Pic related is me, what haircut should I get? (I'm a girl) Or better said, should I wait another 2-3 months until it will get better or get a haircut asap? I shaved my head 1 year ago because I didn't know how to style it (it passed shoulder lenght) and unfortunately now I'm stuck with this and I hate it.
Pic related is me, what haircut should I get? (I'm a girl) Or better said...
Hey ho, let's go
Shoot'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all revved up and ready to go!
You are a girl?
what a qt
Its really cute let it grow, had exact same hair but cut it short, like it better now but Im a boy so maybe people will judge you with short hair
u look like a dude nigga
Holy shit his eyes look just as sad as yours OP. Glad you found an anime character you actually look like.
Children shouldn't post their faces on Jow Forums, gb2 school
ikr? what do
as i said i had a buzzcut so it doesn't really matter
that's because men look like women nowadays
1) if 18: tits or gtfo
2) if not 18, underage b&
im thinking 2
back to r9k
i'm 22
maybe white dudes
then that's even more sad lol
3) you do not look like a girl at all and are either undesirable or a tranny
also also
>back to r9k
no no no no, you go back to ((9redditgagtube)) or whatever site instilled in you this notion that you are not beholden to Jow Forums's rules, rules that have been in place for well over a decade. Tits, or get the fuck out.
What's wrong with his haircut?
Don’t cut it, you’re literally perfect the way you are baby girl. You’re so beautiful I want to hold you for hours. Are you single? I’d like to talk to you over Skype or kik if you’re interested im a 37 year old man and I’m into punk rock and hard drugs.
I thought this was a 12 year old boy
If that isn't what you were going for think about getting it styled differently
If you are willing to work for you hair go for a short bob, if not got to an actual stylist and see what they would recommend.
What, lol?
What the hell dude...
Dont you take care of your hair and appearance as a "girl"?
I would belive this is a tranny or bait but i actually dated someone like this, never agin tho.
Fuck off Sarah
I mean there is other shit you can do to look more girly, you got lipstick, makeup, earrings, I mean there's a whole bunch of shit. Go shopping or something. You could dye it blonde, which is always considered a girly color, just long enough until it grows out a bit more.