Is it true that men should never argue with their girl?
Is it true that men should never argue with their girl?
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No, that's not true at all. Challenging your partner is an integral part of a relationship.
No but that's a nice thot who is it
You should never argue with anyone.
What you win over winning a discussoon? High morale?
Absolutely this. I get sick to my stomach when I see a man with no spine that’s passive about everything with his girl, or anyone really. There’s nothing wrong with arguing as long as people are mature about it.
Sommer Ray
This. There’s a huge difference between coming to a compromise and just letting your girl walk all over you.
If you never argue, shes not your girl, especially if she got an ass like that jeez. You better show her you got some fight in ya lol
It is true.
After looking at more pics of her she's not all that great. Extremely hot in irl terms, but as far as e thots go she's not my type
Why would you have to argue to show you have a spine? Just calmly state your position and tell her to fuck off if she has a problem with it.
You dont have to argue, but it shows you have passion and can defend yourself. Calmly telling her to fuck off might give you the moral high ground but.. when push comes to shove, say your piece when neccesary..
you must be a beta
>Just calmly state your position and tell her to fuck off if she has a problem with it.
That isn't how you treat someone that you care about. You should strive to come to a mutual understanding, understand why the other person holds the belief that they do. Otherwise you're going to continue arguing about the same shit in the future.
I don't mind having a civilized discussion, but it seems like woman like to argue just for the sake of arguing.
yes, because the wolf doesnt argue with the sheep. The king doesnt argue with the subject. If you argue with her it means you don't have ultimate power over her.
just think of it as being as pointless as arguing with kids.
you never argue if she has the proverbial pants
Men don't let emotions control them. Arguments are emotionally led disagreements that usually conclude with having to resolve the disagreement as well as make amends for things that happened during the argument. Discussions are based in logic, facts and knowledge. The purpose is to resolve an issue without creating more.
you should on serious things
you should argue on non serious things too jokingly
(this is important if you want to preserve your place and make her laugh at the same time)
its really important to have a strong opinion on both types but you should also express your opinion that is the same for both of you
for example she doesnt like niggers and you dont either you joke about them/ tell her black crime statistics and shit when niggers come up in a conversation
also dont take it too far and dont come off as if you want to change her
you gotta respect her opinion and show that your open to changing yours
Women are, at least mentally, children anyway.
And never show your power level to a girl. It's not worth it.
Mature behaviour in an argument tends to be very one sided, though. Chances are that if you are mature in an argument, you'll be one of the very few, if not the only person you know of who does it.
It really depends on the woman and what you're arguing about. Something small like where to eat or what movie to watch, yeah, women want you to be the alpha and challenge them on that. But when it comes to something like politics a lot of women, especially young feminists, will not tolerate disagreement. "Vote Trump get dumped" was not just a meme, it's how millions of women actually approach relationships now.
A lot of women are just incapable of having a rational discussion about politics, especially younger women since they have a big entitlement complex. I know a guy who was recently dumped because he didn't agree with Gillette's misandrist ad (pic-related), and I'm sure he's not the only guy who had to choose between agreeing to hate himself or getting dumped.
Can you elaborate? I don't get the power level thing
He means if she realises that your power is far greater than hers and she can't win, she'll change her plans to destroy Namek and then fly away because she can survive in space.
Presumably, you wouldn't (or shouldn't) commit to a relationship where your partner had views that were extremely antithetical to your own.
>trying to reason with a broad.
A fool’s errand at best... neurotic beta faggotry at worst. When I’m right, I state why I’m right and just move on. If she can’t see eye to eye with me, then she can fuck off. When I’m wrong, I check my notes and change to the right side. When it’s gray area, I flip a fucking coin. When she’s right, it’s because she agrees with me.
yes i agree. you should never waste your time arguing dumb shit with women. just kick em to the curb and walk away. be a man and dont take their shit