How do you guys feel about this?

The shooting has me feeling meh after all the years of attacks on western society. All the innocent's on OUR side have been killed by Islamic terrorism.

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it's a psyop

regardless, if he had balls, he'd shoot actual terrorists with guns. since he didn't, he's literally as bad as a muslim sandnigger.

but it's definitely a psy-op

Jews must be getting desperate in NZ

You’re a retard if you think muslims, blacks, or gays are our #1 problem. All symptoms. This guy is retard attention whore who accomplished nothing.

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>All the innocent's on OUR side have been killed by Islamic terrorism
All of them were carried out by Jews

Holy shit there are no "sides." These people are innocent people who were living life the way that they know it. Just like the innocent western people that are murdered. You are all delusional and messed up in the head just like the shooter. You need to seek help.

Its haram to carry attacks on non engaging people anyway, i didnt kill any Canadians or attack them in my all time here.

kike go home

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retard. there were no muslims with guns in his city, threatening his future and nation, there were muslims doing that without guns though. Follow?

And killing Jews would've helped how? It'd just lead to more international laws against criticising/mentioning Jews.

We've lost the battle against the Jews. It's over. The Peasant's Revolt of 1933-45 was the last backlash and look how that ended.

We have been separated into tribes for so long that we instinctually fear the other. This is normal.

Because he legit resorted to what isis does.

>has a car
>can't buy a plane ticket to middle east to shoot some muzzies

hope you get shot next

what you niggers dont realize is that there is just 80 years worth of backlash building up now. youre either dumb or a kike

How many pakis smashed?

he said he was fine with muslims as long as they stayed out of white clay

But this is okay right?

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Yeah, watching the video it was kinda eh, Muslims have done this to us multiple times

He's a fucking idiot.
Look, ignore all the moral bullshit for a minute and think about the narrative. Norway had Brevik and the left wing forged a twelve foot dildo to peg the right with everafter. This shit means nothing. He kills a few dozen muslims out of the hundreds of millions of them in the world. All this stupid fuck did was give the left more ammunition.

And the synagogue shooting did?

They should have lived their lives where they were wanted, you massive vagina


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We're losing anyway, might as well go out with a bang. Did you really think they'd all get deported?


OP is a faggot.

I mean they ignore when churches get shot up yet want to hype this up.

Even if we take him 100% at his word its still a psyop. Trying to provoke a helter smelter.

I don't feel shit. Gonna go to sleep and wake in the morning to go to work as usual. Ain't my fucking problem.

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They think it's funny wjen a westerner is killed

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Today is a good day

This is D&C zionist shilling. Remember who imports 3rd world sub classes to destroy nations. If they can keep Islam and Christianity from uniting they can keep wrecking our cultures and genetics.

Basically. Meh.

I don't condone violence, but governments/globalists bought this on themselves when they brought in foreigners with terrorists amongst them.

So, meh. It'll keep on happening (tit for tat, begets, eye for an eye), as tribalism is the biggest influence of humans.


#spray for Christchurch

This, honestly. What the fuck is wrong with you hoard of psychopaths. This isn't a competition and there aren't sides. He killed regular working class people.

>These people are innocent people who were living life the way that they know it
pic related is you

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watch the video, don't watch the "pls invade our lands and fuck my boipussi" 5oycrew gurgle their butthurt
the vid is white pilling af

He killed Muslims

>How do you guys feel about this?

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The guy's entire motivation was based on tribalism.

When Germany invaded Russia, they were killing innocent Russians all over the place. The same with Japan and China.

Tribes in Africa slaughter each other without remorse constantly.

I honestly dont give a fuck and hope sandniggers died

>dude sitting cozy in his basement with anime dvds crying about "attacks on western society"

Is Jow Forums dead? I heard some feminists say that they will take down Jow Forums again.

Gtfo my country you sand nigger garbage
Go do damage control somewhere else

Mudshit damage control


You kiwi kafirs are dead

Personally, it made me laugh. BASED AUSSIE SHITPOSTERS. Muslims don't understand that you can't impose yourself and your shitty religion outside your shithole, They deserved it. If anything, this is time for white men to revolt and end Islam in the west. Sucks that the left overpowers conservative bros. Today is a good day and it's gonna get even better and more entertaining because protests are happening in Algeria and a civil war might happen.
*rubbing hands intensifies*

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Forgot to remove memeflag.

Indonesians will be beheading you in no time. You're fucked

But he shot someone begging for help!!

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>thinks white user is a sand nigger.

you're probably not even white yourself faggot.
I'm also not doing damage control. he genuinely should've killed jihad in their own mother country.

if you want to get rid of ants, you don't keep killing ants, you get rid of the nest you fucking retard.

> living life the way that they know it.
Worldwide, our species has been trending downward all around the board, these people are actually lucky to be dead, this world is a joke.

you're on pol.
We're only ironically racists
Don'tcha know

>he genuinely should've killed jihad in their own mother country.
what the fuck would that do? it makes moway more sense to remove kebab from your country

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>remove jihad from mother country
>Muslims go back to their country.
>they stop invading whitey's country

sounds pretty simple to me retard

>remove jihad from mother country
>Muslims go back to their country.
good one retard. because that's totally gonna happen

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why do muslims come to whites country?
terrorism or to escape from their terrorist filled country.

if you remove terrorism form middle east, muslims have no reason to stay in other peoples country where they aren't wanted.

sorry you can't understand basic fucking logic, must be hard living as a fucking idiot

Afghanistan is still infested by terrorists after all this time. You can't end terrorism in muslim countries.

>afghanistan is still infested by terrorists
>wonders why there's still terrorists

another retard

I never said people should go kill Jews or that terrorism is the solution. This dumb shit only makes things worse. Our ancestors never mowed down innocent people like this even during the American Revolution. Absolutely disgusting.

I'll be honest, I don't care at all. The shooting is justified to me.

>implying that would be bad
go kys mutt!

hey, rabbi, watcha doing there?

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Innocent people should never be a target of violence. If you think this can in any way be justified by the fact that Islamic extremists kill innocent civilians, remember that Islamic extremists try to justify their actions by saying it's a retaliation for the innocent muslims killed by western militaries in the middle east.

Basically we're just headed down the road of nonstop "retaliation" against innocent people, which is fucking retarded.

The people in these mosques, as far as I can tell, didn't deserve to die anymore than any of the thousands of westerners killed by Islamic terrorists did.

Only shills, women and faggots get upset when a white guy removes filth. I don't condone violence.

I feel sorry for the victims but I also feel like it's a tit-for-tat for everything Muslims have been doing. If I was told part and parcel, shut up and accept it, keep calm and carry on, well, that means white supremacist attacks are part and parcel, shut up and accept it, keep calm and carry on, doesn't it? Because as Shafi says, it has no religion or color or ethnicity. I Just know it's not going to happen and for some reason this will be more scourging of an entire race and religion of people than Bataclan and Nice were. Cycle of violence will continue and people will prove this guy's demented fantasies right.

What the leaf said . Jihadists will kill for this. More people will kill because of the Jihadists, which will make the Jihadists kill more. I know a Lebanon/Syria style civil war will happen in our lifetime in Europe between Muslims and non-Muslims. It's not possible for them to co-exist in any significant numbers without tension and unrest.

your dog is waiting for you!

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Why don't you go to Afghanistan and free it from terrorists then? You're retarded lmao. Muslims don't come to your countries exclusively because of terrorism.

Once the great people of Carthage, sadly it will end in nothing, Algeria does not have the gun power and money to step against the Satanists and their plans it will be a genocide but it is better to die fighting for freedom than living all your life as a slave, a thing niggers will never comprehend

>I don't condone violence.
that was for the glowers, I presume :D

yeah, they come to replace us in OUR countries. well, didn't work out that well for those 40 :D

If you don't want to get shot by white people then don't go to white countries.

>How do you guys feel about this?

It's just part and parcel of living in a big city

I am a muslim and met a lot of radical Salafi muslims who justify ISIS Taliban etc. I heard the exact same arguments from Jow Forumsduring their vain attempt in justifying this act. Didn't know Jow Forums was filled with terrorists I thought they were against terrorism. Feeling shocked kinda

>Damn immigrants!

At least one of the shooters came from another country just to murder Muslim citizens.

Are you ok with violent immigrants as long as they're white?

The bear is the demon of its prey and the angel of its cub

No they're not, shut the fuck up you beta cucks. Every single beta cuck condemning this is usually the first to laugh when a white person gets mudslimed

Promoting jihad is a free ticket to jail in Algeria. Radicals have been in check since the civil war.


How is that a psyop?

>Yazidi women forced into sex slavery or killed if they refuse by Islamic state.
>Western world keeps quiet.

>The Druze, a religious minority that live in Syria being slaughtered By Islamic state terrorists because Haram.

>Western world keeps quiet.

>Ariana Grande's Concert Bombed in Manchester 2 years ago.

>Western world be like "muh hearts and prayers"

>Proceeds to memory hole that horrible incident.

>That car that hit 6 people in westminister, also from 2 years ago.
>"Muh we should be grateful of the diversity of victums. Nothing to do with Islam."
>Only 1 muslim killed.

>Only a handful, not a large number of Muslims in NZ.
>Western world be like "TRAGIC!"

I hate double standards.

Wise words comrade.

Even if you hate Muslins, what kind of pathetic beta trash would look at a guy who is literally spraying gunfire into a pile of unarmed civilians and actually see him as some kind of hero? You want a war with Muslim extremists? Go help the Kurds. Murdering unarmed people is low t.

Fuck you cunt we remember the Ottoman Empire and white slavery.

>go help Kurds
kike detected, translation follows
>wanna fight, go fight for the greater Israel, kill shitskins for shitskins and die in a shitskin land

Kurds are commies and also sand niggers. Not my fight, not my problem.

Are you the elite globalist spy in Africa that commented a few days ago the lived in Malawi? Or are you a different person? What do you do in Africa, I really want to know, are there a lot of Chinese and Indians?

If you're this anti semitic, shouldn't you be furious that some guy just went and murdered 40 of your brothers and sisters?

lol wtf bitch looks like Baraka there.

To think I thought she was hot at one time.


I watched the video and didn't even flinch. I remember the reports of Bataclan and what they did to the hostages, or that girl who got cut in half in Sweden, or the girl who was cut up and put in kebabs that were fed to the British public.

And about 1000 other instances of Islam's Anti Western agenda.

I agree.

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I feel with my fingers. And I think it's terrorism, and the perpetrators need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

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>what they did to the hostages

These people didnt do shit, you absolute retard.

And you'll be browing pol... so edgy holy fuck


>Chinese ans Indians
Yes and Some of the Indians are muslims, a few left Islam and don't regret it.
I have never lived in Malawi, nor have I ever been there.
I don't do much, since there's not much to do in the Capital city.
I just head down to school to study. School as in University.
Most of the tourism is in the North of the Country.

Muslims should return to muslim countries.