Why do women complain so often about being hit on...

Why do women complain so often about being hit on? Why put on so much effort into their looks if they don't want to be hit on? All the make up, body hair care, clothing, time and effort and then tell their friends how much they when guys approach them.
Not a thinly veiled r9k thread, and not a bitter reject. Just curious about this because it seems to be common lately, the frustration of being hit on constantly. Duh, why not just make yourself seem uglier?

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Its just a way of hubble bragging and showing off, they arent actually complaning theyre lying when they complain about hating on how they get hit on so often, they just want attention.

Where does she complain about it?

Hard Mode: How did men give women so much attention that they're now done with it, considering women are assumed to only want attention? How do you fuck that up so bad?

It's like the old "Why won't incels date fat chicks?"
I can give the big lady something for glandular problems. I can give the nervous guy something for his anxiety.
But you can't fix stupid.

It’s not so much getting hit on, when it’s done right, it’s enjoyable. Some men are just really fucking creepy.

>Not a thinly veiled r9k thread

Yeah it's not veiled at all

I mean this might be like trying to explain colors to a blind person considering the raging autists that post on Jow Forums that do nothing but complain about how ugly they are and no one wants to fuck them - but most people actually enjoy the sensation of waking up and looking in the mirror and not being completely disgusted and depressed by what they see staring back at them.

Women and also men just like to look good because when you look good you also feel good.

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I believe I can mansplain this very well.

AS A MAN, I spend a lot of time working on my outward appearance but it's not so that women can hit on me. It's for the innumerable senseless benefits that attractive people enjoy in life. Society is objectively better toward hot people. I do better in my career, I build relationships with friendlier people, complete strangers act more nicely toward me, the quality of service skyrockets, etc. I'm hot for my own sake.

But then here comes this bimbo hanging all over me with practically a roll of dribble hanging out the side of me. Squeezing my arms, touching my hair, doing all sorts of lurid shit to throw herself at me because of my looks. Fuck off. Don't know shit about me, don't have any respect for my character or accomplishments or anything. It's purely motivated by looks and I'm worth a hell of a lot more than that kind of shallow judgment.

>out the side of her mouth
Must have had a mini stroke in the middle of typing that.

To be fair, I do the same about getting hit on by gay guys. It is supposed to show that I am attractive and somewhat ideal to grab. It hasn't worked for me so I really doubt it works for girls too.

Someone dying of thirst cannot understand the plight of another that is drowning. And vice versa.

There's no way to pretty yourself up so that only guys you like will be attracted to you. Women don't like being hit on by guys they aren't attracted to, but to be hit on by guys they are attracted to they have to do things that draw in all sorts of guys. If you went fishing and all you caught was a boot you'd be annoyed too. Of course the guys who creep her out have no way of knowing they're not her type, so sometimes they're just clueless, but often they are pushy assholes.

OP, the answer to your question is in the pic you posted. They want HOT guys to hit on them, not ugly short guys. Think about it. Would you be happy if a bunch of 300 lb land whales always came up to you? Or would you be annoyed and want them to go away?

Big difference between someone flirting/asking you out and someone following you home. I don't make myself up or flaunt my body but it still happens.

I also speak for a lot of my friends as well as myself when I say that a lot of women don't like being approached by strangers. If we've never talked before, I know nothing about you and you know nothing about me. You can't gauge someone like that, and I certainly wouldn't go on a date with someone who asks me out as the first words out of his mouth.

It's a lot easier to get a feel for if I want to try dating someone if we've talked before. And preferably for longer than five minutes.

Ok, this caught me by surprise, but what the hell,
It’s not that they don’t like compliments, they just don’t want compliments from ugly dudes, look ath this comparison and tell me if this rings a bell to you, I googled it specially for you

Attached: 19097017-1DEA-46E8-BC8D-B89162244082.jpg (600x724, 86K)

i like getting hit on. its a really big confidence booster. but some guys go a bit too far if they start to get touchy or something. and i guess this is just me, other girls might not like it. all about each individuals boundaries i guess


People treat you with less respect if you don't try to look nice. I've gone out in a nice dress and makeup, and I've gone out with no makeup and visible body hair. There is a difference.

Most of the burden in female gender roles lies in the fact that there is no way to win. If you dress up, people blame you for what men do. If you don't, people assume you're sick or lazy. If you don't have sex you're a repressive-regressive prude. If you do, you're a slut. If you're interested in feminine things you're an airheaded bimbo. If you're interested in literally anything else, you're just faking it to get male attention. You're expected to be emotional and expressive, but your emotions will be dismissed as bitchiness and hormones, if you dare to complain about that dismissal you'll be upgraded to being a bitch or a cunt. No way to win. Think about this post.

how do you expect a man to talk to you for 5 minutes if you dont allow strangers to talk to you? you’re delusional

You're on the right track but it's not ugly dudes, it's worthless dudes. Related but not always. Pretty much any girl will have experienced her run of low quality orbiters who bring zilch to her table while having no sense of social tact, that's what they complain about. Also some girls are just assholes, can't discount that.

Why do men think the world revolves around them? That women only do things for them?

Preach it sister

>generalizations, the post
hope AI made that shit heap

Thread too boring to reply too, but this person gets it.

>Why do women complain so often about being hit on?

So the problem isn't as much being hit on when they're going out (though, I've gone out with female friends enough to see that even that can be a minor hassle too sometimes) the problem is more that that shit can go down anywhere, anyplace, even when it's completely not appropriate.

For example, there's this dude at my girlfriend's work that constantly makes just sliiiightly inappropriate comments all the time. He always will try to put a hand on her shoulder. He always tries to go in for a hug. And she's asked him to stop. and he did. For like a week. She's even gone to HR, and they spoke to him, but the same stop for a couple of weeks, resume again stuff

She used to get dressed up and put on make up because she'd meet me when we'd go out on Friday nights, but now she's stopped doing that because every time she did it he'd come in and make some comment about "Well, don't you look extra pretty today" that'd make her feel uncomfortable as fuck, which she has told him in the past, but he keeps persisting on doing.

She stopped because of him, and he noticed, and he started asking her "Hey. Where's your make up? Why did you stop?"

To which she point back told him "Because of you. It's uncomfortable"

To which he responded, "I'm not bothered by it. You did it in the bathroom anyway. No reason to stop".

It never ends.

It's that kinda shit. Small shit that *seems* harmless, but when pooled together basically amounts to never ending harassing, even when she's going out of her way to NOT get attention.

I've more or less heard the same thing from female friend and even co-workers.

Dunno, I'm a dude and on some level I don't get it, but I can at least sympathize and also realize that it's not that simple.

Hell, I've hangout at gay bars with gay friends, and experienced some small part of that where basically no matter what you do or say, some guys just won't fuck off.

>It's purely motivated by looks and I'm worth a hell of a lot more than that kind of shallow judgment.
Well yeah, you're a man. What good qualities do women have besides their looks?

Do you seriously think men don't have these problems?