Climate change redpills

My college is supporting the walkout tomorrow for climate change. Do you guys have any redpills about climate change I can drop at the walkout? I’ll post results back here tomorrow.

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literally shoah 2.0

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Oy vey, I guess we should just raise taxes and introduce carbon taxes to appease these kids!

Sounds real sciency, you know, dogmatic acceptance of things, and refusal to perform multiple tests (outside of government/NGO-funding), over and over again.

Unironically what Yang is proposing

I like the direction we’re going here, but for fear of getting in trouble “for antisemetic behavior” can we keep the jews out of the redpills?

We'd be retarded to stop the planet warming (assuming we could; we can't)

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Build hundreds of new Nuclear plants, climate crisis is no more.

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climate change kills shitskins. we should support it as much as we can.

(((They))) realize that people are disproving global warming so they switched it to “climate change”

Research the Sierra Clubs stance on immigration prior to the kikes buying them off


We need to burn the flat earthers at the stake too.

like kids really need a reason to walk out lol

Just ask them to prove it exists. They can’t.

Then tell them you believe in God and watch how smug they get saying you’re an idiot to believe something you can’t prove exists.

No no no, it has to benefit this particular set of investors that I’m totally not in collusion with.

It's the new, cool way to use kids as political props.

school walkouts are the dumbest shit

But they’ll say that “scientist support it” and how science triumphs religion. Also how do liberals support atheism and evolution but then bend science to (((their))) will when it comes to the gender spectrum?

Best actions is to change lifestyle to match marxists agenda -
- don't use cars
- send 70% of your monthly allowance to Africa
- stop using any capitalist products : computers, phones, websites
- get up at 5am every day to do community work

your college probably thinks it's time to act now! ask him what he would do about climate change if he tomorrow woke up as all powerful Dictator of Earth. when he doesn't have an answer, you can kick him in the pussy

The inconvenient truth is that none of the predictions al gores movie came true

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He’d probably give some bullshit about scientists

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THIS IS GOOD. Got any more stuff like this?

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its hard to care because human brains dont care about long-term harm, they only care about instant danger

MOAR. send your whole folder if you can

If dooms day climate change were real no bank would loan money to anyone wanting to buy ocean front property. Al Gore the climate alarmist retard preaches about climate change then goes and buys ocean front property. Also according to Al Gore we should have all died years ago from the polar ice caps melting.

These idiots think solar power and wind can power everything and that electric cars don't pollute and are a real alternative to gasoline. You can't argue with them.

You're walking out of school, that you're paying to attend, to "support" the planet doing what it's always done?

And you got into college?

Damn, they'll take anyone now.

I have only seen some weak powerpoint presentations (which were disproven. Especially that polarbears would die out. Their population have increased by 8000 in 10 years) and a shitload of people saying to other people: "you don't believe in global warming? Fucking idiot" without giving any proof that there is one. I believe in facts. I just havn't seen any good ones yet. I have no say in this matter, I can't prove it nor disprove it.

I'm sure it was the kids idea and nobody is using them for an agenda.

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“Respecting weather, I have always noted that there is nothing besides about which so much is said, and so little done”
Mark Dudley Warner or Mark Twain, two centuries ago.
The Sun burns more energy in one second than man has expended since the first caveman built a fire. Tell your fellow students they are being silly.

have you tried NOT walking out?

How about we start by banning immigration and travel from 3rd world countries.

Wow, our education institutions are being used for political pawn moves.

Sweet jesus the absolute state of my country.

My dreams of owning a house with a picket fence are all but faded.

Na man, the TEACHERS SUPPORT THEM. I had to get 1570 on my sat while iman (that’s actually her name) got in with a 1310

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bingo always follow the money the entire left is in the beds with solar and wind power

"Do you faggots realize how retarded you're being? How many people live in the United States? 386 million or so. Now how many people live in India and China? Are India and China changing their industry habits of belching toxic smoke into the sky? Nope! So you faggots are just wasting your time! India and China are the ones you should be protesting to try and make a difference, not here! We're just a drop in the bucket compared to them when it comes to environmental impact!

Feel free to change faggots to retards or dumbasses. Dealer's choice.

The real red pill is that climate change is real, but socialists wield the threat of climate change to cynically promote their commie utopia open borders third world maoism. The real solution is to liquidate everyone in the developing world and eugenics in the developed world.

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>Institution gives you permission to take the day off

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Based and climate pilled.

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Pretty much this. As a species, every time we make an advance in technology, medicine, or agriculture, we "spend" that advance by increasing our population. We are a fucking disease and where will it end? Standing room only?

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Them and Greenpeace were the preeminent environmental orgs. Now they are preeminent SJWs

I propose a challenge to lolberals: Prove that climate change should not exist.

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This. Literally who cares. It's not like a work stoppage where people actually feel the effects. Students are useless. No one cares if you go to class or not.

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> the latest unprecedented temperatures in the Arctic, and the data in non-linear rises in
high-atmosphere methane levels, combine to make it feel like we are about to play Russian Roulette with the entire human race, with already two bullets loaded.
It might already be too late user.

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>Do you guys have any redpills about climate change I can drop at the walkout?
my hometown was under 1.5 miles of ice 10,000 years ago

Hurricanes have decreased.

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Snowfall has increased dramatically

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It's been almost 30 years since a decent volcanic eruption took place cooling the planet a bit for a couple of years. Without such an abnormal absence average temperatures would be a bit lower.

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you dont walk out on school
you get the employees at big polluting companies or those that condone it
and swathes of bankers and investors walking out of their job

school is just controlled opposition.
someone tell these fucks.
convince their parents and their co-workers to walk out.

school already knows whats up
they know and learn.
but you getting at kids hatred to be put in a desk and told to sit still and pay attention.

quit with the fucking school walkouts.
we need worker walkouts.
not student ones.

someone please tell them
tell them to bring their parents on the walkout.

we still have time
first of spring march 21st,
mayday may 1st
earth day april 21st

Forests are getting greener thanks to more CO2.
Can't share gif though. Just google 'europe forest gif' or something.

picrelated. We recently had a solar maximum, scientist arent sure how much impact this had. We are moving to a minimum now. So far impacts are not huge.

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>Oh look, it's another paid day off for teachers
How many since 2016, I wonder. I'm always seeing kids leave school early anyways. Almost like they learn nothing but the Holocaust and to blame whitey.

You have the brains but you'd have to ask Tyrone for your balls, cuckfaggot.

India and Pakistan pls!

The Arab spring only happened because of the change in price of bread because of a drought in Ukraine. (Due to climate change)

>In the grand scheme of things, nature is slow as fuck
No shit. And it will take another billion years for liberals to evolve the frontal lobe enough to learn from their mistakes.

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Imagine paying thousands of dollars for an education then walking out of your fucking classes.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

ah yes
kids walking out of school to "protest"

woah look out society kids took an opportunity to leave school, they must be serious about this shit.

lol wtf do people buy this crap?

Can confirm, these walkouts are set up by college faggots and NGOs students are only their cannon fodder
t. zoomer

user, you know some jew made fertilizer or pesticide or something that saved a huge number of crops around the world right? Also your school/classmates are faggots. Just tell them you know this is more about missing class then it is "Saving the world". But there is no 'red-pill' on this one chief.

these posts from a few years back have some pretty decent reasoning and info that I've ever seen anyone reasonably counter. and when I've pointed out some of these things to hardcore AGW nutters, they had no idea that 90% of what they're spouting isn't just "bad science," it's blatantly false propaganda

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Most of the scientific communities are in agreement that humans are causing rise in CO2 levels above what is natural, it's hard to argue that. Global temperature also seems to be rising but it's not 100% conclusive whether or not it will keep on rising and its strongly corelqted to CO2 levels. You can possibly argue the temperature anomalies are due to some other effects but in the end unless you have some kind of scientific backgrojnd you'll just be spitting up random information you read which you don't understand. You can take any post here and get debunked pretty quickly unless you understand what and why that information is significant. Take for example.
Does increasing amounts of snow mean the northern hemisphere is cooling or warming on average? Is it obvious? Unlikely. What is driving this change? Could it be related to the fact that there is from increased precipitation from warming oceans? How does this compare to other types of precipitation like rain or hail? What temperatures are required for increased snowfall? Is the amount of snow increased due mostly to longer winters?Or increased snow on per day basis? Is a 20 year obwervation of snowfall increasing represent an ongoing trend of increase or does it cycle back and forth? Your own information could very likely disprove your whole point and you'll make yourself look dumber. You need actually understand the information before you try to draw conclusions otherwise you'll just be as hypocritical of the climate alarmists you're trying to fight against.

>walk out of class
>college still gets the money that you already paid them

You sure showed them.

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I've seen that pic before, and I didn't know a few of those things, like the fact that sea level rise hasn't changed for thousands of years and that temps aren't even out of line with past cycles like what we are in now. Which I think is a really powerful realization because I think everyone kind of assumes that everything is in some dire state of emergency and the reality is the total opposite. And yeah, if CO2 doesn't have the impact they claim it does, which seems to be the case based on all the failed model predictions, then there is literally nothing to worry about.

good stuff. I see the Marcott data set being used in the larger temperature reconstruction, and you can really see how dishonest his reconstruction was when you compare it to the other, higher resolution ice core data set (which is in very good agreement with other data sets, such as ocean sediments). They tacked a higher resolution set of measurements onto a very questionably constructed proxy set--which has a much lower resolution--and claimed the "hockey stick" wasn't just variation in the higher resolution dataset that isn't present in the proxy.

There are other problems with Marcott's "hockey stick." Marcott shifted 2 cores (with negative values) so that they occurred just barely outside the closing period, and shifted 3 cores (with positive values) of years 1000, 690 and 510 years later than their published dates to “0 BP”. Straight-up academic malfeasance.

By fabricating new core top dates different than those expressly noted in the proxy papers themselves, a clearer case of explicit formal misconduct involving data falsification does not exist.

The Marcott et. al. reconstruction is not simply a mistake. It is an intentional distortion and a lie, fabricated in order to further an agenda.

As Roger Pielke Jr. generously wrote, after describing it as "another ugly episode for climate science":

"Arguments over data and methods are the lifeblood of science, and are not instances of misconduct. However, here I document the gross misrepresentation of the findings of a recent scientific paper via press release which appears to skirt awfully close to crossing the line into research misconduct, as defined by the NRC."

The take away: The only way Mann, Marcott and their ilk manage to produce Hockey Sticks are by biasing the proxy selection, altering the weights, or shifting them in time or polarity. Proxies lack the resolution and dynamics of modern temperature records, and should never be spliced together. When you see a Hockey Stick, you're being conned.

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meant for

devil trips of truth, kek is with us

A part from corporate sponsored tests, what are tests outside of gov't or NGO funding?

>Believing ironically edited pictures on pol rather than every scientist telling you global warming is real
Stay retarded

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The best way for them to support it is by putting a bullet in their heads.

>every scientist
>muh 97%
Do you even know where that figure comes from?
No one denies that the climate changes, of course it does. Do humans have any effect on it? No, not at all. The Sun plays a MUCH larger role, but you, and anyone else that shills for this shit will never talk about that.