Gay Irish president brings his boyfriend to meet Mike Pence

Leo Varadkar, the actual leader of Ireland, is a half-Indian mongrel and literal faggot. Is Ireland flying under the radar as the real most degenerate country in the West?

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BWAHAHAHAHA Ireland and Pence got poo'd

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how the fuck did he get elected??? i didn't think that irish were faggots to such a point. wtf

He wasn't actually elected

Still not as gay as Trudeau, I think we can all agree on that

He didn't. The previous PM stepped down a year after getting elected and the party appointed him. The so-called "right wing" party too.

> I think we can all agree on that

no I don't think so at all. He's literally out in the open gay Indian. It's an absolute humiliation for you. You should just emphasise that he is not elected and just part of the progressive agenda, a diversity hire if you will.

Mike Pence is such a smug asshole, I hate it. And I voted for Trump.
He seems like he thinks so highly of himself and that he's so high and mighty despite being completely useless. The Vice President literally does nothing.

jfc what a disgrace. i hope this shit doesn't happen to us.

What is he thinking?

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More orgies happen in politics than we think

>implying you spergs don’t whack it to degenerate lolicon, take drugs or alcohol, sleep around

/poll/ is full of hypocrites

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>"right wing" party
all right wing has been hijacked long time ago and consists mainly of faggots\cia-shills

true right wing unerstand that there is no fair play in politics and the solution is war.. but who's up for a war? nobody. eveybody just wants to live in peace even if it means having faggots and niggers all over the place doing ridiculous shit

follow the wives

He is an unelected shitskin that has went out of his way to destroy Ireland.

we aren't politicians. Many people are religious and do degenerate things. When priests start doing those things it's a problem. We don't want those people in power and authority or to represent us.


A bit like I drink a lot, but don't want my politicians to do the same

It sure as fuck isn’t right wing, the only right wing party in Ireland is the National Party, and they haven’t even registered yet.

Iceland had a gay Prime minister. Bet you don't think they're cucks

While Pence believes that faggots are going to Hell (correctly) he doesn’t seem to have this seething hatred of them that lefties imply. I’m sure he didn’t care if he had to pose in a photo with a couple queers.

They’re huge cucks. So are you. No enjoy your abortions and mandatory Muslim training class in your schools.

Enjoy cutting baby dicks without anesthesia and being a Jewish vassal state
You're way more fucked than you realise

Icelandics are vikings despite having a gay leader. But the Irish were already cucks and confirmed it by electing a literal mongrel faggot to expedite their descent to hell on earth.

your country put a faggot in charge, no one is that cucked

I honestly don't think I've ever seen a half-poo that pale.

There once was a Irish poo queer
Who embarised all countryman near
He visited pence
Was thrown back over the fence
Never to reappear


a lesbian old woman ( Scotland has the same) is hardly in the same league as a a gay Indian. Also despite being extremely liberal they are probably the least cucked country in Europe. They don't have hoards of Nigerians roaming around like Dublin and they don't have population replacement plans like Ireland's 2040 plan

It's okay, they said "no homo"

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Alright nigger

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*blocks your path*

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then how did he become president?

while we are well and truly fucked your stupid god damn country has completely imploded incredibly quick giving up your entire identity as a nation to become a tax haven for corporations and an EU dumping ground

That's exactly the point I was making and kinda what was coming to mind. Bad acts are worse and undermine everything when carried out by people in power. We expect regular people to make mistakes. Those in power we expect to be infallible. That's not hypocrisy.

You are free range Jewish cattle

not about us we're talking about how gay and disappointing you are.

The Bible really couldn't be clearer about it. So Pence knows that truth is on his side and knows to not rise to the provocations of a couple of Sodomites.

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lmao USA has the best 5 year, 10 year whatever year outlook out of all Western predominately white countries because the creation of wealth actually occurs on this side of the Atlantic

what the fuck

Which one is the "mummy"?

I don't masturbate.
I don't take drugs.
Never had sex.
Checkmate, I disdain degenerates.


It's funny, Irish leftists hate him in spite of being a gay half poo. Ireland has no real rightwing so they can't stand him for being kinda centrist from a "privileged" background.




The IRA is bombing us again out of anti-English racehate, yet are perfectly fine with a shitskinned faggot as leader. This is insanity-level cognitive dissonance.

How can they tolerate this? What is the point of independence under these humiliating terms? Why hasn't he been bombed when they bomb fellow celts just for having around a 30% germanic admixture? Wouldn't it be better for Ireland just to admit that independence was a mistake?

It is the anglo man's burden to do all we can to save Northern Irishmen, both Catholic and Protestant, from succumbing to these unprecedented, unfathomable levels of cuckoldry.

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New faggot mixed breed Irish vs Chad conservative pure blood Irish American.

Where did it all go wrong? I say that as an Irishman.

lol suck it up gramps

Icelanders are like 50 percent Irish lmao.


double nigger

Is that gargoyle Pence's wife?

>defending homos while talking about sucking

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Just so you know, nobody likes this degenerative half caste in Ireland, especially the gay community. His own father hates him. Leo only cares about one thing, him career, Ireland isn't even enough he wants to be president of the EU

go back to pakistan, honestly...

secret services creating tension over the border for negotiations clout

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look at the facial expressions
deep down those fags know how gay they are

>when in the privacy of your own asshole becomes publicly lampoon world leaders for not wanting to touch your E. coli hands

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I'm not circumcised. My dad wouldn't let them do it.

>when in the privacy of your own asshole becomes publicly lampoon world leaders for not wanting to touch your E. coli hands
Has anyone even... What?

Cheney did quite a bit. Depends how much the President let's them get away with.


why are white americans so short?

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He's reevaluating what his electricity bill for this month is going to be.

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Fairy niggers led by a nigger fairy.
Seems about right.
Every time the Anglo-Saxon horde sweeps in we kill most of them, but they are quite good at running and hiding.
Maybe we should use cockroach baits next time.

We are what at this point? 80% Irish and falling rapidly. 20% drop in 20 years. Our cities are overrun, we have a gay paki as taoiseach and there is commie propaganda spray painted to every second wall. You are dreaming if you think we are anything but fucked.

At least you're free of the Saxon yoke!

allowing the irish into the US at all was a mistake

Our Ambassador to Washington is glaring at him with a look of disgust.

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>about those beans

It's all about time and place. Put aside your differences to achieve greater things. Nobody is saying pence isn't repulsed, but again time and place.

Mike looks like he's getting a finger up the bum

>being this mad

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