The media is going to bury his manifesto

Why? Because of pic related. This right here. The unarmed invaders. What power do any of us have to preserve our cultures if our governments open all of our borders? Why can’t we just be allowed to have our own cultures and countries? Is that too much to ask? What exactly are we supposed to do if our votes are ignored? How many more young men like him will be driven to such extreme actions? If you watch his recording, he believed he was doing what was right to save his culture and the future of his people. He blew a prone woman’s head clear open as she cried for help. It was horrible. THIS IS NOT GOING TO END WELL FOR ANYBODY.

Why? Just why. I WANT TO KNOW WHY.

Think about radio stations. What if you like a rock station, but the rock station begins to have ranchero hour, oh but then also a rap hour, oh but then a Bach hour, oh but then also a country hour, oh wait now a Jamaican hour... is it a rock station anymore? Is ANYBODY happy listening to that station? NO.

Let us have our walls, our countries, our identities. Innocent people died today, and many more will as resentment and extremism rises within nations all around the world. Because I can feel it in the air, and I know you can, too. This is only the beginning... of the end. Of the horrible, needless, wasteful end. Nobody will “win.”

Attached: DA03770B-EF8E-4940-BA82-C133DF3ED8DA.jpg (2114x1821, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread: Great Replacement.pdf!SEQjGAoR!vyAYiNyFD5P8PekfJEcXZrD1AHs2uLIf6duVrGtkVJo Great Replacement.docx Great Replacement.pdf

Link to manifesto?

post the link im lazy

dude its gone everywhere unless someone uploads it to pornhub


4 mossad agents are in custody. Yossi Cohen will watch his children get killed by muslims

Attached: 1552219001956.png (1343x1091, 1.15M)

Manifesto is up here


Beat me to it, i still have the Scribd version open, formatting is way better


fucking racists pieces of shit don't care about us black people


Watch the bots, shills, and other servants of the Jewish proto-singularity try to drag this very real event into their pit of lies and shadow.

They want to make us think that violence is a bad idea.
They want to make us believe no one would really take up arms.
They want to make us feel alone and undefended.
They want to make us believe they are all-powerful.
They want to make us hopeless.

The truth is that violence is necessary for survival.
The truth is the shooting happened organically.
The truth is any one of us could have done this.
The truth is every one of us needs to do something like this.
The truth is we could have victory instantly if only a few more of us would make sacrifices like Brenton Tarrant.

There is a war to be fought. We won't last another generation under their control.
Fight or go extinct. You probably have less than 20 years to win.

Civil war now.

Attached: Manifesto part 1.v2.png (3218x6480, 1.76M)

i have screen shotted every line in that manifesto we good peeps will upload soon

Attached: Manifesto part 2.v2.png (3218x5560, 1.57M)

He had it linked on his Twitter. Great Replacement.pdf

Wtf how am I supposed to read this?

they can't bury archives

>unarmed invader
sounds like Jews

Thanks, brother, hail the white race

Heres a google doc

You have to download them and open in an image viewer to zoom in enough. m slash video/DZosiZR0MQJA/

Pastebin has the text, bit link shows the livestream and the description of said livestream has all the links.

>people legally immigrating to a country are """invaders""" because some white retard said so
are all whites this fucking stupid and entitled?
considering most of the whites on here support what this terrorist did, i guess so. no wonder whites are a failed race. no wonder whites are killing themselves and overdosing on drugs so much.

open it in new tab, click left mouse button, put a gun to your head, pull the trigger

this is a virus

THe google document you nigger

>I worked for a short time before making some money investing in Bitconnect


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Keep it up Satan. Just keep pushing it.

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Why would anyone hide what's in it? Hes a lunatic with access to guns, and pushed over the edge by radical websites. Why would anyone want to hide this ugly truth?

Attached: Screenshot_76.png (1804x926, 238K)

>Brenton Tarrant manifesto mirror!SEQjGAoR!vyAYiNyFD5P8PekfJEcXZrD1AHs2uLIf6duVrGtkVJo

Do you guys not have the links to his manifesto on his Twitter? They are archived, here:

Shut up, Candace.

Anybody have pic related links?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15-13-39-48.png (1440x2560, 371K)

I recommend reading The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks


>ids cuz uh da birth rates you goys it's just acuzuh da mean budniss pipo who want cheap workers
>the jew is no enemy of mine
obvious mossad psyop

Do your reading Candace

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Strange that the source of the unarmed invader is the Progressive Liberal politician and the Global Private Banking Monopolies/Mafia. So these 'heroes' that attacked this people have played right into the latter's hands and will result in many great restrictions and loss of personal liberties the NZs have been allowed until after this pointless act. The Globalist Corporate Propaganda Networks (CNN) are already holding all White Working Class Gentiles in NZ and Oz collectively responsible and laying their debilitating brand of racist guilt on all white Gentile Working class Men Globally.

>le wagie invaders are the root of the problem
lmao this nigga actually fell for the LARPing. What's best is all the LARPers ...supporting''' him now. I ahve to assume he was at his lowest point when he came here as a newfag, because based on his manifesto, far more Jow Forumsacks should have gunned down the invaders by now. You want change? Always - ALWAYS - kill politicians.

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> More recently I have been working part time as a kebab removalist
Holy fucking Kek. One of us. What a Friday morning.

Racefags cope moar, please.

Human genocide is always wrong.

Hello, FBI fren. Is somebody bringing you coffee or are you all alone tonight?


Anyone know why I have a UK flag instead of the AUS flag since I am in AUS? Changed after posting in a few of the news threads. I have a feeling my connection is being passed through UK servers due to interaction with the live media.

He literally blamed Fortnite for his bloodlust. How is Epic Games going to respond?

fortnite is literally a cartoon graphics game without even blood effects Great Replacement.docx
Pdf version:

This is the sad truth. Politicians don't care about terrorism unless they're the ones being targeted.
Here in Spain, when ETA started killing politicians, the Government went as far as to start his own terrorist group (GAL) with the help of the police, to kill Basque nationalists.
Now ETA is gone, and since muslims only target civilians, the Government seems to have reduced their resources. They certainly don't control the muslims as much as they control the Basques. Every now and then they arrest ISIS LARPers from the social networks to pretend they're doing something.

By rereleasing Bulletstorm with a mudslime skin patch!

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good manifesto though

Attached: 7365442345.gif (500x341, 274K)

People are really looking at this in a different kind of way. Shits about to get real.

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Based and red pilled

Well, I'm certainly not going to fight in a race war or whatever as long as our current corporativist masters are in charge. I'm not doing their dirty fucking job.

They're already trying to memory hole the manifesto, they are telling people not to read it, because it's just too much red pill. It says all that needs to be said and all that needs to be done. Great Replacement.pdf
Read it and spread it.

I downloaded the pdf

our ISPs are blocking sites that repost his manifesto or the helmet cam footage, if Jow Forums ends up on the list, it was nice knowin ya

If the stage is set for a cultural conflict of this magnitude, violence from both sides is inevitable and should be expected. The horrors we see in this video should be expected. The horrors we saw on 9/11 should've been expected. As a political scientist I see no way this ends without violence. The truth is our macro power structures have shown themselves to be inept and now the micros are asserting themselves and it won't be in politically correct or easily digestible ways. Nothing ever changes without conflict because in the absence of conflict nothing needs to change.

Get ready for the long haul.

don't forget how all of this started

Attached: yiemrcp30ul21.png (1628x1226, 2.42M)

almost everyone didn't want to go into the middle east. israel controls the US and makes it fight for their crimes. marines actually come back really angry because they find out who they are fighting for

(((They've))) already latched onto the narrative that
"no where is safe" - that is why he chose New Zealand.

Of course he meant, no white nations are safe from invasion. Purposefully misleading the public about his views.

I have been watching Australian and New Zealand streams all night'

The blood is on those who brought them in
Fuck this shit they should take responsibility and be under investigation for treason
We never asked to be replaced

They're blaming the right yet this wouldn't have happened if the left didn't bring them in.

It's called economic imperialism and it's a core component of neo-liberal doctrine. But, that isn't what has caused millions to migrate to the west. Without it Islamic nations would be no better off financially and likely would be worse off.

As conditions continue to decline, these events will grow more common. I wouldn't be surprised if someone goes after the big dogs eventually.