Post pics of modern atrocities committed by radical Muslim extremists on the west here

Post pics of modern atrocities committed by radical Muslim extremists on the west here.

This is what fueled his perceived self-legitimacy.

>9-11 jumper

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>they did it so we should do it too
And that's like 0.1% of atrocities that happen in Muslim countries.

all that yellow is fat


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kill the shitskins, kll them all

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These are not Muslims
Islam is the religion of piece

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look up death tolls from terroist attacks and compare them to israeli and US responses to terrorism including the iraq/afgahn war. civilian casualties of course

then start to wonder why muslims might turn to extremism

Haha yeah killing 50 random Muslims in Smaller Australia who had nothing to do with any of these things is sweet payback!

I don't think that's the point. It's a matter of assessing cause and effect. Once you do that, you can effectively prevent more atrocity. Look within yourself and ask how does seeing it all affect you? Not good enough?

What would you do to today's attacker if you could have it your way?

Pretty sure that's his large intestine and rectum. Kinky

now i don't feel as guilty.

This is old Muslim terroism is rare now


They don't belong with whites, that's for sure.


muzzies didnt do 9/11

jews did - specifically the zionist lobby.

And those are all committed by Muslims and not by immigrants. See a pattern there?

>t. Salim al saudi

Without a doubt. But these give radicals like him legitimacy to attack what he sees as an even BIGGER THREAT

Mossad did 9/11 you retard.

what about the other horrible shit muds have done?

Bush did 911 faggot retard

Haha yeah don't mind them they're just borrowing our houses and land, and they don't take jobs from natives, and they don't want to elect representatives with the power to rule us, and they don't want to bring in more immigrants, and they don't gaslight us on social media, and they don't encourage businesses to discriminate against us, and they don't demand we make constant social and legal concessions to them, and they don't use social services and tax money
Haha yeah...

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Don't fall for that bs. Bin Laden was from a well off family in a Muslim majority country. The West been at war on and off with the Muslim world for 1500 years and much worse has been done in the past by both sides.

I got shit tons of American and whites studying in my university, If we don't belong with whites then whites don't belong with us as well
How about I gun these faggots down?

Fucking kill yourself.

Then state those but don't credit them with Jewish machinations.

watch solving 911 by christopher bollyn

You don’t get it. The text is satirical itself

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dont do it!

they're cleanskin you're not
just give them guns and get on your knees lol

Why don't you?

Do it faggot.

>shit tons of American and whites
I have been racially downgraded by a Jordanian
rip me

I'm unironically whiter than them
Especially the Americans
You'll see it on the news soon enough, Satan.

It was a collaborative effort between the US, jews & high up muds. Muds certainly have the desire to do this shit but are generally way too incompetent.

Live stream it you coward


I just contacted my local authorities regarding this post. Sorry I refuse to take any chances.

I usually just hide leaf replies but that's a good idea

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Don't forget to tell em to sub to T series

>Local authorities

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Do it. Start the war. Who do you think will win?

We of course
Its clear that the majority of your bean are beta males and leftists who wouldn't fight people just because of race
Then there are arabs

>when you fall 4 metres on DS2

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Go for it frankly I agree, they shouldn't be there. However they also don't represent a threat to your society either which Muslims in the west do. Whites at your university aren't trying to wrest political power from your natives as their numbers swell, or are they?

Muslims are fucking pussies, you won’t do shit you faggot coward. You’ll just get used to hearing about this more and more frequently in the news as time goes on, and sit there on a rubber cock. Fag.

Jews are, Last time I checked they are considered white

LOL mkay. As if we wouldn't drown you into the blood of our sjws

You are new eh?

>Muslims are pussies because they wouldn't do it
Then you do it, Enter a mosque and clear it from Muslim rats. Pussy

it is 2019 white pig just shut it . ur country to start a war needs to kill their own people first then blame a random country . thats ur sad and pathetic legacy "Hero"

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that's not a 9/11 jumper. 9/11 jumpers were completely obliterated upon landing

Thousands of western civilians robbed, raped, injured and dead. Why are sandniggers playing the victim now?

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Then explain why the rabbi keepa sayingb fellow white people?
Makes you think

Who cares
Children have no souls

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Saudi Wahhabi Islam is utter dogshit.

Get all of these pics on the ChristChurch hashtag.

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> martyr

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Don't forget to flood the hashtags with pics and videos of what the muslims keep doing

>205 views in 16 minutes
normies are watching it fast

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>Why are sandniggers playing the victim now?
They're always playing the victim, even while other muslims are committing terror attacks. The real question is, why are traitorous whites always so quick to defend their enemies and crucify their own?

>Who cares
>Children have no souls
>But please feel sorry for me and my brethren, white people :( :( :(

>/leftypol/ muslim apologist
Cringe and incelpilled.

Did pic related poop himself xD

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>start to wonder why muslims might turn to extremism
In their own countries, yeah. They should kill all Western meddlers. They're good people for killing our soldiers. When they come into our homelands and kill innocents, they're not. Anyone that wants or allows them into white countries should be punished as harshly as possible. It is obvious treason to let in non-Europeans and people that are a threat to Christians.


Muslims make up the majority of child abusers in Germany.

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Do it please. Also don’t wait. I want to see a retaliation happening by the time I wake up. Don’t let me down you fucking nigger.

The blood spatter looks more like he got hit by a car that sent him flying parallel to the ground


Your mom can't cook porkchops for shit.

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More like nuke the entire fucking middle east and Pakistan
Wouldn't mind

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Who has a one of the little kid covered in a mylar blanket with the doll next to her? From the Nice attack.

I would let him stand trial at court. Because that's what my culture is about. I don't stoop down to the level of some goatfuckers misinterpreting the teachings of 7th century Arabian warlord.
And some of those groups are supported by various Western states, or various Western states caused instability there with their actions.

Mohammedans will be tortured in Hell forever.

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The retaliation would be whites killing Muslim subhumans
You need to go back

how can that be real?

Good luck. Can you beat his score? What’s your load out? Any experience with explosives?

>Muslims are the worst people in the world because they constantly murder innocent people
>So I'm going to do the same

You ever see the videos? The screams of agony are the best part.

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Lol you dumb cunts.
Most of the deaths in those wars are from Muslims blowing each other up, like always.

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Well, that's a relief!

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i can only hope i can have that many kills in apex someday

sry but jet fuel can't melt steel beams
you must be new
and btw right, sick to their level , that's how we demonstrate our cultural superiority
get a gf loser

>Last time I checked they are considered white
Then why are they at war with other "whites"? Why do they reject us all as part of their collective?

Is it weird that this photo looks faked to me? I didnt go to med school but that looks like lasagna. I feel the need to apologize for this.

>They're always playing the victim
This. No different than their jewish cousins.

How the fuck does shit like this happen?

It’s more per capita, I don5 think it’s more outright, yet.

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>Their armies killed my family :(
>I know what I must do...
>*Granted asylum seeker status to Western country, given free money and accommodation, free to fraternise with my ethnic brethren in our own neighbourhoods*
>Yes, now I must kill non-combatants as revenge for what their soldiers did to me
Muslim apologists are brainlets

Personally I wouldn’t mind if this became a trend. Last year your soldiers killed what, 10 American troops who were there to help you. You deserve to be nuked.

King Hussein was cool but your country’s gone to shit.