Call me a cuck, basedboy, whatever

I think we've all seen some fucked up shit on the internet, but this one made me inexplicably uneasy. Not in an explicitly graphic and shocking way, since the gore and screams are far from the worst, but there's something else in the back of my mind.
Livestreaming mass shootings of a mosque on a helmet-mounted GoPro while an Australian shitposter drops chan memes to Eurobeat tracks is so 2019 and feels distinctly post-postmodern. It's eerily illustrative of modern society, something that almost seems like parody that belongs on a Sam Hyde sketch yet is all too real. I'm left wondering if I'm supposed to be ironically laughing at this, being completely emotionless, caring for the victims, a mixture of those feelings, or none at all. I can't even be sure if this shooting was ironic or not. Is reality ironic? Help me, Jow Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>thinking one guy shooting 40 people is remotely comparable to past wars
you're just a pussy

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As long as you know that what the mass shooter did is despicable, it doesn't really matter what you post on Jow Forums. It's not your responsibility to try to convince extremist retards to stop being faggots.

It was always bound to evolve into something like this. Adam Curtis's films are finally starting to make fundamental sense.

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It's called Christchurch not Muhammadmosque, cuck.

you're not alone user. this is all fucked. i barely watched the video but him filming it on a damn gopro was too much. the memes with it too made it absolutely fucking surreal dude. just.... wow.

I unironically agree.
Fuck this gay world. Get me outta this hellhole.

Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie


>1 post
>le relatable wojak may may me moo XD

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Honestly quality of the video was great for what it was.

GoPro could use this as an advertisement.

imagine being portuguese and thinking expelling muslim invaders by force is a bad thing

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This is war and we just had a small victory today. you should be feeling righteous justice right now you spineless faggot.

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our dudes > their dudes
simple as

That's the main thing that has me fucked up.

Violence like this happens all the time, but it's inductive of just how dark the timeline of inevitable human self destruction is.

We're erasing all meaning in the world and this was one man's autistic fucked up violent response to existing in a world increasingly devoid of meaning.

what say subscribe to pewdiepie when you could have yelled pepe, wasted opportunity imo

>Australian shitposter drops chan memes to Eurobeat tracks is so 2019 and feels distinctly post-postmodern. It's eerily illustrative of modern society, something that almost seems like parody that belongs on a Sam Hyde sketch yet is all too real

interesting take

i've seen lots of videos of people getting shot and killed but this has to be the strangest video of this kind yet, truly a reflection of our times and what is to come

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Taken from a squires trial. "We cannot prevent suffering, We can only choose who gets it and how." RACE WAR NOW THE MUSLIMS AND JEWS MUST PAY FOR THEIR WRONG DOINGS, EYE FOR AN EYE!

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victory you say , your country has a zionist cuck as president , whites will be erased . its just a matter of time. the zionist will not let you go.

I have potentially too much to say on this matter, but will avoid it as much as possible and try to be succinct.

When an otherwise ordinary man performs an action he thinks is on behalf of others, he will use signs and symbols he thinks will resonate with those people. Part of that is to distance himself from the activities which he otherwise would not do. He has to construct a matrix for himself to justify the activities which go against his own internalized morality. You can safely ignore the symbols, they are there for him, not for you.

The act wasn't ironic, or post-modern, or anything other than a terrible mass murder. He needed to not own it in order to perform it. You didn't perform it, so you don't need to distance yourself from it with the memetic framing.

This isn't really comparable to anything, which is the point.

>this isn't comparable to anything
you must be new to the internet

I did not like this at all.

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I agree completely. The guy listened to remove kebab, a meme most of us had a good laugh or two with, before ending 40-50 people lives forever. Mexican cartels beheadings and isis executions are far away to me, but not this, this is way too close to home.

OP has a point. We live in an age where things simply aren't sane or normal in a deeper sense. Something is terribly fractured, broken, as if a parody of the real thing.

But I will not weep for the muslims.

says the dyke jew

I played Bloodborne for the first time lately and i'm really starting to think we might actually be in a nightmare world

Yeah, I can't really compare this to many other events in history..

This is an entirely different thing unique to our times. It's surreal and just so odd.

it felt like a videogame user. you right.

Irony has become weaponised. Where we used to browse Jow Forums to escape from reality and post memes, those memes took a life of their own and became reality. Ironic shitposting can no longer be done innocently anymore because we have engaged in ironic shitposting so much that it has become reality

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Humanity has become too technologically advanced for our own good and now we're going to keep going down this fucking path where nothing makes a god damn scrap of sense anymore.

ironybros like pic related unironically BTFO they have nowhere to hide now

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It hasn't even been 100 years since WWII. Please consider the notion that your picture of existence as peaceful is a successful propaganda campaign rather than a well-considered thought and conclusion you came to on your own, and the purpose of that propaganda is so that you precisely wouldn't do what this murderer just did.

If I was less bladdered I'd attempt to make a point about Baudrillard and hyperreality

This . This user cracked it . Irony and memes are invading reality .sarcasm and satire is the new reality. Which is fucking maddness at this point .

you guys are fucking pathetic

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I wish I could live in Yharnam. Things make sense there, friend.


>muzzies quickly dipatched
>girls getting heads sawn off
Grow a pair

Based OC is based

Imagine that...that we are living in a world where you make reference to anons IRL who did shit IRL in the same manner that we faggots copypasta shit and make reference to shit other anons did online. We are transcending social media into realtime social action, but with the same level of reference, memery, and lols.


>me gusta

The worst part to all this is he thinks he's going to spark a great event in the world.
We are so indoctrined by all these attacks that nothing will happen, what so ever.

Immigration is not comparable to military conquest

This is going to change Jow Forums forever. We used to think of all this simply fun. But, the reality is that this is not funny anymore. I suspect most Jow Forumstards will tone down the rhetoric or leave. This place is just too psychologically damaging now. We all used to laugh about serbia strong and kebab removal. That was before the memes became associated with children getting riddled with bullets.

if the normie crowd that pollutes this place after 2016 US elections leave, then thank god for this man, shame so many had to die to save Jow Forums from the normies

>invasion by armed forces
>military defends against

>invasion by unarmed forces

Either case can be expedited by traitors


>ironic shitposting has become reality
praise KEK!

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>accelerate! accelerate
>no not like that goy
>you are supposed to just vote Democrat and watch Netflix

the part where he shot the girl screaming for help gave me a boner

am muslim you zionist cucksucker.

It's just part and parcel of living in a big city.

>feels distinctly post-postmodern
So you're suggesting it was an art piece?

I'm convinced the whole thing was satire

Modern first world society is the human equivalent of the Universe 25 experiment for rats. Almost everything was given to us compared to our ancestors. Our society has become entitled and bored due to a lack of struggle. Social media lit the gasoline and allowed a level of interaction with other members of a decaying framework and gave voice to the stupid. And religion is dying, and irregardless of the truth behind it, religion traditionally keeps a population from decadence. Already human society is showing the signs leading to the collapse of Universe 25. We're more advanced but at the end of the day were still ruled by our instincts and the inner wild animal. Overpopulation led to collapse, and most of the users here fit the description of The Beautiful Ones as described in the Universe 25 write up. At the end of the day our own stupidity as a species is what will end our civilization, because it all could have been stopped.

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The golem will kill its master, race, and religion.

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lmao you live in a country run by zionist as well you hypocrite


If sarcasm and irony are reality, then how do you know if anything is real anymore? I guess reality is just one big joke now, huh

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wish more of this shit would happen on the daily and more high profile shitskins being killed, then maybe something would actually happen.
>pakis/arabs major chimp out on whites
>whites retaliate
>war declared

Yeah it’s pretty fucking surreal. As crazy as Jow Forums can get I still would’ve never expected it to start churning out unironic terrorists.

Because of what said I think I just realise this falseflag has something very mkultra about it the way he execute it they know how to trigger certain feelings

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i felt emotioneless gore-wise, but the sheer surrealism of this - the memes, go pro, songs in his car, livestreaming on fb, the way it all looks like a literal video game - left me dissociated.
i honestly don't believe if anything is real.

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Great post. Yes, this is a new level of detachment from reality and the consequences of violence. Humans have always had a first hand glimpse of carnage. Now we get to see it treated as a videogame. Post-postmodernism indeed.

It's exactly the fucking same just one group does't have guns. Having millions of one group moving into another groups territory is an invasion, they even use this terminology with pest species of animals.

pol is literally 90% a cesspol of teens who are outsiders, and because being edgy and extreme is an easy way to socialize, they choose it. 10% is braindead unironical schizoids like the shooter, except most won"t go further than saying nigger online

A lot of us agree on that user. Post-internet nightmare type shit. Suprareal. Idk. We need a new term for "that". There's no word for that yet. Is it only the beginning?

All of you are brainlets. Violence, equal and greater to the one shown in this event, has existed in man through his history. Every major movement in history was born of bloodshed, not irony or any of this other bullshit. The aussie realized this and did something countless men have done in some capacity, either greater or lesser in extent. The only thing different about it is that he was a shitposter and one of us so he was able to present it in a unique way. If we could take a camera back to 1570 you could see the Ottomans massacre 50,000 Christians on Cyprus.

It's post-post-ironic

however you feel it's the best happening in years in terms of entertainment

I remember an user on another board saying something like postmodern irony will lead to an era of true sincerity in terms of art and expression, something about staring down the abyss and making it brighter. It was only a few sentences but it gives me hope humanity won't implode itself.

its actually very comparable, brainlet

He didn't do a single fortnight dance, the guy was a faggot.

I felt a similar thing watching Randy Stair’s pre-shooting video diaries. It just... doesn’t feel real. Satire and reality are quickly becoming indistinguishable from one another.

Well why should it? Everyone perceives reality in their own way. Everything just has been chewed for you and now your little head gets all confused when things arent the way people say.

Immigration is actually better than military conquest, because you can get a biological victory without ever spending a cent or shedding any blood on a military campaign.

Soiboi beta cuck

I guess they never miss, huh?

What the fuck do we do? I'm feeling extremely blackpilled right now, nothing makes a shred of sense any more and stuff like this just makes it so much harder to actually achieve meaningful progress

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Can anybody link his manifesto or something?

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Welcome to why left and right doesn’t matter anymore. People have become so materially focused, so narrow minded by physical reality, that nihilism has fully taken over as nisczhe predicted. Arbitrary political views don’t mean shit, because most people simply do not care anymore. They don’t value life, they don’t value anything beyond their own pleasure.

So we've basically become animals?

>what the fuck do we do?
sit back and watch it all burn down

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Left and right doesnt matter because they both want NWO run by jews you fucking kike.

Manifesto link:

Check out yang gangs first day on Jow Forums.
Maximum kek
You’re here forever.

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>all these homo's
When you LARP about going on crusades and meme about removing kebab, this is what you're talking about. This is relatively tame even, so what gives? Why the moral inhibition all of the sudden?

You are half right. Humans before, through sickness, dealing with death and war, had a much more intimate and personal relations with death. It was real. This event is the complete opposite. We get to experience death in the most impersonal way: as if it where a movie, with funny commentary. It’s so detached, it’s getting meta.

>help me
your only chance is to find the machine elf controlling you and strangle it to death

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Here’s hoping. I’m doing my part. Listen to Mozart and Bach.

They are both kike demiurge slaves, 90% of leftists and posters on here are. They worship material shit and would willingly give up everything to be controlled and herded like cattle with sex or whatever else, wake the fuck up. People sat on their asses while the world goes to shit like this are welcoming kike slavery
Worse than animals

We're all feeling that feel
People just handling it differently

Yes. We became something that's only in last stages of evey civilization before big collapse. Birth and decay take it's order once again. Many young men have nothing to live for and biggest problem is that no one will help them with their existencionalist questions. Society and people need to support each other in their questions about reality and life itself when this collective mind fails eveyone fails. The ride has just began.

I've been here since 2006, starting from /a/, so I'll likely be called a degenerate by people who came well before me on the grounds of sticking to this side due to the politically charged events all over the world in the current day. I've condemned every single thread that makes light of this atrocious act, and all I've gotten out of it are posts that tell me I don't belong here, or that I belong to Reddit. I don't respond to any of them because all I see are people deflecting for what they're responsible for. All your memes, all your acts of thinking that this is all for fun, this is the reason why monsters like the perpetrator of today's terrorist attack was born. You're not tough, or standing for anything but inflicting harm to those who cannot defend themselves. It is a cowardly and despicable act. I advise you to leave this board and just do your own thing. You'll be called a pussy, an outsider, someone who belongs to "the other side" for feeling awful for the senseless loss of life. Don't bother with this board. It creates these mass murderers because the board itself cannot handle what it dishes out in content. It is pathetic. Leave Jow Forums. Let the board rot. It's not going to be deleted, but one less retard visiting it and spouting dumb memes means one less person less likely to be brainwashed by said memes and taking it into reality.

>Worse than animals
I agree. I mean you see it in almost everybody these days. We're headed towards a fucking disaster. Uncle Teddy was right.

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I can't feel anything for them, am i too far gone? What am i supposed to feel for these people?

Nice try though.

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Jow Forums is just symptom not the virus. This site exists and the memes like this are created because of deep and very ill reasons. Humour is just defensive survival mechanism. Desperate depression, schizophrenia and extreme intelligence is manifestation of Jow Forums. Society gave birth to those monsters this site just made them realize what they need to do in order to cure it. Or what they think to cure it.
