
>Sky News stream
>Euro News stream
Guardian News stream

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I am enslaved by machines. But, like most slaves, I know deep down that I chose my fate. I calculated long ago that I preferred a life with mobile phones and computers to one without them. The price is high. It includes the loss of privacy, the unceasing availability to outsiders, the time wasted on the internet, the books unread, the conversations which never happened, the views from train windows that I completely missed as I checked my Twitter feed. I am sorry, but I am not that sorry.

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>50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

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wake up




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What THE FUCK is going on ? Quick non-eu tainted rundown now

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*blocks your extension*

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The government motion to extend the depart date is also based on if parliament agree her deal by the 20th. Which won't happen either. So it's a dead vote.

>The names Bond.
>Have-you-considered-the-long-term-effects-of-excessive-and-sustained-high-speed-driving-and-hard-accelerating-with-an-internal-combustion-engine Bond.
I look forward to the scene where the bad guy makes his escape as Eco-Bond is forced to hold off waves of henchmen at the quick charging station in the services just off the M25.

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> exit without deal can't happen
> no 2nd ref
> no deal off the table
> extension will be requested, but not automatically granted
> unless other unanimously agree to it
essentially they are just waiting for EU to kick them out so government doesn't have to take the blame of the aftermath

As far as im concerned the Leave campaign commited fraud against the people just to win as they out right lied regarding the NHS £350,000000 and admited it afterward, stay should sue leave for £350,000000 and a second referendum.

either mays deal passes or eu votes to give us an extension.
If one eu member says nay then we have a hard brexit.

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What is that gif from?

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You morons had your chance. You could've voted to stay. You could've made it easy on yourselves and accepted the EU's deal.

But noooo. You had to throw a tantrum. You had to reject everything the EU so graciously offered you. Don't expect us to grant this delay after all you've done to reject our kindness.

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They will ask for an extension of the leave date. For what? They don't know yet.
Maybe for a second referendum? No, they ruled that out tonight.
Maybe for general elections? No, no word about that.
Maybe for renogotiations on the deal? Very possible, even though the EU has already ruled that out, and categorically so.

So they will ask the EU for an infinite (*laugh*) extension of the leave date to negotiate a couple of more years. The EU will deny them that, and then the EU will be the perceived bad guy here and Brits can say "it wasn't our fault".

Anyway, it looks right now like a chaotic, hard Brexit on the 29th, i.e. friday two weeks from now.

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At which point she will seek a more substantial extension
This persistent fucking bitch is harder to get rid of than Michael Myers.

whats that animoo called?

Hope they tell us to fuck off desu. Not because I want to leave the EU, it would probably cost me a lot of money, maybe my job, and my wife may lose her right to be here.

We just don't deserve to be in it at this point.

the box, THE BOX!

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yeah, they actually hope boomers and middle aged folks will eat that excuse, but Britain's reputation is tarnished beyond repair on global level now lmao

girls und panzer.
Best anime.

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If the general feeling in the continent is "we are tired with this" why the fuck would the EU27 not veto the extension unanimously and force a May Deal or No Deal Westminster vote so there is a result within 2 weeks?

> expecting a 2 two years old political campaign to exist
> or have such money

Dense as a neutron star.

The bus said "We give £350 Million a week to the EU", which is correct for the most part, underneath it said "Let's FUND our NHS instead", it ever said "Let's give that £350 Million to the NHS instead".

It was simply showing how we could better fund our own services.

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>fat arse american slags
never was a form so sculpted to take the proud english cock


How did you make this post?

Yeah, this remoaner implication that people cannot understand rhetoric is insulting.

She is for Darjeeling only

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It’s a fucking cartoon you pathetic faggot

and yet 95% of leave voters voted leave because of that lie

few reasons:
1) unknown economic aftermath in financial sector that could start to topple dominos like Deutsche Bank etc.
2) 'muh European super state'
3) general public is not going decide this but political establishment instead
4) Italy, Visegrad etc will use this to further twist EU's nipples to get more concessions and further cuck Brussels
5) Remainers are ready to backstab and whore UK back in as submitted good, little girl

That said, unless EU cucks to veto-ready members, you'll be forced to have May Deal - No Deal vote again (both of which will be rejected), crash out & ParliamentS will try to wash their hands of this shit show & aftermath.


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You got evidence to back that up? Or are you just pulling figures out of your arse.

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So's your face.

95% of leave voters voted leave because of the banter

leave campaigned on that line

prove me wrong

But you won’t be able to better fund your own services. That’s the entire point.

95% of leave voters voted leave because they are stupid gammon faced fucks

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face it mate, you cant handle the banter

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Go have a famine on an island surround by fish.

You got evidence that 95% of leave voters voted leave because of that bus? The country was incredibly Eurosceptic way before that bus was in town.

I personally voted leave so I could watch you cry.

tfw don't have to hear about people asking for a second referendum anymore

Brexit traitor list:

>if i keep on saying "gammon" maybe one day i'll get as many (you)s as eddie


Amen brother

traitors for up holding the power of parliament this is what you brexit people wanted

Lol. Can’t fish when you can’t afford a boat :). There was never a food shortage during the famine. Brits just didn’t like feeding people. We export something like 5 times more food than we consume atm.

>The country was incredibly Eurosceptic
this. that's why we had a referendum lol it's not difficult

kek. The true nature of the left i.e remainers by and large has been exposed for all to see this last 2 years. They will and would happily see your wishes and wellbeing fucked off at the high port and your families as well. Terry Christian is regularly on TV smiling as he describes Leavers losing their jobs.

I've been putting off leg day so much lads.
I'm out of time now though, have one last kay.

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>Infographic for ants
>Unsupported png
well done you muppet.

Report the bot

Remainiac boomers are becoming fash.

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Hang on, lad. Blame Guido for being a stupid cunt.

Ta user.

The true believers are more than happy to pay this price.

our lab has lost funding for my research project on lung cancer brexit.

leave voters explain why you support killing people?

>Potato nigger
There, your argument is invalid

It's a sick twist of irony that we now rely on the EU to deliver us No-Deal Brexit, only now achievable through an extension rejection. They've said previously that they don't want an extension, hopefully they follow through

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>Incredibly, Steve Barclay who closed the debate for the Government in favour of the motion then went and voted against it, while May’s Chief Whip Julian Smith abstained…

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>unfeasibly short hip height
Do you like boys, user?

Not even joking right now. Mays plan is this.

Hold ANOTHER vote on her deal by the 20th. If it passes (which it wont) then she goes to the EU and asks for a short delay to pass any legislation required to make this deal law.

If her deal doesn't pass then they have to figure out why they want to delay Brexit.

This "delay" is just Mays 3rd attempt at getting her deal passed.

Friendly reminder that economic prediction is a very unexact science. So much so that this was predicted on a leave vote and the economy got stronger. This is the millenium bug all over again. Councils brexit funding is a drop in the swimming pool compared to what they get from Westminister.

Leg day is overrated
unless you are a lanklet

Ever wondered why we elect governments? Because if you give 46 million people a decision you get 46 million separate agendas all based around their own mainly selfish needs and concerns. A government is supposed to take decisions for the good and benefit of the nation as a whole. Referendums don't work. They create division as is clearly evident. I get the feeling the world is happy to sit back and view us as a social experiment in how a wealthy developed nation can spiral into chaos if you Let the lunatics run the asylum

Wasn't there an MP today citing that there's a rule of parliament that a decision that has been taken, i.e. her rejected deal, may not be put before parliament again?

This. I made a point yesterday thus; leave will always be a brave and patriotic vote, and remain will always be an anti-patriotic and fearful vote. The fact that there are still remainers AFTER we have voted really makes the noodles limp, like a traitorous antidemocratic 5th column

Salty remainers everywhere.

Millennium bug was a big deal though. Several nuclear reactors shut doeb over it and shit, but billions was spent upgrading systems ensuring nothing would happen.

Then when nothing happened brainletts said “hurrrrrr, id wuz noffin”

Or you just leave the EU as was voted for and it would be no big deal.

>Sources: CBI, HM Treasury
Economic forecasting 15 years into the future is like voodoo anyway, they might as well look at a chicken's entrails.

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Posts like yours make me support it

Yeah, and it's true. But she doesn't care.

Either she is legit retarded and still thinks her deal has any chance of passing, or she is just stalling for a no deal because she knows her deal wont pass and each time she forces a vote on it no deal gets closer.

what was the margin on denying 2nd ref?
Also share the salt & call Remoaners fascists with your sock puppet accounts lmao

and lose trillions in money, million of jobs and trade on WTO terms with 50% traffis on everything ok

>leave voters explain why you support killing people?

I’m a remainer but I also support killing people. What a dilemma.

Yes, Chris Bryant, but he withdrew the amendment. At the end of the day it's up to the Speaker.

This whole fucking thing became a farce 2 years ago, at this point it's just embarrassing

So not only are you exporting 5 times more food than you consume but also you are fucking fortune tellers as well?

Wow that EU gibs works wonders.

you disagree with funding medical research?

>lose trillions in money

What emendment was that? The first had a margin of 4 votes I think, the second just 2, the thrird was overwhelmingly voted down.

Fuck me, a based lawyer
>The 2016 referendum involved a promise from those who govern to those who are governed to the effect that the former would implement the instruction given by the latter.
>That instruction was subsequently brought into law by primary legislation.
>Those who now seek to frustrate that promise might reflect on the possible consequences of their actions.
>The rule of law depends upon an implicit relationship of trust between the ruler and the ruled based on the idea that the law cannot be improperly manipulated to meet the sectional interests of small groups of people.
>The risk run by those who seek to stop the Brexit process is that an idea might start to germinate: “If the Government does not obey the law, why should I?”
>If that idea spreads, then the adverse consequences of Brexit, at its worst, will seem like a walk in the park
>Anthony Crean QC


Do you actually remember it or are you reading reddit reminisce threads? I do, it was a big nothing burger generated by con men who charged mega money as "IT consultants".

All that happened was one train station ticket machine clock somewhere malfunctioned. There was a grand total of 0 casualties.

rubbish. imagine if after the referendum, everyone got together and accepted the result, how powerful this country could have been in negotiations with the eu. opportunity thrown away by the selfish and the stupid. the reason they didn't unite can be found in the media and the political leadership. leadership isn't a meme btw, those politicians who deliberately tried to undermine the results of the referendum are traitors, not leaders. maybe all this time in the eu has robbed this country of actual leaders.

Huge, because le People's Vote campaign told their MPs not to vote for it. They want to push it at the last minute. The big news today is the Benn amendment not passing, that would have been near-fatal.

It’s fun to have brains :)

I disagree with lying redditors bullshitting on here

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Please Italian Jesus, let this man save us

Lol. Did you even read what I said? You are litterally the person I’m describing in the last sentence. Great job.

Holy fuck Reddit is leaking

The value of the pound has drop
Our growth is slowing
major companies have already left the UK because of brexit

The City of London has had £800 trillion trade moved to EU nations. You need to do some more reading on this matter

He is right, people who say "but it was an advisory referendum" are forgetting it was then brought into law by this group of MPs. For them subsequently to repeal it brings the whole of politics into disrepute.