Shooter's post
4 mossad agents in custody
He literally did it all for (You)s
Just stop schizo Moarpheus
was getting caught part of their plan?
I think it's cute.
no that's why shills are still trying to push the lone wolf narrative.
He didn't even get that meany.
I get more (You)s from Dumbledore posting on /tv/
Also his entire post is cringe. What an absolute faggot.
>Hates Islam but thinks Israel is okay
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother
I don't buy it. What is the motive here for mossad? Why drum up sympathy for muslims? At least in the US muslims and jews are consistently at odds because muzzies are some of the only ones who can be openly anti-semitic and sort of get away with it
kill yourself schitzo faggot
Don't fucking encourage him
I love this guy.
>for once, OP wasn't a faggot
>still chastise him
lmao my country's intelligence services are a fucking laughing stock holy shit
shooter's steam account
Op is always a faggot.
Whats happening in that video? As soon as they heard the shooter they clumped up in corners instead of making a run for it?
shock. Imagine you are just chilling shitting on the street and you are suddenly getting shot at.
Yup. Can't even shit in peace without somebody tearing up your butthole
To anyone who is stupid enough to say anything negative about the shooter:
Listen you fucking retard
You do not have morals, so stop trying to moralize.
You have fake morals based solely on your own personal emotions,
Fake emotions that were programmed by media conditioning and consumeristic reinforcement.
You have zero concept of objective reality let alone any clue about the purpose of life, so you can't even begin to comprehend true morality, which is the basis of all judgement and justice.
Morality is a bias that guides us to complete a purpose. You live for absolutely nothing but your own gratification.
You have no purpose; you're totally insane and self righteous.
You have absolutely no clue how to begin solving the simplest problems.
The only reason you think this event is evil is because you're brainwashed to get meaningless social signalling points for saying it is.
To be exact, you don't 'think' anything at all, you do not have consciousness or free will.
You aren't looking at this shooting and thinking about it. You're reacting how you know you will be rewarded for reacting and not a split second of thinking went into it.
The truth is this shooting is universally good.
We're being invaded and our culture is almost dead. Those people should be driven out, and there's only one way to do it: start killing them.
Those people would be better off in their native lands learning to solve their problems by themselves instead of coming here and stealing our solutions to our own problems. So they have motivation to do what is right for them as well.
Invaders and traitors are not innocent. No one is innocent just because they weren't expecting retaliation.
Basically, everyone who thinks this shooting is evil should be shot themselves. They're just putting the brakes on our survival.
We are being torn to shreds. We do not have another 20 years to wait around and watch the jew burn us to death.
Civil war now. Kill them all without mercy.
Jow Forums must be shut down
As oppose to doing that yourself, Pajeet?
>He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence.
What did capcom mean by this?
Stormfag. plus reddit spacing. Shill alert.
>letting themselves be easily taken into custody
Reddit spacing faggot in every thread. Deliberately trying to give the msm something to screen cap.
>why create conflict between two groups of enemies whites and Muslims
Are you retarded? They’ll probably be some other mossad retaliation killing
Hmm. You could be right. You always need assistance if you want your butthole shot up. Its on of those things you can't accomplish yourself.
This is why Jow Forums must be shut down and all post logs scrutinized, all IP addresses noted, and all users backtraced.
Jow Forumstards are the enemy of all that is decent and civilized.
Fuck these guys.
What manner of bait is this?
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Daily reminder THAT
Shitposting doesn't kill people
People kill other people
Aussies really are the nuttiest motherfuckers...
I'll never shitpost them again.
Subscribe to PewDiePie
why did you kill women you douche??? the men are the terrorists. by killing women, you are showing that "christians" are just as anti-female as muslims. even though women can breed more baby muslims, you dun goofed you fucking jew!
Of courshe.
Who gives a shit man? They're muds either way.
Extremely good quality bait that will be the beginning of the end of Jow Forumstards. We can't have anonymous posting of hate anymore.
stfu roastie
you watched too much Hollyjew if you think you're somehow worth shit
If I remove kebab will you die?
Wow what a faggot
>all them links
Glowing, even if he isn’t, he’s a massive faggot.
What a dick
>Extremely good quality bait
Yu dun goofed and fucked up your bait as soon as you wrote Jow Forumstard. What happened to high quality Australian shitposting today?
Obviously, so the fucking kikes can Kvetch and finger wag some more about to not forget about the suffering of the (((6 gorillion))) also. Expect a joint anti-Semitism/anti-muslim bill in US Congress as retaliation.
HAHAHA Nicely done chap
Imagine if people really knew what was behind all this open borders shit?
Imagine if all the facebook boomers and LARPing ethnotards talking about The Great Replacement and all the retarded Muslims who regurgitate their credo (Mohammed was white which is why you can't draw him FYI) and talk tough about their caliphate...
Imagine if they were actually aware of intelligence agencies being the real enemy?
Imagine if they knew about the camerasnare pedo blackmail mechanism they used to control politicians and journos and the sick shit they indulge in that makes rotherham look like an inapproriate workplace comment?
Why does the media never mention Operation Mockingbird or the MK-Series operations the CIA carried out? The LSD was used to turn the kids raped by politicians/journos psychotic so they couldn't give reliable testimony. This is just the tip of the iceberg. They've killed megadeaths since 1947 and people don't even know.
The largest stash of photos/videos of politicians/VIPs raping kids is hidden in a vault in Fort Knox and protected by the Human Resources Command with Apache attack helicopters and M1A2 Abrams and thousands of soldiers. This is not to stop an Ocean's Elevens heist. This is to stop a retrieval by domestic commandos in the event of a civil struggle.
Interesting fact: In 2015 the massive archive was collected digitally and smuggled out by a mad lad. They cannot release it because there is a deterrent mechanism in the event of their disclosure. Seymour Hersh revealed this in Wormwood (2017).
I say bring it the fuck on, release the files and have them shoot some of those missiles and think of us as fatherless scum. The survivors will know what you are and that you caused it. I don't want to live in your future anyway.
Have a (You), doing the Lord's work
Heart goes out to him
no one deserves this hell
Oldfags will be telling their grandchildren about him
>immortalized in memes
OP fucking delivered.
Fucking nigger
Whelp, we had a good run. Goodbye Jow Forums.
For once the OP actually delivered.
Hardcore cunt.
Quite impressive
It's just part and parcel of living in a big city
Fuck I'm terrible.
This is literally Jow Forums
>Bottom of the barrel in IQ, physical attractiveness, and genetics.
>Never accomplishing anything in life.
>Wasting years of your life on a forum full of demented boomers and schizophrenics.
>Shaming your family. Disappointing their expectations.
>Never having a GF or real friends.
I would rather kill myself than be a Jow Forums poster - the lowest form of life on Earth
Holy shit.......
Funny this happens as the Deep State is coming down. Right when we hear that the Obama DOJ decided hillarys emails weren't handled with gross negligence
he should have said "sub to tseries" so everyone would unsub
What did he mean by this Jow Forums?
i wonder why they go about shooting people. cant seem to figure it out...
Brenton literally removed Kebab.
The fuck have I done today?
You tried, have a (You).
Admirable of you to shitpost in post about aussie shitposts.
his (you)'s are global
tell me next time your posts get attention from world leaders, pleb.
>he puts a "t" in schizo
This one's better...
get a load of this guy
>I would rather kill myself than be a Jow Forums poster
well, you're a Jow Forums poster now
what now?
its moarpheus, the schzio who spams every thread saying israel is gonna die and mueller is gonna arrest everyone
yea look at this disgusting incel faggot LOL
Anyone have the archive of his original post? I like to study this stuff
Lel. Kiwi's on Twitter are blaming Molyneux.
what a based man
Try to keep up.
Reminder mudshit saudi pedos are on damage control
Who is the strongest killer in that group, Jow Forums?
Oddjob-Chungus in the middle looks the most lethal.
Nice try F.B.I.
what an heart! what a soul!
Not too far off. Probably short of a decade.
doesn't look bad desu
the theme looks like AIDSchan desu
>All the symbolism in that 16 min video
Will the media dig deeper?
I think they won't and will brush it under the rug.
Right now if we didn't have these Trump/Yang tards weighing us down.
It was a terrorism mosque anyway
It was nice to see Muzzies huddled into the corner.
>What is the motive here for mossad?
You can't possibly be this retarded.
this pic triggers the /poltard so hard
I don't know lads, for those who have seen the videos, I'm quite shook by the brutality of the attacks.
I don't say muslims don't do shit like this, but holy fuck, this is a disgrace.
This fucktard did a disservice to the right wing people all across the globe. I hope they have the death penalty in NZ.
Every Mosque is a terrorism mosque. Some just put more emphasis on taqiya.
Which board is that
don't mess with the white christian race, we have way more brains and resources to destroy you
errr, are muslims even dimorphic? bahahah