Anyone else finds it weird how there's literally not a single mass-shooter that actually targets governement...

Anyone else finds it weird how there's literally not a single mass-shooter that actually targets governement instututions in their quest to "save" their country? Why is it always civilians shooting each other up in a false perceived quest to save their nation? What's the chain of thought here doing something that changes absolutely nothing and is forgotten in a week or two?

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don't ask questions.

Isn't also strange how the fags always post their guns on social media with threatening messages but they fly under the radar?
Ever notice that a lot of them have some background in police, military or gov agency?

White people were abandoning donald trump
So they fired up the race hate machine again.
Dont fall for it. They will use your hate to enslave you.

Dont fall for it. One people. One love

Isn't strange that they always happen to 'commit' these atrocities during an occult date?
on an occult parallel and the number of people they kill is always significant?

How about reading this and finding out why he didn't target the government directly.

I doubt you'll read the whole thing; kid.


Because Mossad prefers easy targets


Single shooters can't do much against government institutions, which usually have higher security. They're following the path of least resistance.

What occult date is this?

>beware the ides of march

mass shooters usually are rightwing conservatives (the muslims too), which means they're fucking retarded. Every country on earth would be much safer if all people who identify as 'rightwing' would be executed.


>ides of march is occult
Fuck of retard plebeian

Attached: 11FC1029-28BD-4BAE-9F1A-3D78209D8815.jpg (802x798, 155K)

>Fuck of

Attached: 15519506666666666666666666055764.jpg (554x508, 132K)

The path of least resistance never amounts to anything in this case. You shot up a bunch of muzzies in a mosque, now what?

Even commie terrorists did more back then in germany than any shooter managed till today.

(((they))) are doing anything to distract from this


They don't actually want to change anything. They just hate niggers and muslims.

t. Jow Forums

This. Even Breivik killed innocent children instead of the government.

Yes. I have always found that to be extremely suspicious. There are many things that *seem to be off about this. As though a very hacky writer drafted a script in less than a day and D list actors put it to action, but wtf ever...

In either case, real or staged what can be done to change this? Nothing? Reform our collective government institutions?

"We" are basically being held hostage by fear, uncertainty and ignorance at this point in time. Educate yourselves and prepare in a calm and cool fashion, learn to control your emotions, and pray to God.

It was a radical mosque, not exactly the local mall.

its ironic that you call him plebeian you know but youre just a faggot shill who sold their soul, now begone

They were being groomed by the government as part of a youth leadership program. (ie hitler youth)

We are 4D chess pieces by the powers that be. Nothing makes sense if you try to look at it from the point of view of your average dude.

Should be obvious. If you target the government, you actually get caught. Target minorities and nobody gives a shit until it happens, duh.

He did plant a bomb but the timing was off.

I know. I've noticed it for a long time. Granted, government has more security, but surely it's strange that it isn't tried more often, especially considering how mentally challenged these attackers usually seem.

Fuck off you universalist piece of shit. Your kind are the ones forcing whites to live with these fucking animals

>Breivik killed innocent children instead of the government

Wrong. Beivik killed off almost the whole Norwegian Socialist Party Youth leadership in their summer camp.

Oh well...
I still have faith in the Creator and his Grand design.

I will do my best. I hope you all try your best as well.

Let us not turn into the savages our "leaders" would like and think us to be.

God be with you all.

Technically it was a bombing, but I'd say to you Timothy McVey and the Oklahoma City bombing.

Timothy McVey? I know he wasn't a shooter, but he went after Government.

Yeah if I were to go LARP inna outside I would btfo the EU parlament with 300/1 K/D ratio.

*disclaimer this user posts may-mays

Bombs work better for that.

Attached: oklahoma-city-bombing.jpg (760x523, 153K)

No mention of NPC or recent Yang Gang memes, however what really gives it away are the references to Serbian War heroes who battled the Turks and the playing of the “Remove Kebab” song, it’s just way too convenient. Only professional analysts who are employed by the Deep State would understand the history behind those people and the Serbs are convenient scape goats because of the Balkan Wars in the 90’s and their sympathy towards their Orthodox Christian Slavic brothers, the Russian’s, this is a false flag attack on so many levels.

because the people who realize the government is the problem are not stupid enough to think a one off terrorist attack will change anything

No I don’t find it weird. Mass shooters are limpdicked pussies that target unarmed helpless victims. They always crumble when someone with a gun stands up to them.

He used a bomb because facing down an armed guard who could shoot back would’ve made him wet his diaper.

>Anyone else finds it weird how there's literally not a single mass-shooter that actually targets governement instututions in their quest to "save" their country?
Yes and no. To be a killer of many people you already have to have some idiosyncratic ideas about what actions a person has an ethical obligation to perform. Leftshit weatherman bombings were innocents. That Dylan Roof dude just shot up a church.

When you decide that killing people is the solution to a problem (outside of war) you have very likely already abandoned sense and therefore can reach any conclusion at all about the "right" thing to do.

Think Uncle Ted did as well.

and that guy who sent a bunch of supposed poison right before the 2018 election and then just randomly disappeared from the news?

This. We can choose to work together to colonize our star system. We are neither safe nor alone in this universe. We must become a multiworld species.

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Goverment institutions are protected by armed men. Any nutcase shooter would be down before he plugged 3 people. It's almost like guns CAN stop mass shooters. And it's also the reason they don't want us to have guns while they hypocritically surround themselves with armed thugs. Let us live in fear while they laugh at us with impunity behind a wall of armed men.

Lmao that fucking Navy seal pasta

>devolves into Stirner-tier rambling 2/3rds of the way through