Oy vey

what should i do right now, fuck hamas fuck islam

Attached: לכידה.png (661x485, 522K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Quick, give them another 38 billion

Attached: 72D23480-215A-4537-A76D-DE59EA382C47.png (509x484, 256K)

Call king shabbos goy! HUUUURRRRYYYYY

Get back to the oven, that is your home.

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AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You're getting wiped off the map

fuckoff cunt

Based and redpilled

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israel's probably just firing rockets at empty buildings to justify a counter-offensive that'll fail spectacularly but position them to beg Uncle Donald to bail them out.

>what should i do right now

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american trash

Attached: הורד.jpg (261x193, 11K)

oy vey shut it down

you don't seem like you belong here, and i'm not referring to your flag



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Gas yourself schlomo

go outside mudslime

Hit close to home? I'm sure your grandfather was 3 away from being gassed through the wooden door. Maybe it was just before he took a nice swim at the pool and watched a classical music show.

nope, i fine, fuckoff

haha, i hear the explosion, you're not funny btw


how is the life in your shithole country? fucker

Run towards the loud noises. Be a hero for your people instead of an internet whiner. Coward.

No worries, it's just nutty-yahoo doing a false flag so he can bomb Gaza, a blood sacrifice for Purim.

In 2019, Purim begins at sunset on Wednesday, March 20, and ends at sundown on Thursday, March 21.

The Purim Angle in Israel's Gaza Attack
February 28, 1991—President George Bush Sr. announces a halt to "Operation Desert Storm"—one day after U.S. aircraft carry out a massive bombing of a retreating Iraqi convoy in what became known as the "Highway of Death."

March 18, 2003—the U.S. proclaims a "coalition of the willing" of 30 nations in support of war—while the following day, March 19, President George Bush Jr. announces the start of "Operation Iraqi Freedom."

March 19, 2011—NATO begins bombardment of Libya, with the US firing Tomahawk missiles from ships in the Mediterranean into the Tripoli area, and French fighters carrying out attacks in the region of Benghazi

The Dates February 28, 1991, March 18, 2003, and March 19, 2011 all coincided with the holiday of Purim, a day on which Jews celebrate events related in the Book of Esther. Has anyone noticed that Israel’s latest attack on Gaza also comes very close on the heels of Purim? This year Purim was celebrated last Wednesday and Thursday, March 7-8. On Friday, March 9, the Israeli attack on Gaza began. Are Israel’s leaders trying to send us a message?

The Purim angle is analyzed below in an article by Mark Glenn.


whiner? fuckoff alt right trash cnt


The nazis were onto something.
The day of the rope is approaching.

fuck all of you, fuckers

Based latin bro

if you sit around smelling your own farts does that count as being gassed?

Pretty good. No bombs no earthquakes desert or kikes

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Karma for your parasitical tribalism khazar bigger

hopefully shit yourself and die


Die and go to hell?

Attached: E163564E-08E9-4A20-9FC4-E3F0E8348716.jpg (680x756, 283K)

You brought this on yourself. Now get glassed

Attached: quote-anti-semitism-is-nothing-but-the-antagonistic-attitude-produced-in-the-non-jew-by-the-albert-e (850x400, 80K)


my favourite part of israel is the north where it's woodland
was comfy but the cities are a bit dirty in general

Press S to spit on OPs smouldering corpse

No, u jew, gas yourself


heh heh

based Blumpf

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Run into the fire



Attached: Israeli-flag-on-fire.jpg (962x768, 155K)

You should take up arms and defend your country instead of expecting everyone else to, filthy kike trash


(((We))) need a war
(((We))) need a war to show 'em
(((We))) need a war to show 'em that (((we))) can
(((We))) need a war to show 'em that (((we))) can do it
Whenever (((we))) say (((we))) need a war

If they mess with (((us)))
If (((we))) think they might
mess with (((us)))
>If (((we))) say they might
mess with (((us)))
If (((we))) think (((we))) need a war
(((we))) need war

(((We))) need a war
If (((we))) think (((we))) need a war
(((We))) need a war
If (((we))) think (((we))) need a war

>A war to make (((us))) feel safe
>A war to make 'em feel sorry
Whoever they are

If they mess with (((us)))
If (((we))) think they might
mess with (((us)))
>If (((we))) say they might
mess with (((us)))
If (((we))) think (((we))) need a war
(((we))) need war

(((We))) need a war
If (((we))) think (((we))) need a war
(((We))) need a war
If (((we))) think (((we))) need a war

Can (((we))) do it?
Sure (((we))) can

(((We))) need a war
(((We))) need a war
(((We))) need a war
(((We))) need a war
(((We))) need a war
(((We))) need a war.

allah souria bashar u bas

Go outside and take a rocket up the ass.

Sure, just like the masturbation machines or the giant electric pool or the plywood doors of the gas chambers or the bear and eagle or the acid jew vats or the etc......

lemme know when you get sploded schlomo

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embrace this diversity, dont be an islamophobe you nazi.

This is how Jews truly feel about us! Stop supporting Israel! Also fuck jews I honestly hope you all die!

This was a blatant false flag set up by Israel to give them an excuse to bomb Gaza. I wouldn't be surprised if the bombing will be used as a blood libel ritual to garner satanic support for Netanyahu to win the election.
