Is there any hope?

This is going to be long but bear with me

>be me, summer 2018
>never had a gf, don't really care but kinda sad about it
>on vacation with family
>22pm, get drunk with my cousin at the bar
>nobody's there so we're having fun around the pool and stuff
>sit on some couch and start calling my friends to see how they're doing
>call my best friend (girl) and start browsing her instagram for some reason
>I see a pic of her and some friend of hers (her best friend from school)
>most beautiful girl I've ever seen
>I tell her she has to meet us
>she says fine and get I kinda hyped about it
>vacation ends and on the way back home see that the girl followed me on instagram
>even more hype
>after a couple of days we go out
>she's very easy to talk to and even more pretty in person
>after the going-out I like her even more but don't think too much of it
>next day
>get bombarded by my best friend with voice messages
>the girl has been talking about me to other girls but not to my friend
>I can't believe it
>she tells me the little she knows about what she's said
>eventually learn that the girl hasn't had a relationship either but her last crush fucked her up mentally
>add her on fb and we start texting immediately
>send memes, talk about the most random shit and have fun
>the only girl to ever make me laugh
>following couple of days
>we text all day throughout school-time and after (different schools) for about a week
>still exchange memes, but we talk about semi-serious stuff as well
>I'm falling in-love more and more with every passing moment
>eventually ask her out and she says yes
>first thing she does is to tell our mutual friend (and she was happy about it, it seemed)
>we go out and it goes by perfectly
>we talk and laugh all throughout
>eventually I send her home and we hug
>I'm truly happy for the first time in months (not a bad life or anything, but I always lacked someone to like me that way)
>we keep texting the following days


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>ask her out again and she says she doesn't have time and that the first time she actually skipped studying beause we went out
>I say alright and we go back to texting about random shit
>we start texting less and less every day, don't think much of it
>I ask her out once again and she replies with a big textwall explaining that she doesn't have time for anything and that I shouldn't waste my time with her
>I say okay and we stop texting after a month and a half of everyday texting
>get kinda depressed because she was literally the girl of my dreams and we never even got into a relationship
>don't stop thinking about her for weeks to come
>go to parties and every time I drink I just get sad over her
>more time goes by and I kinda get over her
>I force myself to go on dates with another girl but it didn't go anywhere
>time goes by and I stop thinkin about girls at all
>when I party with friends I care even less about her
>time goes by
>start thinking about other girls now
>don't like them that much but it will do
>my best friend tells me the girl would like us to be friends
>tell my best friend I'm fine with that but she warns me not to start liking her again
>time goes by and nothing happens
>I start thinking about her out of the blue
>share with my closest friends and they say I'm inlove but I deny it
>a couple of weeks go by
>my best friend is organizing a gathering with her best friends at her place and invites me and a friend of mine to go
>the girl is there and we don't talk, mutually but subtly, we avoid each other
>my best friend tells me to talk to her and that the girl wants us to be friends
>we start playing bottle
>they arrange her and me to kiss
>we make out for a bit
>it was nice but don't think much of it
>we start talking
>time goes by and she goes outside to smoke
>follow her and sit by her
>we talk for an hour
>eventually me and my friend had to leave

>go home but start thinking about her again (because of our talk)
>in bed, my best friend calls me and she and the other girls there all start getting angry at me for not kissing the girl
>she told them she wanted me to kiss her and shit
>I tell them I'm ready to go back but that went nowhere, we were going to a party in a few days anyway
>next day
>shitty weather, get depressed, worried things won't workout or that I'll be let down again
>ffw to party
>I hid a bottle of wine for her and me in a room and send a friend of mine to guard the room
>my best friend advised me to wait a bit before inviting her up
>during party some random girl comes up to me and tells me to "please do something [with her]"
>my eyes light up
>I go to her immediately and tell her I hid a bottle and ask if she wanted to share it
>she says yes and we go to the room
>we talk and talk
>nothing too much
>friend calls me to go talk to him (at the party)f
>I don't want to go but she says go
>I turn and she pulls me back and kisses me
>we make out
>I'm happy again
>we start hugging and talking
>she says she had been waiting for this, for me etc.
>said she felt really really bad when she "rejected" me
>I try to persuade her into getting into a relationship and that I'd respect her time and shit
>she eventually says "ofc there's a way" and we keep on kissing all night
>never happier
>she leaves earlier
>happy all night
>after the party


>after the party
>I have a non-stop smile on my face just thinking about her
>I assume we're in a relationship now
>we text the following days and arrange to go out
>on my way to our meeting place
>a fortune teller pulls me aside while walking
>says some funny things
>I was going early anyway so I decide to listen
>she said "you have your first love, but it's interrupted"
>I laugh and smile
>she keeps saying insane things but eventually says "you have a lot of friends but they aren't true to you"
>I laugh and give her some cash because whatever, I'm happy and I can afford it
>we meet
>something doesn't feel right
>we eventually go to a park


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>we sit down
>"user, I want to talk about the party"
>I know what's going on
>she explains that she basically isn't in a condition for a relationship and barely has time for one anyway
>I ask her about the things she said at the party and she said she was drunk
>I feel no emotion, but I know I'll fall into the biggest depression afterwards
>ask her for a cig to see if it will numb the pain in some stupid way
>it kinda did and I enjoyed it
>after the talk we just chill and talk like nothing happened
>I love this girl
>she says she'd understand if I started to hate her and shit but I told her that wouldn't happen
>we agree to stay friends
>afterwards I want to go see a friend of mine to talk with him about it
>none of my friends pick up their phones
>nobody is available
>I decide to wander off into a random park
>find an isolated place and start hitting the trees as hard as I could
>only way I get my emotions out, hadn't cried for the last couple of years, always despised crying
>eventually get home
>I can't believe this
>actually cry a couple of tears, it helped but not really, wish I cried more desu
>I feel like I can barely function

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>feel really down at school
>a friend of mine (girl, who's into relationship shit via movies etc.) asks me what's wrong
>we talk about it and eventually I decide I'll call the girl and talk to her
>my friend advises me to do it irl
>I say fuck it and I agree
>I go to her house after school
>she's not home, wait for her
>some homeless grandpa tries to rob me via persuasion and then threatens me, I laugh and move away
>she arrives
>she's angry at me because I went there
>I try to explain what I feel and that we can work something out
>she says no, no, no and not to waste my time with her
>to get over her
>she hugs me
>we talk a bit
>we agree to stay f r i e n d s
>hugs me for goodbye and says sorry
>I say it's alright
>omw home I text her and apologize as it was stupid of me to go there like that
>she says it was "actually nice" and that not many people would do that
>she told me her mom got worried about me because their area is kinda shitty
>didn't expect to get her mom involved but whatever lol
>a couple of days later her younger brother (whom I never met or heard of) added me on fb
>we started texting, as if we were friends, completely ignoring the elephant in the room, I even gave him a free to key to the game I'm developing because he is into that
>more time goes by
>I don't even text her anymore, she's too busy in school and shit
>can't get over her

I know I'm just a retarded teenager anons, but I'm not stupid and I really love this girl. Is it all over or is there any hope?

>not even a tl;dr

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>meet love of my life
>we hit it off
>she tells me she doesn't have time
>lose contact
>make out at a random party
>make out more at another party
>basically start going out
>tells me she isn't in a condition for a relationship at all a few days after
>got really depressed

youll b ok

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Fucking emotional rollercoaster

It’s over, user. You gotta move on, it’ll probably be the most difficult thing you’ve ever experienced. But you have to

>Got drunk at bar
>retarded teenager
enjoy your ban, faggot

>the most difficult thing you've ever experienced
Does nobody else think this is a cushioned life?

Who gives a shit, fuck this cocktease emotionally manipulative cunt. She wouldn't pull this shit on chad, don't let her do it to you.

She's wasting your fucking time user, she's made her mind up months ago and you're still too infatuated to realize.

Move on!

She's NOT the one. She never was.

She's just the 1st girl to ever give you attention.


I’m assuming this dude hasn’t experienced any real struggle you feel me

Listen to these, user. Trust me. I've gone through this situation before and when I cut things off things were so much better. She is a cunt and is wasting your time!!

Im sorry OP. I really enjoyed your story. I hope things get better, if she is the one the she will change but dont be so hard on yourself, there's gotta be way better woman who wont mess with your head and time.

no hope

hey mate, it seems that you are taking it too seriously, your young lmao, if you want to be with her, just be with her and chill, no commitments.

Plus when talking to her, if you feel that the conversation is beginning to feel boring, end it, keep it casual. Short but not too short.

If you ask her out, dont ask like being formal and all. Ask her spontaneously, like a surprise. Beingcasual isthe key, life aint a novel of perfection.

Plus, dont stick to just one girl, talk to other girls, hangout with other people. Date other girls.

If she sees you casually hanging out with someone else, it would her curious about you, thus attracting her more.

quit dreaming and get with reality

I'm in a similar situation.

I've been there. Don't settle for someone who isn't giving you strong signs. If there's one or two small things that don't exactly point at attraction, give the benefit of doubt. If they do this whole "hmmm maybe I do maybe I won't" thing, then run far, far away.

You'll find someone nice in time, and even with someone nice who is sure they like you, there's a decent chance it can end. Just imagine how much worse it is with someone who isn't sure.

She is the closest person to me and I sincerely doubt I will ever find someone like her, last month she told me she had feelings but she's not sure and it's really difficult to tell.

thanks lads, you truly helped me get better overnight, thank you