How come Chad gets to lay in bed all day and eat pizza and still looks beautiful while we have to slave away in the gym 7 days a week 5 hours and eat cardboard everyday just to look average?
How come Chad gets to lay in bed all day and eat pizza and still looks beautiful while we have to slave away in the gym...
Because he's Chad duh
How dumb r u
If you actually worked out for 5 hours a day, 7 days a week. You could have 3 pizzas a day
You're doing something wrong dumbass. It's as simple as calories in calories out. You could eat like shit and still look great if you do proper bulking / cutting cycles and do an effective workout.
Because fairness is not inherently part of life.
Fitness is one of the few things we actually do have control over, the thing is, most people are too stupid to do the proper research required to see results. Guy in OP pic didn't get born with that body, OP is delusional.
"Chad" eats pizza and heavy carbs because he burns an incredible amount of calories in the gym and that kind of caloric intake is necessary for gaining muscle. The funny part is that building muscle has nothing to do with being a Chad, you just don't know how to eat and exercise. You're delusional.
Because you chose to be part of the cult of incels.
Because he fucking works out enough to eat it. You think the rock has 3 huge ass meals a day for no reason? You're actually autistic, and if you worked out that much you would need 2 tons worth of pizzas to survive.
Stop being lazy and workout as much as you boast, then eat the right foods unlike the daily McDonald's Tendies I know you really eat.
>3 pizzas a day
Only if working out is 5 hours of swimming laps or jogging half the time.
Listing weights requires only gratuitous protein as I understand it. Your legs burn more than huge arms and chest even without built legs. >stop eating
>get stomach problem or constipated
>what if bad joints
You assume much.
Oh, sorry, you're right. My post should have been more considerate of all the diseased old men who are incapable of working out. My bad.
he doesn't actually eat the pizzza dumbass or if he does not that often.
>The funny part is that building muscle has nothing to do with being a Chad, you just don't know how to eat and exercise. You're delusional.
You can get there too. Muscle raises your base metabolic rate. Get swol enkugh and it gets harder to get fat.
Are you retarded?
>he doesnt go Dante mode
chinese genetically enhanced kid doesnt have this problem
Oh, I didn't realize you were old and diseased! In that case, maybe you should get some advice from your doctor shouldn't you faggot?
Or maybe, just maybe, you could go swimming! Or perhaps fast. Oh man, that's a thought in'it?
Stop being such a fucking faggot, that is the only piece of advice you need.
that pizza is probably 4000 calories which would take 40 miles and at least 5 hours running
i doubt it
I can eat litterally anything as long as i fuck and do push ups i don't take weight
also in everyday life chad does not walk like you, does not breath like you does not think like you
he uses is body in a more primarly mode wich perfects the male body
weak mind weak body
Because his parents worked hard. You can have chad as a son if you work hard, too.
Thanks Socrates!
>carbs needed for muscle building
I'm not sure if retarded or
>running is the only form of exercise
No wonder you’ll never make it
You gotta lift bro
just get your mom to donate Chad a egg, inject his sperm into the egg, and inject your sperm into the egg as well.
You will then have a half chad clone of yourself.
>you can only have bad joints if old
My sternum has popped when doing pushups since I was in my early twenties. I had my first pile at age twenty. My rotator cuffs are bad due to genes and make crumbling and popping noises when rotated. All you can do is walk all day and I chaff so fuck that. You don't have control over being fit. Bad food is cheaper, it's so hot I'll die of renal failure, etc.
Internal motivation being genetic notwithstanding, because you are basically born unfit.
>lifting burns more cal than cardio
Muscle simply existing burns calories.
Have fun slamming your knees against the pavement for an hour to burn 200 calories on a good day.
You are an exception, not the majority. Majority of people are just lazy and don't want to workout and eat right.
the received wisdom about obesity from the 1950's is wrong. a calorie is not a calorie. this is accepted by leading nutritionists in top universities today.
insulin causes obesity. the way fat is stored is that insulin shoves blood sugar into the liver where it is converted to fatty acids and then distributed to fat cells where insulin promotes storage over usage. if you have a raised insulin level then anything you eat will be stored as fat without being used. starving yourself by eating cardboard will reduce your metabolic function and increase hunger. elevated insulin can take a while to decrease, additionally the liver will eventually fill up with sugar and fat causing non alcoholic fatty liver syndrome, it can take several months for this condition to reverse, you are unlikely to see real weight loss results before this happens.
if you are on a starvation diet and lose weight that is NOT a good thing, you are atrophying muscle mass and important organs are cannibalizing themselves to stay alive. you must continue to eat. but eat in a way that reduces insulin. so cut out all sugar, all artificial sweeteners which can also stimulate insulin even if they don't raise blood sugar, and most carbs. even complex carbs with fiber will raise your blood sugar eventually even if they do it slowly.
cut all sugar, and most carbs and wait for three months, you will sweat pounds.
>the fitness experts on Jow Forums
Start drinking kefir, you'll get cravings for salad and not much else.
Only if you do cardio would muscle being there burn calories more.
lol no muscle burns calories AT REST
not a huge amount but more than if you didn't have it
ive been lifting for 4 years and i dont burn nearly as many calories lifting as I do running. I need to shower after i run and i dont need to shower after i lift. affer cutting frol bloatmaxxing i learned the only way to lose weight is to not eat very much everyday