Is there something wrong with my husband?

>got married after less than a year of dating, I'm 24, he's 28
>he is prone to anger outbursts, more than normal guys are, didn't appear to be the angry type when we first started dating
>constantly swears at other drivers when he's driving usually over idiotic stuff like they were being slow or some shit
>his mother stopped talking to him after like a month of us being married on the grounds that he had called her a ''whore'' for lying about some old family event
>favorite swear word is whore, and he often calls me a whore even when we're not fighting, which I told him to stop doing but he says he cannot change how he is
>So today while he was driving on the highway he noticed his gas level had dropped and he had just passed a gas station on his left. He had driven a few miles past it and decided to drive in reverse so he could turn back through a round about and told me to signal other drivers. I got out of the car and did just that and couldn't quite hear him while he was yelling instructions at me like a mad man. Like I had never seen anyone get so angry and agitated and he scared the living fuck out of me.
The whole situation kind of jolted me since I'm basically introverted and having to signal angry drivers that this douche was going in reverse was fucking scary but I did it nonetheless. But I was wondering if that's how most men would react in this kind of situation?

Attached: angry-face-meme-3.jpg (600x649, 55K)

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Stop being such a whore

Does it happens only when he is driving or is he snaps sometimes at home too?

>He cannot change how he is
This is not a question of personality, this is about him talking to you with disrespect dont stand for this. Tell him to start treating and talking to you with respect or he can fuck off. No one in a relationship should be so disrespectful to eachother.

could be a sperg.

if that's the case, there was a book written by a women married to an aspie

Pirated so you dont have to pay amazon for itm

Your husband is hilarious(assuming he doesn't abuse you).

He snaps at home too, when the food is missing something or when something isn't to his liking. He usually lets his anger out by punching stuff or throwing stuff. He has never been physically violent toward me though.
Exactly. He grew up with parents who were always fighting and verbally abusive toward one another so he doesn't think there's anything wrong with the relationship when he demeans me or ascertains, as if it were a fact, that he's ''always right''.
thanks user xD

These behaviors are NOT normal for a guy.
Your husband sounds like an asshole, especially with the "whore" situation when its directed toward you. I don't know how to handle this situation, but you shouldn't just take this abuse.

It starts with inanimate objects.. Youre next.

I think I'll have a talk with him about that and see where that goes
Yeah I should get a gun, just in case xD

I'm ordinarily wary of all men but OP you got a special case. He will kill you and/or someone else either intentionally or in a fit of rage.

If I were you go into the witness protection program.

Is he from Poland? If yes that's normal.

anger and other mental issues usually results from malnutrition and low testorone.

feed him meat and liver and stop with the onions.

>stop with the onions.
Don't onions increase your testosterone levels?

Fuck off, it's not normal, even in Poland.
OP you need to run from this guy, and never look back, he's a fucking psycho and the worst is yet to come.

s o y

>got married after less than a year of dating

Why would you marry someone so quickly? Based on this and your replies to this thread, you don't seem to be very bright.

I don't have anything else to say, except eventually that anger is going to physically turn on you just as it did to me and every other woman in the same situation. And honestly, if you're dumb enough to stay around it despite all the warning signs that he's eventually going put hands on you, you deserve it.

Talk to him, figure out what is wrong.

Anger at traffic is generally just displacing anger at something else in his life.
If he can't fix things between him and his mother and he lashes out at you too, something is not right.

Obviously he can change how he is, everyone can. If not calling you a whore all the time is a lot of work for him, then he is an asshole.

Make plans for how you want to leave him, don't write it down or leave a trail for him to find, don't make calls from your own phones etc.

In the meantime, try to fix things between you and him.
Make it known to him that you want things to change and try to help him change.
This way, you can play both games until it is time to make the final call.
Be aware that there is several things you can do for him too (no, not everything is sexual).
Don't get kids in the mean time.

>Make plans for how you want to leave him, don't write it down or leave a trail for him to find, don't make calls from your own phones etc.
good lord women are disgusting creatures

New marriage is a hell of an adjustment. It’s not reasonable to expect people to act right all the time. If he’s beating you or fucking other women, bail. But if he’s stressed out and upset, that’s just part of life. Accept it and move on. It will probably improve in time or you’ll get used to it. Low expectations is key in marriage.

>Year is really short term...
Wow westerners really are slow and dumb. No wonder you are dying out.

If he is a screetching autist who yells whore at her for no reason, it is not a big step to beating her up.
Leaving a trail for him to find will only upset him and possibly make him start beating her.
She should just figure out what things she need to figure out before handing him divorce papers.
If he is violent, she needs to know where she can stay, what her financial situation would be once she splits etc.
Do you really think it is best for her to make those plans public?

Anger management.

>If he is a screetching autist who yells whore at her for no reason, it is not a big step to beating her up.
Female incel whos living in basement. Thats the only way you can be so socialy retarded. Or maybe you are just lesbian. Either way begon thot.

Just because someone yelling every now and then doesnt mean ther will be violent. My father had the same problem
Never did he ever hurt me or mom. Never.

>saying whore sometimes is equivalent of hiting her
You are really really reaching here, mate.

And i agree westerners are big babies. They will be out breeded and we will take over.

All we know is what OP told us.
Anyone who doesn't have a good relationship with their parents is psychotic and should be kept away from humans.

I agree with you that OP should run from him. But still he sounds really like most of my family.

This is retarded advice. There’s no reason to run. So he called someone a whore. Big deal?

Loosing your temper and calling your wife a whore because you run low on gas and need to turn around is a bit extreme though.

Its far from extreme.

I get angry as fuck at people when driving. It’s not that weird. I’ve also called my mom names but not since like high school lol.

Fuck the norm, and fuck this guy. If this kind of behavior is tripping you out, leave. There's LOTS of reasonable, sane men that don't lose their shit like whiny little babies at a minor setback. Anyone who justifies this kind of pathetic lack of emotional regulation is a clown on his period. You can do better.

I bet you’re an annoying driver

Your husband is a fucking twat and so are you if you even remotely consider staying with this idiot.

>he is prone to anger outbursts, more than normal guys are
dude what
last time I screeched out of anger was at 2nd grade of elementary school, what Im trying to say is, that only someone with a literal child's mentality has anger outbursts.

Attached: 1549263951019.jpg (363x520, 97K)

I'm annoying in lots of contexts; driving is just one of them.

it's malnutrition, fucks with your brain. if you were malnutritioned or had a hormone imbalance you'd screech at anything and everything too.

only someone with a childs mentality infers character flaws from physiological causes.