What is wrong with you people?

Why are you autists so easily triggered? Was literally paying respects to the victims of the crazy shooting that took place over at NZ when this racist scumbag decided to type out all that drivel. Do you fucks have no boundaries at all? How low can you cunts sink?

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Stop crying, it's part and parcel of living in a big city.

big if true

That screen is funny af tho

Getting killed in a shootout perpetuated by some mentally ill moron is part of living in the city now? Fuck off asshole

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no, terror attacks. Everyone knows it.

>muh false flag

You dont even have the balls to acknowledge that the scumbag was one of your own ranks,instead deflecting blame to some jew boogeyman. How pathetic.

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What shithole do you even live in that terror attacks are common? Are you like fucking Syrian or something, cause this shit isnt normal where I come from

This a Vitim of Muslim terrorists in 2001 in NYC soo why dont you just fuck off

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>some radicalized nutjob kills a couple whites
>"muh all muslims are animals"
>some autist white spergs out

Hypocrit much?

Get with it user.

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and here's why that's a good thing.

look mate nobody gives a fuck about a few dead mussies

You should, cause this will radicalize a thousand others who will claim innocent white lives you people hold so sacred. Ever think of that genius?

good, gas the kikes RACE WAR NAO

>strong language distracts me from the underlying message
>hurting people's feelings is bad and all wrong and it's just not on ay


OP is a gigantic faggot.

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How about you respect the dead and not be such a gigantic douche bag you imbecile. BTW thanks for this imma post in on reddit get a couple gold and a thousand karma lol

weak bait nigger, I couldn't give a fuck about dead mussies.

You're upsetting the Mossad and Redditors

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>no arguments
>resorts to name calling

Typical Jow Forumstard, now I know what all the reddit threads about you gigantic douchebags were on about, stay salty asshole

pick one sage

>Calls someone out for name calling
>Name calls
>References Reddit

Attached: You.jpg (936x960, 82K)

go back you fucking nigger.

>Star flag
Oppinion d i s c a r d e d
Its all part and parcel

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based fabio

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Watching the normies here flip out is slightly surreal.

This shit is PURE KINO GOLD.

LOL this stuff is solid gold, how does it feel knowing redditors are laughing their asses off at you pathetic lowlifes lmfao

Triggered? What exactly do you think he's mad about? You idiot, he's mad that you women are so idealistic that you let all these murderers in to the country and allow this kind of stuff happen. He's mad that he cannot defend you from these people because you don't LET HIM. There's an easy fix to all of it: send them the fuck back home. Stop trying to force equality, it's a dumb idealistic goal that cannot be obtained.

it's all part of of living in a big city, no big deal, thoughts and prayers. i'll change my facebook avatar as a sign or support.

I think you all should blame the government's for overthrowing middle eastern countries and causing the migration of these people to the west. But in the end it's all about oil but you people are short sighted.

Im not a woman first off. Second dude hopes my future children get raped how can you even defend that shit


Oh wow, look!

>implying your opinion means anything


Well the Muslim mayor of London said it himself.

>still posting with a MEMEFLAG
remove it, schlomo.


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>memeflag telling memeflag off

Go back to your basement incel, Ive known a few Aussies in my time and they're all scumbags every last one of them betting you arent any different either seeing that you post on Jow Forums

Hey its part and parcel of living in a multicultural society, get used to it!

This some new meme you incels are circle jerking each other with? Wow just pathetic

I’m thinking it wasn’t a false flag attack, but the only thing I don’t quite understand is the HIT on Pewdiepie and Candace Owens...

Of all people to be mentioned. Not Evola, Mussolini, Hitler, Varg or even Blair Cottrell for fuck’s sake.

Candace - Black Republican/quasi conservative. By no means Garvey, not even Allen West... and entirely milque toast compared to our daily conversations here..but holds huge sway in the niche demographic that is black conservative/centrist America.

Pewd - Gamer, subtle in his awareness but just dorky and silly. No philosophical weight whatsoever. But has huge sway with Gen Z...

Those are my two hang ups.

Psychopaths have been known for being irrational, though. Maybe it means fuck all.

Imagine trying this hard to be a troll and using a memeflag.

>gets linked direct quote
>"Wutz dis new meme? huhuh everything is a big meme!"

Go back to tidder you dumb nigger

Either you're the last person on Earth to hear about Jow Forums or you're a truly dedicated Master Baiter. Either way, that little Muslim girl who got shot by a Muslim for going to school while female says that criticizing a belief system creates more terrorists, so you should probably agree with us just to be safe

>when this racist scumbag
Islam isn't a race

First day on Jow Forums?

too bad he didn't name Jordan Peterson

Of course it's about the oil, but the issue is we half assed it. We should have just exterminated every last Arab we came across and took the oil instead of playing all this cloak and dagger, feel good, identity politics bullshit.

This is a woman typing. So predictable

It'd explain why they don't shut the fuck up like a broken record.

Am I supposed to take this extremely flawed statement as fact, wheres your source or is that how you basement dwellers do it out here in the corners of the internet, just spreading blatant lies

You've probably never interacted with a female what the heck do you know? Also not female as I mentioned before

cool it with the racism chief

It seems the truth upsets you.

You might as well be a woman. You are weak and stupid.

You're one to talk, celebrating the deaths of all those innocents that died while praying, how can one be so fucking gone is beyond me

>"muh false flag"
>while literally using a false flag himself
The irony

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>no factual arguments

Yes a typical Jow Forumstard checks out


Jesus fuck, you are the biggest nigger.

Maybe their god should've saved them if he's so real. Either way, he was doing them a favor.

The onions is real with every single one of your replies

>inb4 "I-I'm not a basedboy! Jow Forums is fucked up! W-wah!"

I feel genuinely sorry for the victims. Its terrible that ppl fall so low...

100% agreed ppl need to learn what standards are

>Dodges the request and claims the Australian flag is not a legitimate flag

Found the JEWISH shill who won't remove his MEMEFLAG!

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right, sink to their level stupid loser.
your cock is small, your asshole is loose and we all know it

>implying simple people going about their day and praying to their god are not innocent

Ive literally had enough with the likes of you, theres no convincing people like you not when you're so stubbornly stuck to your ideals, have fun being a blight on society prick

show your flag shlomo.

Where would you be from mr meme flag?

Their whole religion speaks of killing the infidel in very brutal ways, it's literally all the holy book they worship talks about, and you are upset about some random post
All those goat fuckers can die and I wouldn't shed a tear

didn't see you crying when this happened.

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hello yes I support mass immigration and the absolute destruction of true European culture

Sorry the truth hurts.

The victims are the New Zealanders who are being invaded by Muslim shitskins.

I remember how newfags get triggered over the shooting video. The Yanggang shit slowed down a lot too.

>You want us to use tanks? B-but the Germans use Panzers! Won't this make us just like them?

Actually, you berated user first, also, only women are offended by being called a woman online

Look at you scared little pussy boy. You are too scared to even show your flag. You are weak and should be rightly afraid.

Shitskins out.

Especially as a European you ought to know that such attacks are literally part and parcel of living in a larger city. we have to accept it.

# not all racists

isn't this what cunts like you would be screaming if a shitskin had allu akbared 49 white people ?

Ah, so the shooting was a jewish tactic to take Jow Forums down.

Wow. The jews are super afraid.

Decent bait, kill (((you)))rself

Christchurch has a tiny population, you piece of human garbage. Reconsider your choices in life, or perhaps simply kill yourself

It’s got a bettter population now

this is the right response.

Fuck off. This is real, you have nothing in your life to make you feel good, so you pull shit like this as a means to make yourself feel above something. You're above fuck all.

People are insane, think they know best, and decide to murder 50+ people for no reason beyond 'belief'. There's nothing else to it.

Go outside.

>50+ people
No, they were sub-human mudsimes that went through the proper disposal technique for garbage people.

Jow Forums is a Board of Peace. Do not judge the peaceful majority by the actions of the radical minority. We condemn all actions of terror by any board. Singling us out is just Jow Forumsism and proof that you are a hateful bigot. Let us into your boards so we may practice our peaceful way of life in your communities.


>leftwing vermin
>racist against white people
>liar because all lefties are deceitful scum
>claims it was racist when it was clearly because they were Muslims

Can you vermin sink any lower?

We live on a planet with finite resources and lifeforms with an infinite desire for those resources. People like you who live in a fantasy land where everyone just wants to have a good time and get along are disconnected from this reality, because you fail to see the ebbs and flows of the primitive forces which actually drive people, which are tribalism and greed. Denying reality and living in fantasy like you do only results in more brutal and violent conflict, because you prevent peaceful resolutions from taking place by failing to acknowledge the inequities and injustices of the modern world which produce these violent conflicts.

>leftwing scum doesn’t care about white people killed in terrorist attacks or the reactions from other leftwing scum
>thinks we should care about him

Also, why would you call him a mentally ill moron when clearly you’re the imbecile who can’t name a single Muslim country he’d want to live in but doesn’t have the balls to admit we shouldn’t let more Muslims in. You’re so fucking retarded you live in a fantasy world where all humans are the same

>leftwing scum ignore countless attacks on whites
>leftwing scum lie and act like it’s a minor thing that only affects a few
>leftwing scum act like we should care when karma takes place

Yes you are a hypocrite by the way, it’s part and parcel of being leftwing

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You mean like how they already hate us and are raping our kids and claiming that they want to set up a caliphate in our homelands? Carry on being a delusional cuck but just don’t involve us

Hurr durr I’m a beta male that seeks attention on a website for faggots


>nor arguemnts

Says the retard who hasn’t provided a single argument other than being a beta male that cries over foreigners

No it’s what you retards say when whites are killed


>spread blatant lies
>from leftwing scum that does nothing but lie

Diversity is our greatest strength right?

>projecting like a faggot

Redditor confirmed


>there’s no convincing people like you

No, it’s hard to convince people to support scum like you who are trying to effectively genocide us from our homelands whisky laughing about it

>have fun being a blight on society

You’re projecting again. Never forget that vermin like you support the rape and murder of innocents

Nah this dude was well coordinated and well trained. Not some schizo.
It’s real