Uh oh lads they're going after pewdiepie now

Uh oh lads they're going after pewdiepie now

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Considering how World Peace was taken down simply because Sam made fun of that kike '''reporter''', this is unironically enough for pewds to get taken down depending on how many people push for it. All it takes is youtube to walk away from him and he's done.

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I'm glad PewDiePie is being destroyed.

Is pewdiepie stressed right now? Does he have a damage control team planning already?

Thank God Israelis get slaughtered in the coming months hwile the world celebrates.

trips. It's the weekend and I'm waiting for Gilet Jaunes to light things up. A freemasons outpost was attacked right after Macron signed the law to protect Zionists

>freemasons outpost

lmao the shooter only included pewdiepie so this exact sort of thing would happen

people are so stupid

he has a damage control team of millions of zoomer supporters

he needs to denounce and let his fans do the talking

He's about to get married, so I'd say he's already pretty stressed.


And don't forget the cow poo, pajeet.

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Professional style murder spree with an alleged manifesto written in "chanspeak" this fucking reeks to the high heavens of false flag, they're not even trying anymore

This. A legendary shitpost only an Aussie could create

>if you don't understand how a video game eceleb is a gateway drug to mass murder then you have biases but I don't have time to explain

its probably for the best. I mean he did such an awful thing just for some subs on youtube

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This is fantastic, actually. Based Pewds.

Gee, thanks a lot, Superior Overlord.

That picture is going to be taken out of context so badly against him it's cringy to think about

>they're going after pewdiepie now
theyre screeching about him radicalizing children on twatter already

>Uh oh lads they're going after pewdiepie now
Good, that's going to backfire and blow up in their faces

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Imagine being this brainwashed. Holy shit.
>guy acted out what’s described daily on the chans and then even wrote a manifesto that could have been better titled “I Did This Because I Was Radicalized By Youtube and Chan Culture”
>literally live streamed himself doing it as he did it
>yeah, I’m thinking this was a set up
There’s no amount of evidence that could convince you or people like you

The shooter guy probably put pew in to call out the rat

Are you now or have you ever been a subscriber to pewdiepie?


they're shills dude, the same people who overly-literally interpret things like "they're turning the frogs gay"

Except in his manifest he never named the Jew

They're incels. Don't bother reasoning

>Why attack immigrants when “x” are the issue?
>Because the “x” groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first.

>Rose emoji

>he didn’t call out the group I personally don’t like the most before he slaughtered a bunch of people
Damn I guess it’s a set up then. The fucking retards that populate this place, I swear

Its Marilyn Manson and Doom and Columbine again.

Pewdiepie deserves this for saying Ricardo Milos sucks.

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He already has denounced, he said it was just plain terrible and he was super bummed to have been invoked by this dude. His zoomers are defending him to the hilt.

Pewdiepie has been standing on thin youtube ice for the longest time. I too am glad that YouTube has no choice but to pull PewdiePie now, while we wait to see which YouTube/twitch streamers will come to his defense, showing their true incel nature.

If they take pewds, they will start fully collapsing like facebook the coming months.

>what’s described daily on the chans
Vile liar! "Remove kebab" means expel them back to their homelands, not go to a mosque and gun down everyone, including children.

He is as innocent as every shot muslim today

Yea right, aren't incels still fighting to bring down paypal, Gillette, Nike, Ford, Taylor Swift?... Topkek. YouTube be next?

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That actually makes sense, since he was trying to get attention and didn't even mention the key group that has caused all of the problems. He was perfectly happy to link pro-white sentiment to his actions, but not criticism of Jews, something you evil fucks regularly mock Jow Forums for? How convenient.

Lol imagine being this retarded. They have more money than god and a monopoly on online videos.

There's an endless supply of non-whites on this planet that will not stop coming in until traitors that encourage it are dealt with.

i miss u nasim

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We're not. We're more intelligent than you, though, if you haven't realized that we're right about this stuff yet.

tell that to him, not me

When they start going after spyro and fortnite let me know

You’re too far gone. I can’t tell if you’re stupid or just confused, but either way you just sound beyond help

>pewdiepie gets b&
>youtube implodes

Wrong, the Israel will rule over the world and will be known as the greater Israel, your meme numbers mean nothing

Only in this vacuum are you the 4D genius

>no mentions of jews in his rants
>supports Israel
Yeah totally radical Jow Forums user lol
False flag is so obvious. The guy himself is probably just a mkultra asset

If he was radicalized by Jow Forums then why did nobody ever tell him that Jews foster Christians hatred for Muslims to keep their wars going in the middle east? It's bullshit he's on some Rebel Media Tommy Robinson zionist propaganda like many people here are but it has nothing to do with Jow Forums

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How do you expel them, if not by making them feel uncomfortable where they're not wanted?

>False flag is so obvious.
We don wanna see our pewds die

What? He posted about the shooting ahead of time on twitter and facebook


jew detected

I subscribed

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but most importantly

It's beyond the realm of what most people consider to be "possible evil", what you guys are doing here. Thats why most people are inclined to believe the mainstream narrative.

>Orchestrate false flag.
>Kill innocent people.
>Blame a patsy.
>Proceed to use your propaganda machine to destroy the patsy's life.
>Continued use of propaganda machine to destroy the life of anyone who tries to expose the lies.

Pic related.

Also this.

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We've got one that can see.