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Other urls found in this thread:

these are really cringe optics.
President Trump appeared to threaten potential violence against his political opponents, telling Breitbart that “it would be very bad, very bad” if his supporters were provoked into getting “tough.”

Said Trump: “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

What this about towel girl?
Explain you fucking mugg.

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Nice try CNN

He doesn't even have support from ICE.

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Not even shit posting but if he did ask us to mobilize against the left I'd do it kind of sick of the shit I have to put up with work place policies I've had to endure from left wing management

he's telling the faggots agitating for civil war to stop it or he's going to unleash law enforcement, current military, and ex-military 'bikers' on the leftists, as the left has shown it is more than willing to do the same

he's saying, no more antifa, or the bikers just come in and send them all to the hospital or morgue as the people literally cheer


>spic military
>ZOG Police


The Kikes want you to fight your fellow Americans for them, don't fall for Zion Don's tricks.

>claims the media which lies regularly

Maybe it's going into overdrive because Democrats are waving them in from afar and congress/activist judges keep cock blocking him. I love how people spend two years pretending he's a dictator, then mock him when, oops, presidents have checks and balances they need to lawfully adhere to.

I kek'd

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Nice try kike, we're locked & loaded just waiting for the God Emporers order.

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>to stop a civil war, he will tell his boomer supporters to attack those who want it so they can kick off the civil war
nice 4D chess there retard

This would turn on them in a way they don't want.

call to action huh?
he shits all over white america and now he wants support? lul only the retards will go along with it.

kike confirmed

to do what? protect the based black population from the evil racist demokkkrat forces?

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>King George; "Call to action huh?", "lol only the retards will go along with it".

Only a traitor wouldnt respond. White traitors are the worst.


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>the west sacrifices themselves to end fascism
>autistic weebs spit on their ancestors graves to LARP as fascists

An antifa scalp just flew over my house


>left has no problem trashing cities while cops barely contain them
>left suddenly met with superior numbers of literal biker gang members and beaten into the hospital or morgue
>this starts happening every time and in places like berkeley
the left is still shaking from when nixon brought out the hardhats, trump is saying he already has everything lined up to do this again

Yes they are

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lmfao I knew these people were losers but holy shit, this is the most pathetic thing I've ever read

I don't think that would go the way he thinks that would go

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Oh look you stole another meme off stonetoss

I’m hoping for some dead commie college students

>local anti-fa suddenly not so tough when he's not suckerpunching a single person from behind with a bikelock


imagine being ICE doing all this work and he sends your entire budget to israel and starts talking about MOST MIGRATION EVER


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>come show how much you love Isr- I mean - America! punch an antisemite! MIGA!

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Think globally,
Kill locally,

Do your part!
The time for action will be self evident

Your dumb. Anyone who is involved in such actions will be jailed. Have you been following what happens to anyone who fights antifa and wins? RAM, the proud boys and, Patriot prayer are all facing federal charges.

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>implying the boomer biker gangs will fight
>thinking the boomer biker gangs would just get beaten up for the sake of optics and larp as mlk's supporters of the 60s like they always do when a magapede gets humiliated
do you think every biker gang is like Sons of Anarchy? they are all now mainly fags riding around with nothing to do but larp like they are in a gang.

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Talking of not scared

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it will be referred to as the great purge.

Punch an Antisemite!!

yea no trump is impotent there is no happening yet again, but you can keep dreaming remember goys turst the plan, trust sessions!- Q

2020 is going to get nasty

>the west sacrifices themselves to please their kike overlords

Israel saved for last KIKE

Who is towel girl?

"We have the support of the district and county attorneys, the FBI, and the DOJ."

Sad but true.

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How convenient

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He's revealing that at anytime all he has to say is "To Arms" on national television and a sizable amount of the population will do the rest being fully backed by direction from the top of the nation.

Trump has gotten to the point of say one thing and do another.
>source, use internet and search it.

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I'm way past ready. Bait or no.

Death to liberals and neocons! Starve their cities!

If the war was to end fascism, why did they let it continue in Spain and Portugal? Why did they let pseudo fascist regimes exist in Greece, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, etc?

He’s got an armoured troll.
Baron carries a silenced PPK like James Bond.
He can wrestle all CNN singlehanded and whale on them.
How do you like them apples? Them’s the yuks. How ya enjoying it, I swear to God I am loving it large. No, biggly. I am enjoying it bigly. I’m grinning like the Cheshire Cat here. I do that after sex too when I’ve just met someone. I can’t even help it or stop doing it when it’s pointed out to me I just laugh. Frequent enough but not every day, but everyday I do feel your Trump rage. Perfect fatality 2016. It feels sooooo good. So good. Give me more. Tell me again is the Orange man bad?

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>muh king george
why do only boomers and lolberts care about some bong king hundreds of years ago?

Please stop, I can only get so erect

give me your pension fund and NHS coverage before i kill you

Screw your optics, we're going in!

Yeah, you actually have a large portion of the country just WAITING for permission from the president to start fucking shit up without consequence

So is he or npr the "fake news"?

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>that filename

what did the leaf mean by this

>it would be bad if my supporters got tough
Except trump already showed that he won't support his supporters.
He will go with the media narrative and condemn us.

I don't think trump understands how people react to being conned

I think we know... I think we know the time draws near, fren

>Yeah but those where just larping wignats. He would totally have our backs

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Oy vey

I should do a vocaroo of my helpless giggling to your most fevered Trump syndrome outbreaks.

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Fuck him, he's the president. He can send a group of soldiers to do dirty business for him, yet he calls for his random ass supporters to go out instead. Why?
1. He's that dumb if he actually think it will change anything
2. He's one of the globalists that wants to arrest or even kill the most loyal right-wingers out there before he leaves office and another openly globalist puppet takes power again

Number 2 is the correct one btw, Trump is literally baiting his own loyal supporters to basically SHOW themselves.

He also has support of the jocks, skaters, motorheads, goths and the chess club.

>Israel saved for last


I don't care who is last. Who is first, and when?

>vote for shit to destroy the country you're a part of
>fuck it, I'm suicidal, I don't give a fuck

These fuckers need to initiate self-apoptosis already...

Give us a kill code by emeg text and we purge America in 24 hrs

First to go...

and then the police move at breakneck speed to arrest and imprison the bikers

He doesn't even need the media to do it.


>Getting raided by a swat team because you shitposted on Jow Forums.
Sent your post to the FBI tip office.
Welcome to the federal court system retard.

>have been suicidal for years
>I am not mentally ill reeeeeeeeeeee

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Holy shit, this line has really riled up ShareBlue and the Trannies. Fuck it, I'm ready.

You think it stops there, no we attack lib courts and judgesYou will never ever survive

This is a trap, he’s planning on arresting anybody who does this. Remember how the DOJ treated Trump supporters when they were fighting ANTIFA?

More like, it’s a set up by the DOJ to put more right wingers in prison.

>12000BC - 2019AD
>be canadian
>be a leaf
>be a faggot

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Lord knows this is truth. Deaths within 5 minutes of given orders

>shut immigration offices in white countries
>catch and release more spics than ever before
Sounds right

Fuck off loser

The dumbass is flirting with a military coup.

>Make america Basedbean farmers again! Trump 2020

So Biden or sanders?

Reminder HIS administration sent RAM away on federal terrorism charges. They specifically targeted them and left Antifa alone. All of the guys arrested a C-ville are also getting decades for defending themselves.

These guys got "tough" for Trump and he rewarded them with life imprisonment

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Those "white countries" are not white anymore and haven't been for a long time.
I'm sure you don't want the (((white))) people that let it happen to their nations in yours.
And Pakistan and Africa are not white.
I have no idea, what I do know is they are closing.
Blame me for having hope that Trump isn't totally flipped his policies.

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They want a war we'll give it to em!

haha yeah!
MIGA amirite?

Pretty much this.
Trump has been such a spineless weasel as president, that I wouldn't do a damn thing he asks

Willing to fly to DC and march
Willing to fly to DC and march
What the fuck is trump doing?
Willing to fly to DC to march for trump's removal

It's amazing what being conned does to a person

I hope he tells the biker gang to beat the shit outta rand

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