Islam is responsible for jihadi terrorist attacks

>Islam is responsible for jihadi terrorist attacks

>the alt right Jow Forums culture isn't responsible for the shootings in New Zealand

Pick one.

Attached: IMG_20190315_092201.jpg (1080x1586, 444K)

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>over 49 bajallion

Nice projection Schlomo. With the false flag bomb in Israel and now this? You got to try harder Rabbi

They started it.

Jow Forums culture existed for centuries before Jow Forums

Now muslims get to feel how europeans, jews, americans, malaysians, filipinos, burmese people felt.

these people on this board are all post modernists. truth doesnt apply here they're crafting a narrative and that's what is important. they can rationalize why he wasnt alt right while simultaneously praising him. take nothing said by these people seriously they're products of modernity just like the people they detest so much.

We need a 9/11 remembrance day where we all take up arms and drive drive these aggressively expanding muslims away.

All of us, just one day where we all find a mosque and give back to the muslims what they gave us. Terror.

>alt right Jow Forums
op, Jow Forums is the real right.
the alt-right is the left.
you must go to reddit for that bullshit.

frankly they look like they smell bad

New high score for solo campaign!

Nigger,the guy was literally a troll. He even claimed he was jewish. Are you retarded?

Part and parcel
Part and parcel

Obviously the religion that preaches murder is going to be held to a higher regard than a bunch of satirical internet trolls.

Citayion needed

>building a mosque in a place called christchurch
they deserved it

T_D boomers are here

Attached: dancingmerchants.jpg (300x300, 28K)

how about you try this on for size you faggot
>Islam, rape and Jihadi terrorist attacks were responsible for the shootings in New Zealand

Attached: 1552615918511.jpg (1663x1440, 756K)

A troll who was completely versed in obscure ironic right wing Internet memes

Also killing 50 people isn't a troll

someone explain whats going on i just woke up from a 12 hour nap