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Other urls found in this thread:

Power of media smear

>heart and thoughts
kek he knows

What did Pewdiepie mean by this photo?

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Sub 2 PewDiePie



The phrase "Subscribe to PewDiePie" is perhaps the greatest dogwhistle of all time. Something so benign and trivial allows for the perfect plausible deniability. Positive and neutral comments on social media can end with "Subscribe to PewDiePie" to infer a much more politically incorrect tone to people who are in the know. When a leftist calls you out for using it, you can feign ignorance and claim that you simply enjoy his content. It's brilliant.

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He is a coming

>hearts and thoughts meme

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this would happen if he said prayers

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the media will always hate pewdiepie for being handsome, swedish, and not a member of one of the families


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It's just the boilerplate shit you're supposed to say. Nobody ever actually means it. It's like how when you meet someone and they ask "how are you doing?" They're not actually asking that question literally and nobody wants you to open up about your feelings or how you're holding up or whatever the fuck. It's just the song and dance we do.

Bitch lasagna

>Pewds wakes up and opens his twatter to this shitstorm
>What do
>Ah fuck it I'll just make the most generic boilerplate post I can

it's not your fault based pewds ;__;

I don't get it

It's on his instagram, by the way.

pewdiepie is unity & harmonypilled
not based because based is bad

What else is he supposed to say?

Will PewDiePie stop juggling for the kind of people with the same mindset as the shooter or is he going to continue to endorse it with his "memes".

You can call him innoucent all you want, but he isn't same random Youtuber that got his name called out for something completely unrelated to his content. Felix was already under fire for being a Nazi before, and now look.

i bet he won't make a video on it

go back to resetera

Go back to watching your enabler.

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So, who else has subscribed to Pewdiepie today?

pewdiepie is just a slightly edgy normalfag
what other response did you expect?

can you imagine the outrage if his subs spike up after this?

nothing wrong with being pro white. white nationalists aren't to blame.

Pew, like a gun
Die, like a muslim
Pie, on 3/14

celebrating his acceptance into ISIS

I can only hope. Feel free to contribute

He's hiding his power level


>heart and thoughts
what about the prayers you fucking bigot
he's clearly endorsing the attack

based subtopewdsbot

Read thoughts and prayers

Clearly you haven't watched the video.

faggot better denounce the alt-right now

how the fuck has youtube let a nazi get so big?

>that brain dead NPC response

Is that a book?

Fake and gay

I have to admit most of us were radicalized watching pewds


ur fucking gay LOL

There's actually worthless autists on resetera saying that PDP is literally Osama Bin Laden and that he's directly the reason for all the deaths lmfao.

>mfw subscribing to pewds because of this


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based straya

Was the attack orchestrated by T-series to make people unsub to Pewds?

This, he suggests redpills all the time. Even endorsing Culture of Critique and telling people to read authors who have some serious redpill works out there.

In his position you really can’t be overt. I’m sure he genuinely isn’t that racist either. Like a normal gamer that occassionally says the N word. But he knows the media is shit and he uses the events that happened to him to shit on them all the time. He ‘s incredibly useful to waking normies up to how much propaganda there is out there.

no you stupid bong, that's what shitskins say after blowing up white people

not like he can do anything else. Every time he tried to fight it he gets more shit thrown

Not directly, but certain indirectly. He nurtured that kind of mindset. If he continues with his style of "humor" then he might as well say he was okay with the shooting. He wasn't the cause, but he helped it form.

>I’m sure he genuinely isn’t that racist either. Like a normal gamer that occassionally says the N word.
Like a literal nazi???

>Just hEard neWS


wait a minute is pewdiepie a cringy white nationalist?

We can all agree as fans that pewds needs to delete his channel and start giving antigun speeches at colleges and middle schools. That the only way he can start to redeem himself for causing this kind of action with his constant dog whistling and racist memes . He wouldn't be here right now in this bad situation if he had listened to those in the media industry that tried to help him.

what does PewDiePie have to do with this anyways? Isn't he a cuck Swede?

is anzac day 2019 gonna be one for the books?

>yfw pewds subs go up 3000+ after his name was mentioned

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Do you know much shit Pewdiepie gets from the media for doing nothing? If he didn't kowtow to the Muslims the media would launch an all out smear campaign.

I don't give a shit. Stop apologising for defending our homes.

>He ‘s incredibly useful to waking normies up to how much propaganda there is out there.
>Dog whistles to Alt-Right.
>Alt-Righter massacres a bunch of innocents.
Wake them up to what again? This pretty much helped prove the media right. If it wasn't for his past controversies and kept his nose out of politics, the shoutout wouldn't have even happened.

The guy said "subscribe to pewdiepie".

No need to be mean. I wouldn't know this stuff, there are no shitskins in my part of the UK, only porridge wogs and potato niggers

>as if all of Jow Forums isn’t subscribed to him already

He should have copy pasted the text Morocco niggers posted when they beheaded those girls.
>oh no that's too bad

Youtube didn't need to stage these attacks. They could have just banned Pewds and nobody would have died. WTF Youtube?

pewdz will now have to choose between hiding his power level and eventually sell out or reveal his power level

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Pewdiepie knew the shooter btw

pewdiepie paid for this guy to shoot up the mosque so more people would subscribe to him

He should just ignore it desu it's not like he has anything to do with this.

>endorsing Culture of Critique

new narrative

>youtube false flag these attacks to ruin pewdiepie

No bong, usually every person gives their thoughts and prayers, the other person worded it poorly and I'm sure you heard of it before

Lol fag

He is dissapointed in the low score.

>pewdiepie thought he had it bad when the lefty bloggers were trying to smear him

>now he has 2 billion muslims angry at him because his name is now directly associated with the mosque attacks

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Feel genuinely sorry for Pewdiepie.

Twitter NPC’s and (((journalists))) are going to make his life hell after this.

You can read 'HEIL HITLER' clearly by tracking the letters that spell it from left to right.

>hEarTs anD PrAYeRs

Who seriously gives a fuck about some randos on the other side of the world?

what a robot response.

he planned everything to beat T-Series

>subscribe to pewdiepie
write this on every bathroom wall

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I don't know how you came up with this but please spread it so we can get the MSM kvetching at pewdiepie once again.

all he has to do is join in
imagine how many mercenaries you could buy with his millions of dollars

i hope he ascends to his true form

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Felix Fatwa when?

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High IQ

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It's also the fact that this guy obviously knew saying that would cause the left to go after pewds more when he has no connection to this whole thing. This will work to piss off his fans and move them further to the right.

Fucking LOL
Between him and Sam Hyde this is the meme-iest happening fucking ever.
>inb4 internet is shut down

Lmao at the subbot.

He has balls, I'm surprised he hasn't taken the photo down.

Now this cuck will stop being edgy

>tseries poos sub to him out of admiration

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they are very afraid of Pewds.
it was the utterance of that name that made me think this was a false flag.
this attempt to smear his name stinks.
Pewds should brace himself. he's become a target of dark forces.