Haven't had a crush on someone in 5 years as a defence mechanism to stop my heart getting broken by rejection...

Haven't had a crush on someone in 5 years as a defence mechanism to stop my heart getting broken by rejection. Should i force myself to develop a crush on someone to get over this? I feel like i'm broken...

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rejection is a part of life, and avoiding it is just delaying the inevitable. But don’t force yourself to like anyone either, cause that just leads to a relationship that won’t go anywhere. What I would do is just let the walls down a bit and try to let one form naturally you feel me. You’re not broken, but don’t let the past affect your future.

I can't really do that anymore though. After the last time i had a crush (when i was 17) i got really badly infatuated and got obsessed with this girl for over a year, got rejected by her on like 4 separate occasions before i finally gave up and cried for a whole day or more. Didn't get over her for another 6 months after that. Don't care about her now obviously. But that experience damaged me. And ever since I swore to never let a girl hurt me like that again. My brain physically wont let me develop a crush on someone anymore. I find women attractive and whatever but i cant develop any feelings strong enough to make myself go out and pursue them. I havent tried to make any moves on a girl for 5 years. For that reason im a kissless dateless virgin

Its obviously ruining me, i need to do something drastic. Thinking of just forcing myself to become infatuated with a girl so that i finally get the balls to go ask her out and then progress in life

I've never had a crush in my life but I thought you didn't have a choice in it when it happened.

Hell no, why are all of you like this? Get the fuck over it. Relationships aren't everything. Focus on finding purpose in life that isn't being a huge flaming faggot.

I dont want to be a kissless dateless virgin anymore... This isn't how I thought my life would turn out...

But why does shit like that even matter? Do you realize how fucking pathetic you sound?

>i-ii neeb kibbies
>don wanna be virgin waaa
>boo hoo my life is bad

That's just dumb shit you're telling yourself, that's on you. Take a moment to rewire your autistic brain and shift your focus to a greater purpose.
Women are only momentary fulfillment, soon enough you'd just end up feeling the same as you do now. Take the time now to improve yourself and put the bitches in the backseat.

The only purpose to life is to raise a family.

No, dude. Ffs. I just want to be normal. I want to experience intimacy and relationships. That's just what i want, okay. Why am I not allowed to want that just cause I'm a KV?

I've done a lot of improving myself in my lifetime. If I dont take some sort of action on this soon I'll still be a kissless dateless virgin at 28 or even 30.

Pffft, didnt realize you were almost fucking 30. What went wrong, man? Tell me about your life.

One's purpose is up to each and every person. You decide why you're here, not anybody else. Raising a family is generic as fuck, but if that's what you want then I have no right to criticize you.

No i'm 22. I'm just saying that if i dont do something, i'll end up nearing my 30s in the exact same position

You are very clearly retarded, I wish I could help buddy. The best I can do for you is this:
You are only 22. I was just busting your balls about 30 - even that is still young. There's a ton of time and anything could happen. Obsessing over your own shortcomings will lead you nowhere. Find things that you like to do and do them. With any luck you will cross paths with someone on your journey.
Sometimes that's all it is, luck, and in all honesty, I wish you the best of it.
I also hope you aren't too ugly, that should help.

>Find things that you like to do and do them. With any luck you will cross paths with someone on your journey.

And what if I told you that's exactly what I have been doing, for years?

I'm too scared of rejection to let myself develop feelings or ask girls out, even if they seem to like me back. That one fact will keep me a dateless virgin forever unless I can find the missing piece of the puzzle to solve my problems.

Oop, just found the missing piece, here you go.

>I'm too scared of rejection

Get over that shit, and fast. Rejection sucks - we all know that much. Get used to it - if you don't, then the only thing holding you back is yourself.

Not OP, but you do have a choice. You can cut it at the nip, just completely shut it down before it develops.
I've done it plenty of times ever since I rejoined society after being a shut-in for years, since I'm not worthy of asking a girl out yet.

Start small - you said some girls seem to like you. Even if you don't like them back, just go for it. Level up your confidence and speechcraft, maybe get some puss. Work your way up.

Get over it? I wish I could, but I can't find the cure...

Can't do it cause I can't be 100% certain that they like me. It's just that some girls give me hints, sometimes heavy hints if they're drunk. But I can't be 100% certain I'm reading them correctly, so i can't act on them even if I think they're beautiful and amazing. It's too hard.

I have never had a true crush before. I haven't had anyone ever seem remotely interested in me that way. Yet I am obsessed with the idea of having a girlfriend.

Why are you even posting asking for help if you've already decided not to try? There is no cure, stop being a faggot.

We've narrowed down your issue, but this is one nobody can help you with but yourself. You need to work up the courage and be ready to be let down or you'll never accomplish anything. Go in expecting her to say no. Hope for the best but always expect the worst. Life sucks. You can choose to succumb or fight against it.

I dont even know who to ask cause my brain is broken by being a kissless virgin and I dont get crushes on girls anymore. I mean should I just ask a random girl on a date?

I feel like we're going in circles here. Stop thinking of yourself as a kissless virgin. Putting yourself down and staying in that mindset is a trap you're seemingly caught in. You're a good kid, maybe a little stupid, but you can be saved. Snap out of it.

Stop focusing on "crushes," you're too old to be using that vernacular. You're fucking 22, forget about that elementary school bs. You don't need to have a "crush" to kiss/date/fuck. Just get out there and meet people - don't worry about any feelings, just ask yourself - am I attracted to her? yes/no? If yes, ask her out.

>Stop thinking of yourself as a kissless virgin

But I am, sir. That is who i am. It is my identity. It has shaped my entire life for the past few years.

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>My identity is formed on all the sex I don't have
Please tell me the complete retardation of this idea isn't lost on you.
At least give me that much man

If this is still OP then maybe there is no saving you.

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It's not about sex. It's about being held back in this massive part of life. Never feeling romantically desired or wanted. Seeing friends date and kiss and fall in love and experience heartbreak, all the highs and lows. And feeling like I'm just not allowed to do that. Like god has cursed me to never experience it.

Everything about how I view myself as a man and as a person is founded upon my kissless virginity. It defines every part of my life, every decision I make. It doesn't make me suicidal or hate myself, necessarily. But it contributes to a general subtle feeling of low worth and hopelessness. Like, "oh, I'm not good enough for that, I'm a kissless virgin". I look at guys who are kinda bums, like stoner type guys who just work a shitty job with no degree and spend their free time smoking weed and playing video games, but if they have a girlfriend or had one at one point in the past, I think "he is superior to me, he is far greater as a man than I could ever hope to be, because I am a kissless virgin and he is not".

God has cursed you with absolute retardation, there is no saving you. You will die the same kissless virgin you consider yourself today.

>massive part of life
>part of life

But that's just it. You guys have been snorting so many ground-up Disney DVDs that you now think
A) people are entitled to a partner
B) that there's no such thing as living without one
C) that you're somehow not just doing this to yourself
D) that virginity matters to anyone but you and only then, because you insist on rooting your identity in sex you're not having

Dude. How the fuck can't you understand this concept. There is a very big difference between being single as a non-KV to being single as a KV.

It's not being single that makes me sad. It's being a kissless dateless virgin. The thought that I have NEVER done anything with a woman, not even one kiss or one date. Things that other people take for granted, which are the easiest things in the world for them, are impossible for me.

And please stop talking about me having my "identity rooted in sex", that's BS. My identity is rooted in my inexperience, it goes beyond sex. I had an opportunity to have sex when I was 16. If I had have said yes, I wouldn't be a virgin anymore, but technically I could have ended up in the exact same situation right now being inexperienced in every other way and never dated. And I'd still be just as sad, but I wouldnt be a virgin.

Hey, this is the guy you've been talking to for the last hour. Unfortunately trying to help you has been a waste of time - I want you to know I'm very disappointed in you. You show no signs of changing your ways, your curse is of your own creation. That being said, I still wish you luck - not for your sex life, but for your fucked up noggin, because hot damn you are fucking retarded.

Listen to this guy and man up ya dumb cunt.

I'm out.

>I-I had an opportunity to have sex!
>Virgin! Virgin virgin virgin!
You haven't had sex, so I wouldn't expect you to notice when it's chaining your whole identity down. But you're right, I'll leave you to your little hugbox instead.

Have fun, dude.

Not that other user, but see it like this: What would it be like if you couldn't drive?
For some fucking reason, you can't coordinate your feet and hands. It's effortless for everyone else, but not for you, you just can't, you never learned how and you're past the age when it's socially acceptable to learn.
And then you see it's totally effortless for almost everyone, and of course there's some people driving sticks, and then there's the people pulling crazy shit or setting hurdurring times, etc etc. Meanwhile, you can't even get the engine started and everyone says 'bro just be yourself'.
Wouldn't the utter incompetence at something that's so effortless and common for everyone else bother you, deeply?

Yes, this explains it perfectly for me. That's how it feels.

While that's a good example, the only answer is that you just buckle down and learn it. There is no alternative. I don't care if you're 30 years old, take drivers ed in a class of high schoolers and get your damn license. You suck it up and get it done.

Get over your inferiority complex OP. That shit won't take you anywhere. I, myself, was late to drive. Conquer your fears or forever remain the bitch that you are.

Exactly the answer I was expecting when I made the post and picked this example on purpose.
You see user, getting your license is as simple as paying someone to teach you.
You go to a driving school, at least where I live, you pay for lessons untill you're good enough and you take the exam.
Can you do the same with romantic experience? Social experience? All the social and romantic things that you should've learned at 16, are impossible to learn at 25. You can't pay someone to teach you and it's even more socially unacceptable if people find out.

Gosh, Anonymous, maybe I'm posting on the finer nuances of anxiety and depression because I have a little experience with them.

Fuck off with your vacuumed hypotheticals, man. I don't even drive, and no, it doesn't bug me. I've consciously chosen that. I know I get squeamish and panicky behind a wheel. I will cross that bridge in due time.

If you want to live under your anxiety's thumb then go for it. I'm here to tell you that if all it takes to get you there is 'uh, girls' then you're going to be fucking beyond gone when someone close to you dies, or when you fuck up and end up four digits down the drain with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Life sucks. If this is all it takes to fuck you over, you're done. You're cooked. You might as well just noose yourself now because it gets so much fucking worse than 'being single' or 'can't talk to women.' So, so much worse. If only you knew how bad it gets.

I have nothing to say to these people. It's just a constant self-glorification and someone like me just has to sit here. I've seen and heard shit that goes way beyond any notion of pain or suffering these people have, but somehow, they're the ones who know just how bad it is.

If you can't get sex, dates or a girlfriend,
stop putting your fucking eggs in that basket.

It's just that simple.

>impossible to learn at 25
You're an antisocial 25 year old who waxes social philosophical on Jow Forums's Jow Forums.

What the fuck do you know about the plausibility of social reintegration? About anything, really?

And I was waiting for you to come back with this exact response, faggot. I'd argue that it's never too late to learn these things so long as you go out and try. It sounds like OP just gave up and made this thread to wallow in his own self pity. He's very clearly set in his ways and has no will to ever change.

This. OP doesn't care about changing, he cares about people pitying him, which is why he's single-- codependency is one of the biggest universal turnoffs bar none, and that should be spoken for in that codependents end up single more often than dudes who commit actual, real, people-harming crimes. Those dudes have a better shot at pussy than codependent people.

And yet they refuse to stand on their own two feet.

What makes you think that the people who complain about these things haven't experience any 'real pain'?
In many cases, the depression that cause many of us to become lonely losers is exactly because of something happening. Don't generalise and dehumanise a whole group of people like that.
I know nothing. Just my own severe sense of defeatism backed by plausible-sounding logic.
I am trying to reintegrate though, and it hurts.
I literally am out there and trying after being a shut-in neet for 6 years.
Being socially/romantically incompetent hurts like nothing else when you're out there. It's one thing when you're a NEET looking at the world from afar, but completely different when you're trying your hardest and failing at 25 at things that were effortless for others at 16.

I'm not codependent. I'm not looking for a woman to save me. I just want to not be a kissless dateless virgin anymore.

I'd like to go on a date for once in my life, and know what it feels like to kiss someone. Even just those two things would make me really content and happy.

I have respect for you. Clearly you are not OP because you are trying - and I'll give you that much. That being said, don't expect us to give you a pat on the back and a gold star. Just keep up the good work, kiddo.

Get out of here OP, no one wants to talk to you anymore, you're fucking pathetic.

Well, you won't, so stop worrying about it.
You know how some people literally never get their license, they never learn how to drive?
It's the same. Everything is not for everyone, some people are simply not meant to do some things and when it comes to romantic relationships it's usually pretty clear by early 20s.

>you're fucking pathetic

All because I have a fear of rejection?

But why? I'm not that bad. Worse guys than me end up with long term girlfriends, often several

I do share alot of OP's sentiments though.
EVERYONE is doing it, and it's pretty effortless for them, but I can't for the life of me even begin to fathom doing it, so what the fuck is wrong with me?
It's not so much about sex and women, but more about the feeling of being broken because you can't do something that seems so simple for everyone else, even uglier or less smart people.
I'm not a virgin since prostitution is legal in my country so I don't crave sex that much, but I always wonder, I'm not ugly so why has no woman ever been interested in me, what's so broken about me after all?

After talking to you this long I can now confirm that you are the issue. It's beyond your thoughts, your mindset, it's your fucking brain itself. You're beyond retarded and there is no saving you.
Your fear of rejection is normal, but you whining about it on the internet to rake in pity is fucking pathetic. If you want your life to change, then make some changes. I say that like I'm giving you advice, but I'm not. That's to anyone else reading this - that advice is for you. OP will never change, he will always be this fucking pathetic, he will die the kissless virgin bitch that he is today.

I don't care what your outside looks like, your inside is fucked. No girl is going to be interested in some bitch boy like you. God, I hope you don't act like this irl.

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I will do it. I will change literally just to prove you wrong. You have given me fuel for the journey Anons. Fuck you.

>he finally grasped it
Fuck all of them, user. Fuck anyone but you. Fuck the world for putting you here. Fuck the economy for driving people to death just to eat bread.

Fuck everything and all of it and in that, find solace, because everything can safely go fuck itself at no loss to you.

Godspeed you fucking pussy, go fuck that shit right to fucking Hell.
Just one more push and you'll finally take the plunge and realize how fucking little everything matters.

Don't believe a word of this shit.

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