All muslims need to die, no exceptions, so I enjoyed it immensely. Had a big smile throughout.
Reminder only muslim diaspora defends muslims on Jow Forums. When you see a western flag defending muslims it is always sand nigger diaspora. Normal people would never express sympathy with pedo worshipping scum.
modern reconquista soon brothers, lets take back our countries
Jacob Martin
So what do you think about the part when he stargs randomely shooting people in the street? Doesnt that just make him a psycho and ruins the whole political message he tries to send?
Gabriel Gutierrez
t. Achmed
What part of "no exceptions" eludes you?
They were running from the mosque, brainlet.
All you western fags know nothing of muslim slavery,.blood tax, genocide. They have been trying to mill or enslave us for 14 centuries. WAKE UP.
No pity, no exceptions.
Carson Martinez
Even those he shot after he drove like half a mile away from the mosque? And the women who walked towards the mosque? Just sounded like he wanted to use up all his ammo...
I bet a couple of decent white born newzealanders died just because of his bloodlust...
People who cant make that difference will be killed the most cruel way if racewar ever comes
Colton Moore
Dude, i mean.. They were people, man.. I mean, would you like to have this inflicted upon you, on a church? And yes, i know that they attack constantly churches in Africa.. But Not in the EU.. And Africa is more wild, dangerous.. Personally, i wouldn't like that..
Blake Sanchez
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Maybe you should read his testimony and understand the extent of the reason why he did this, you will never understand our pain and the mental torture/gaslighting we have to deal with from you fucking subhumans.
This is war, that has been clear for centuries now.
Jonathan Anderson
>Had a big smile throughout. This
Asher Mitchell
I understand it fully. This is the beginning. And it will be a great pleasure to see you little faggots far away from your computer confronted with a real situation.
Dont compare yourself to the shooter, dont put yourself on his side. People like you will be shot in the head no matter what side you craw to.
You are just a barking dog that saw a lion kill a big prey.
>muslims running from the mosque >liberals voting for neo-marxists and holding refugees welcome signs
1400 years, educate yourself
>they were people
No, they were muslims
> And yes, i know that they attack constantly churches in Africa.. But Not in the EU.. And Africa is more wild, dangerous..
Lol this faggot, pic related you naive motherfucker.
Also >Between 1355 and 1923, the Moslem Turks slaughtered about 10 million Christian Bulgarians, assimilated completely many, and forced others to at least convert to Islam or to give up their Slavic language
>I live in an actual free country where no one jails you for saying the truth online. dude you live in bulgaria lmao. your freedom of press and speech is shit compared to actually developed nations
>loses his job because he said nigger lmao at your country
Daniel Hughes
I'll be impressed when you fucktards walk in on a bunch of rich executives and hollywood directors gang raping women and start gunning them down with a 4K go pro or a 360 degree cam attached to your tacticool helmet so I can later edit in Doom soundtrack to it. Until then, your standards of "based heroism" are shitskin tier.
Robert Richardson
This is retarded, we don't need to kill them, ensure the government acts in our interests in the matter. Western governments no longer serve the people they represent, but some insane marxist egalitarian ideal.
I agree with the shooter and would love to follow his example.
Now you write that, user.
Mason Green
ME too it was so gratifiying to watch these demonic children of Satan the Devil whom they worship die and fall into hellfire. These snad nigger's are EVIL incarnate from a blood cult of the DEVIL and Kill whites and rape white women everyday and plan to kill us as they have been doing so in every torror attack since 1990, They are OUR ENEMY and they should be exterminated from white lands and stay in the fucking sand dunes where their shit devil moon worshipping can sit and stink, they dont belong here and if they come they come with evil intent to fight us and we will no longer be passive, WE WILL HAVE VENGENCE. A TOAST OF WINE TO Brenton Tarrent A HERO OF OUR PEOPLES! GOD BLESS HIM.
John Rogers
t. Achmed the pedophile worshipping sand nigger diaspora
Eli Butler
Absolutely BTFO
Grayson Morales
These kids will grow up to be terrorists. Well, not those anymore
Josiah Wilson
Chase Young
I guarantee you OP is a lefty making hay with this for the media.
Connor Williams
>I hate the killing of innocents. There are no innocent invaders.
You are fucking right I hate fucking arabs and muslims All of them dont deserve to love in our world
Jace Sullivan
> I live in a fucking paradise compared to you, user. >Bulgaria >HDI indices yeah, no
Daniel Myers
wah wah
Logan Lewis
So hes short, ugly, poor, uneducated, no talent loser who clings to his skin color for validation.. just like most subhumans on Jow Forums hes just another autistic wiite manlet loser with a massive inferiority complex, who cowardly murders others because his life sucks due to his poor genetics
Dominic James
>an index pushed by the UN Hmmmmmmmmmmm
Josiah Fisher
>56% >paradise lmao
Brody Sanders
lol freedom of speech is protection from prosecution and persecution by the government based on what you say. private companies can do whatever they want, retard.
Evan Nelson
As opposed to the millions of muslims who murdered millions of innocent christians over the last 10 centuries for no reason at all, those were all chads with a noble purpose, eh?
Nolan Perez
Absolutely fucking based holy shit.
I agree it feels orgasmic. Fucking mudshits go flush yourselves.
Brody Ortiz
Go on cuck prove me wrong
Dylan Brooks
>Lol this faggot, pic related you naive motherfucker. HOLY FUCK!! No way, dude!! What did that happen!?
I just can't come with an excuse on why he killed the last sandnigger woman on the street so fast I would have chopped a leg or a hand off and let her suffer.
Jackson Rivera
Killing infidels isnt a sin cunt These animals ate 8nvited here by treasonous cunts who want to genocide us Thry cant stop talking about taking all the guns from us so they can get this done
William Wood
Im a retard, i saw the date. Fuck, man. Jesus..
Levi Morris
>I live in an actual free country where no one jails you for saying the truth online. >I agree with the shooter and would love to follow his example.
Are you like, retarded? Dissent =/= posting threats. My country doesn't lynch the people or press for going against groupthink. Yours does.
My country investigates threats made online. Yours doesn't, probably because of how your shitty your infrastructure is. Your retarded one-liners will only get you so far.
Luis Phillips
Noice Optics!
Leo Myers
>just watched the video Was that Initial D music playing in his car at the end of the vid?
Again, you have a misunderstanding of what freedom of speech is. I actually think you are either 15 or have a third grade education.
You can say whatever you want, because you literally physically can. The second the scope of that speech extends beyond speech, into proposed/demand of action, it becomes a reasonable threat.
By your logic, the next time Achmed al-Mohammed calls 911 to profess his allegiance to ISIS and talk about his upcoming knifing spree, it's totally fine. Even though he's saying he's going to murder people
Isaac Morales
Bulgaria is a shithole. Who the fuck spray painted graffiti on your entire country?
Jose Howard
Everyone should condemn violence. But obviously multiculturalism is creating issues, is a crafted situation and we aren't able to honestly address it.
All innocent non-whites are asked to head to the nearest airport and go back to wherever.
Christopher Foster
Bulgaria is a glorious jewel shining like a supernova in the infinite void.
Camden Gutierrez
Fucking gypsy being racist?
Easton Lee
>in the infinite void of graffiti faggotry.
Christian Morgan
>infographic that explains Bulgaria is shit but less shit than originally thought means it's quality of life is better than the US learn to read. At least half the flags in this thread are better places to live than Bulgaria
>My country investigates threats made online >flimsy excuse and still won't try to give an opinion for fear of persecution So my country has significantly better freedom of speech than yours.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Brody Brooks
Henry Gutierrez
>plays FOCKIN British Grenadiers song while killing muzzies THE SPIRIT OF BRITISH EMPIRE LIVES IN AUSSIE CUNTS