see them for what they really are.
You think so?
If they leave this will happen within 6 months.
Fuck off D&C shill