Nationalism is a disease...

Nationalism is a disease. It makes socially isolated suburban white boys think they are in a war when nothing is happening at all.

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Why did you guys stop spamming yang threads to post these bootlicker threads?

shows the true intention of yangthreads

That's just your opinion. Go learn about cultural and moral relativism lad.

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They literally all disappeared and are just spamming the NZ shit it is so obvious lol.

It's all part and parcel of living in a modern country. Get over it faggot.

The war only exists in your head, step outside of your room and actually make connections with people.

Black pride is a disease. It makes socially isolated urban black boys think they are in a war when nothing is happening at all.

Huey was a retarded character who needed shit on a few times.

Thanks for not having a argument you can take a seat now, sweaty.

Why? Half of them don't even speak the same language.

His Black Nationalism follows the same pattern as ours, farseeing, because everything is Fine until It isn't.

The Japanese don't do shit like this though

No point in arguing, you are a loser who uses politics as coping mechanism. In the end, you hate yourself and use all of these beliefs to hide it.

fuck off kike. this is just the beginning.

If you really don't see how Huey was written to be flawed and how his brother was a foil to his character you missed the entire point of everything you were watching.

>hello and I live in a bubble: the post

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hope you're next, faggot
I hope you die screaming

What a hypocrite. Isn't Huey a black nationalist?

What? That Huey didn't get ironically shit on because he had lofty thoughts on his own people? The only time I saw it was his fight with his friend and even then it made him look good as his friend was being the bitch.


>No point in arguing
yea, because shill bots like you dont argue

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sorry, Monetary Nationalist is hardly a disease. Commies and Marxists are the disease spawning bad math and feminism

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>when nothing is happening at all

Sure, if you believe being replaced and genocided is nothing

are you sure it's not the constant miasma of 24/7 anti-white anti-christian anti-western psychological warfare aimed them? you're sure it's the nationalism?