Every girl I've ever liked has ended up getting a boyfriend within a couple of months of me meeting them. Why? Am I really that much worse or uglier than their boyfriends? This makes me feel really like I'm not good enough
Every girl I've ever liked has ended up getting a boyfriend within a couple of months of me meeting them. Why...
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do you ask them out or are you simply their friend/acquaintance?
The latter.
well you’ll never know if you keep not asking them out
I don't ask them out cause I just don't see them give any signs that they like me...
The only girls that give me signs they like me are girls I don't like that much. I get attention from attractive girls but not girls I want to date, like not girls I would want to be in a relationship with, even if they're cute. The girls I want to date just treat me as a friend
Women are pussies, they also dont pursue men (it's usually a red flag if they do)
I'm not asking for them to pursue me just for them to smile at me or flirt with me a bit so that I know if they have an interest in me
At the end of the day, there are a lot of girls who do do that. But the girls who do that, aren't girls I want to date. Maybe I'm subconsciously just attracted to more reserved girls as relationship material?
Stop waiting for people to do the things you want them to do. Stop waiting for people to wave obvious signs in your face before you decide to pursue what you want. Its exhausting, OP, and chances are that women in your life don't bother giving you the green lights you want because they're not interested in anybody who isn't capable of making basic gestures like asking them out, flirting or just simply making their intentions known. You sit around being friends with women then act surprised when they treat you just as friends.What you're doing is not working. Do something else. Stop waiting for the thing you want to fall in your lap. Either pursue it or stop complaining about it. You honestly have no one to blame but yourself.
Also in OPs predicament when you saying asking out do you mean date? At my age and area dates don’t exist.
What, you want me to randomly decide to ask out girls without any reason behind it?
>At my age and area dates don’t exist.
If you’re old enough to drive, they do. What are you, underage?
No one has them you’re talking about going for a meal?
Seriously how old are you? Even teenagers understand what dates are
What multiple meanings?
You miss 100% of the balls you don't swing at.
But the balls aren't even being pitched at me.
Are you swedish? Just ask for fika. the point is to ask them to do something with you and get to know them
The point was that you don’t try. No one’s “pitching balls” at you because you don’t go out and try to play the game
I want you to stop taking absolutely zero action and then complaining when nothing happens. If you're interested in something, pursue it. I don't know why you're arguing because the reality is your approach hasn't been working. The thing you are doing right now has 100% failed you. You can defend it if you want but waiting until girls give you green lights before asking them out has ended in disappointment every single time. It perplexes me why you're trying to defend a mindset that has completely failed you.
From my perspective, I see girls I like and just get this subtle feeling that they don't care about me on that level. Like maybe they're happy to be friends but they don't give any indication that they would say yes if I asked them on a date.
Maybe it's cause "my type" seems to be kind of cool, nonchalant, kind of edgy girls, indie girls or sometimes even "art hoes" like some anons call them. Not necessarily hot girls, it's more of a vibe that I get attracted to. It seems that the girls I want to date are really not the types to ever show when they're interested in a guy.
>It seems that the girls I want to date are really not the types to ever show when they're interested in a guy.
How convenient. Looks like you’ll have to take a chance and ask out one that you like.
When I was younger and still had the balls to ask out girls, or at least to speak to them, it was fucking horrifying every time. I used to have crushes on girls from school and would open up facebook messenger and spend 2 hours crafting a text that was one sentence long. Sometimes it wasnt even that, I'd just write "hey what's up". And then I'd wait hours before finally hitting send, and the anxiety was so through the roof I had to run out of the room and hide for another hour or so before I could go back and see if she responded.
I can't do that again user. It'll kill me.
Your insecurity has caused you to project your feelings of low self-esteem onto the people around you. You're waiting for people to hold your hand through the uncertainty of achieving your goals and its completely unrealistic. Its been holding you back. Either you want to change or you don't but if you do want to change you 100% need to stop feeding into it. You need to stop convincing yourself that the reasons you stay inside of your comfort zone are valid.
oh no user I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize the supreme difficulty you face :( your life must be so hard, I don’t know how you manage :((
Yes, all of this is true I know. What can I do today, or this week, to progress?
You won't find many people at my age that have an anxiety attack and act like a baby because they're so terrified about getting rejected by a girl they sent a message to on facebook. If I'm like that over a digital medium, I might burst out crying if I ask a girl out IRL.
we need more posters like you, you're doing gods work
unironically seek therapy if your anxiety is that bad. I don’t think the anons on a chinese cartoon forum can help you
Is there a therapy for "crippling fear of romantic rejection by girls"?
Yes. Its just regular therapy.
of course, therapists deal with patients’ crippling anxieties all the time
I tried that, they didn't give me many practical solutions beyond just "you must be courageous and take risks in life"
Why not try online dating?
I used to fancy this girl when i was in high school. I'm a good looking guy and heard she liked me too. So my friends amd her friends hooked us up. I always felt confident around females, until i was put on the spot with her. I totally froze and couldnt think of what to say to her. All i had going for me was my looks which got me an akward french kiss before walking her to the bus stop. We spoke on the phone for a few days then she stopped answeing my calls. I then find out shes got a bf and I knew i blew it with her.. It hurt me and made me question myself. But I got over it eventually and realised that when you like a girl/woman too much its more than likely because you lack self confidence, too smitten, not experienced enough, take to long to make her yours... The list could go on..
But i saw a pic of her recently and was surprised how fat shed become.
>Every girl I've ever liked has ended up getting a boyfriend within a couple of months of me meeting them. Why?
Because how many other random guys do you think she's meeting socially, especially if you think she's cute enough to like? You're just one of hundreds of ships in the night during the year, it's a fallacy to think you're particularly ugly -- it's that you're so average!
here ya go:
>I don't ask them out cause I just don't see them give any signs that they like me...
Fuck you.
Don't complaining if you aren't even trying.
>What, you want me to randomly decide to ask out girls without any reason behind it?
"She is attractive to me" is a good enough reason to ask her out. STOP overthinking.
Might as well kill yourself.
Stop complaining and stop making threads about this. Jow Forums came through, you are just weak and don't want to accept the advice.
How do i stop myself being weak? I want to try but I'm not mentally strong enough