Just lost my virginity
I feel the same. It's a meme.
Just lost my virginity
Anal virginity doesnt count, faggot!
>that image
>implying cancer cares about you
>implying the cells are not designed to let you die of old age for the sake of children you never will have nor want
Your cells don't care about anything.
Also, OP, if you don't lose it when a child it'll taste as bad as booze would if you were to try it as an adult rather than grow up on it like humans were supposed to. Past teen ages you're forever damaged if no sex life until after then.
What the fuck
I lost my virginity at 19 and I love sex. It didn't change my life or make me any different, though.
Did you lose it in a hookup/escort or in a relationship?
told you so, faggot.
I'm 18. You're probably right, it probably gets worse with age.
I literally didn't care about being a virgin before, and I don't after.
I don't love sex, I guess I like the cuddling/intimacy more than the physical pleasure.
I didn't think otherwise. I am just telling others.
>Also I had to go to Walmart and buy condoms halfway through because I didn't plan on fucking her, we we're supposed to get breakfast
I tell incels how overrated sex is all the time and they usually don't believe me because normies like exist. Like ya, it's alright, but most of the time getting sex isn't worth the effort unless you genuinely enjoy spending time with a girl and aren't just horny, which is rare because most women have shit personalities. I'd honestly rather jack off to porn than hook up with some random thot. My hand is tighter than most roasties and porn is hotter than most roasties.
>we we're
It's amazing you even got a gf in the first place
100%. I only had sex with this girl because I like her a lot.
Is normie now a term for people who enjoy having sex with a loving partner?
It's phone posting.
Clarifications needed
Do you love the act of sex or all that it comes with?
One year past highschool and you think you had it early enough to be an acquired taste?
Eighteen is a bit late too.
>>incel means virgin
Blithering normalfaggots from redd*t should leave.
You two are probably introverts, or nerds, or weeaboos, or all three combined into one horrible mess. That's fine, you're definitely gonna live a much happier life that way. You could probably live a whole life just working for money, playing video games and watching anime and be happy and content.
But for people like me, who are essentially "normalfags" and crave human attention and affection, yet we still happen to be kissless dateless virgins due to autism/anxiety/fear... We're just fucked. We're totally, irreparably fucked. We will never be satisfied because the thing we crave most is the thing we cannot get. You can't turn off your urges. I NEED human intimacy, I just do.
>18 is a bit late
Isnt it generally 16-18 when people lose their virginity?
I'm an introvert, yes. But I still crave attention and affection.
You're not fucked. Literally 6 months ago I couldn't go to the store because I feared talking to the cashier. Then I got a job that forced me to interact and now 6 months later I am a new person.
Can anyone tell me in this thread how to remove the stench off pussy from my fingers?
I tried soap, various kinds of alcohols and a floor cleaner.
Dammit, do I need to use fucking bleach?
Incels. Dont. Want. Sex.
They want the companionship and the traditional family values that the modern day arrogant slut cannot provide for anyone, ever.
I didn't notice it but my fingers smell now too. Fuck, my car, clothes, phone. Everything probably smells
There is no hope for me, user. I've improved my social skills leaps and bounds, but there is still one thing I cannot do, that shakes me to the core. I cannot ask out women, or flirt with women, or make any kinds of moves on them at all. It terrifies me. I'm terrified of romantic rejection.
And because girls never make the first move, I will be a virgin forever. All because i was cursed.
Not sure what you mean. I have a partner that I love, and when we have sex it makes me feel good. Simply being around her and our relationship in general also makes me feel good, but in different ways.
That being said I get a little irritable if we go too long without sex, but that's due to lack of release because I avoid masturbating because porn makes me depressed.
A loving healthy relationship often includes sex because it's a very intimate and immediately rewarding way to bond with your partner. Some people just aren't into sex though, and that's fine so long as both parties are on the same page.
IMO losing your virginity doesn't mean much, but eventually finding someone you truely connect with and can have a mature relationship does.
It really doesn't mean much. The best sex is with someone you care about and know well, have good connection with... And the best sex with them isn't the first time either, it's when you learn each other's bodies and likes and dislikes
Had that only once in my life so far and such an amazing experience
You can't or you haven't forced it? You aren't born knowing how to speak, you learn it after thousands of hours watching others do it and trying to do it yourself and failing until one day you finally spit out "mommy" or "daddy", then 10 years later you're speaking a complex language.
It's the same for everything you mention.
Same, I get irritable too. I guess I mean that sex isn't the point for me. The point is to make her happy, and get closer to her and bond and be intimate, and sex achieves all of that
You're probably right
Then they have both named themselves wrong and cry way too much about how looks matter on hookup apps
I guess nuance isn't your thing. Or are you just pretending to not understand what he said?
Sex is great what is wrong with yall either yous some false flagging incels or got circumcised too hard
That's what happens when you believe that sex is going to magically fix your problem, you will feel 15-20 mins of pleasure and after that poof , you're still the same.
Please don't say this.
Women like me need to be fucked and used.
I've only slept with one person, the one time. I feel the shame of wasting myself, but if I hadn't stopped myself then, I would've gotten addicted to the cock of someone who was just using me.
Please become loyal to a woman and give her your cock, it's precious to women like me.
Everyone wants that you stupid nigger. sand nearly nobody gets it. 90% of the world isn't incel. You are volcel in that case. God you fags are dumb
My gf's pussy never smells like anything. Sometimes I want to sniff my fingers after or her panties but there's never any scent. It's both a curse and a blessing. Her pussy tastes heavenly too
For any anons lurking here and wondering: for many (if not most) people sex has the potential to be fucking amazing, but it's not INHERENTLY amazing. That's a big difference.
When people talk about how much they love sex it's like talking about how much you love music. You love GREAT music, you love the very best music you know, you don't love elevator music. That goes without saying.
Acting on all the attraction and/or love you feel with a partner you trust, whose body you know, someone you are sexually compatible with, is bliss. Penis in vagina in itself is not.
Thanks for the LARP, faggot. Now that you've gotten it our of your system, it's time to go drink bleach.
Absolutely this.
I've only had sex with my current boyfriend, but there's such a big difference between the sex in our first 2-3 months and sex now. At first it was good, but we still didn't know eachother's bodies very well, we didn't tell eachother all the things we fantasized about and we didn't know the perfect spots/best moves to make the other go over the edge. Almost 2 years later and the sex is better than ever, we know our bodies really well and we both learned what the other one likes. I honestly don't get how so many people enjoy one night stands, it just seems like an endless stream of average sex to me. Perfect sexual chemistry seems quite rare so that both parties have mindblowing sex from their first time.
loss of virginity apparently does have some pretty serious consequences on the brain, which can harm relationships. I’ve been subject to abandonment after loss of virginity myself and I’m rather worried about the effects.
>slept with 1 gf and 1 hooker
FUCK, this could've been so much better if I contained myself, well atleast I'm not like my friend who's stats are 2 gfs and 10 hookers, poor fucker has given up on love
Not only that, but the female body supposedly contains chemicals which, though they’re intended to prevent their husbands from cheating, do so by damaging his capacity for social bonding with females, which if you’re in the unfortunate situation of being abandoned can mess you up completely. I’m still desperately trying to figure out the combination of chemicals I need to pump into my body to negate that.
I literally said I enjoy sex and have it regularly, it just didn't "change my life". Are you retarded?
>Thinking that mashing your naughty bits together with somebody is going to profoundly change you as a person
Escorts dont count OP.
It only counts in a LTR.
I expect that's not what you did.
And you're SHOCKED that empty sex is empty?
And who exactly are you fucking, retard? A woman you're madly in love with, or a less-than-worthless rando?
told you so.
Sex does nothing to radically change your life. This is a reply in literally every sexless wonder's thread.
>the female body supposedly contains chemicals which, though they’re intended to prevent their husbands from cheating
That sounds like pure bullshit to the point where I could actually believe it
>incels think sex will be exact to their unrealistic fantasies and change their lives forever
I mean it’s no more unbelievable than “human semen contains chemicals which, when introduced to the womb, can develop into another person.”
I’m honestly not sure how people think they can chalk the various studies done on this up to ‘social conditioning’ and think that literally exchanging bodily fluid does nothing.
>s-sex is so pointless you guys d-don't bother with it it doesn't even feel that good you guys, have you heard of MGTOW
>lso, OP, if you don't lose it when a child it'll taste as bad as booze would if you were to try it as an adult rather than grow up on it like humans were supposed to.
You're a legit tard. Kids don't need pussy or booze, they're naturally fucked up and happy.
I'm literally one of the people in this thread advocating for sex with an intimate partner. Can you not understand there's a difference between "sex is great" and " losing your virginity vastly improves and changes your life" ?
What he's saying isn't technically true. I think he was exaggerating with his language like it's not like if you don't lose your virginity by the time you're 12 you're a broken human being, iirc most people lose it when they're college-aged.
Think of it like being into Emo music or Fortnite or whatever other bullshit that teenagers are typically into. Obviously if a 35 year old started to listen to Linkin Park it wouldn't sound as good as it would to a 16 year old.
>What he's saying isn't technically true
*isn't technically false