Has no fear

>Has no fear
>Attractive gf
>Looks for accelerationism
>Has a lot of humor, uses /pol memes
>Plays kebab removal and SS songs and livestreams
>Writes manifesto to share his ideas with us
>Removes 50+ kebab invaders from his country
>Takes action when everyone is just apathetic and does nothing

Attached: C2A3D29A-17C6-41CA-BE3A-F8EC1D4B88AA.jpg (605x807, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>goes to prison for life
>attractive gf bounces on another dick

Implying he will not be freed in the upcoming race war

He also traveled around the world (including to Muslim countries) and enjoyed life.

What triggered him?

That little girl getting split in half by a sand nigger in a van

Read his manifesto. He said he is fine with other races and cultures living in their own countries, but if they invade his cointry they become invaders.

The 2016-2017 "year of peace" where there were about 50 terror incidents in europe, wherever he went, france, germany, uk, sweden, and so on. Trucks of peace, bombs of peace, knives of peace etc etc. He writes about it in his document. Last straw was the girl who got squished by the truck of peace in Sweden I think.

But how tall is he? I can't get on board with him until I know his height.

name? Never heard of such atrocity before.

Ever tried living with muslim neighbours?
I wish I had a gun like his.

as if the west is allowing them to live peacefully in their home countries

>Be Deep State
>know that a major Declass is scheduled for today
>need to SHUT IT DOWN
foreign assets activated

>dude we will break him free XD
Not with you faggots at the helm. You have no fucking power.

Then why don't you go back and help them, you fucking subhuman?

He attacked unarmed and defenceless people who were guilty of no crime.

He claimed Mosley as an inspiration but Mosley was a military man who abhored the killing of innocent civilians and prisoners of war.

Islam is shit, but there's no excuse for his behaviour. He shot a dying woman crawling across the pavement crying out for help. It's a different level of evil and nobody here should let the leftwing onslaught that's happening on social media cloud your judgement: this was a sickening and unmanly act.

He is not responsible for the actions of the (((Western governements))).

>His country
>An Australian
>In New Zealand

Ebba Akerlund.

>Invade another country
Kys cuck

It is the same race though

Show flag, cuck.

I don't care who or what forces them out of their shitholes. It's not us, the common people.

Don't come here, fix your shitholes

Attached: bap.png (589x459, 416K)

>is leftist fagbol

>SS songs
I only herad the British Grenadiers.

A man denied his hairline...

"The Final Bant" Tarrant

He's my hero. Dispatched a lot or rats today. I dub him

>Saint Chad

Attached: 1522123964632.jpg (396x385, 78K)

They guy is a fucking hero.

>SS songs
Its just the fucking fallschirmjägersong you retard. I sung it myself in the army

Well their countries are shitholes so instead of fixing them they come here and turn our countries into shitholes.
Better fill that gap in border so they stop coming mate, Also yes you are right Nato and US is responsible for this as it is apart of the Judeo/American plan to diversify the world making it into a brown/grey shithole.

i dont like muslims at all but that logic doesnt really work considering he would be an invader himself

He played the SS remix in the middle of the kebab removal in the mosque.

A true legend.

Stop posting pajeet

He looks like Steve Irwin

He is not an invader because he belongs to the same race as the New Zealanders.

Are you dumb

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

If he's Chad then I am ultra giga Chad.

but New Zealanders themselves are invaders, they are not native to those lands

hes definitely not a chad
>5/10 face

Are you implying the Maori want muslims there instead? Or that they even care about whitey being there?

Those are jews. But we can’t talk about jews, so now what?

no i have no problem with superior cultures colonizing but by his logic New Zealanders are invaders themselves, even by the shooters own logic

The video he references in his manifesto as having inspired him to attack is about myslims taking over the world via culture and population domination.

It's viewable on jewtube at youtu be.c om/watch? v=6-3X5hIFXYU

>Attractive gf
they're both hideous?

Wrong, New Zealand was inhabited by red haired whites until the maori savages came and ate them all

This is gonna get us shoah'd for sure but it's so underrated

Attached: 1503538414892.gif (179x320, 2.27M)

Guess those natives should have fought back better against the invaders, shouldn’t they?

Attached: 1552642196437.jpg (662x522, 89K)

then whites being "genocided" deserve their fate as well if it happens.

As if our gouvernments allow anyone to live peacefully in their own fucking country
Why do you think they are bringing the shitskins in?

shes no model but shes at least average looks wise

Only if they do not fight back hard enough, right?

He is 5 FEET 2 INCHES.


>Brown eyes
Lmao you mutt. Anyways neither Australia nor New Zealand are indigenous White anyways so its just a huge cringefest by now

People spend all day posting about how shitskins are flooding into countries and refusing to change their culture and commiting crimes. You dont come "just looking for a better life" and then rape and kill whites. We need to wake up and realize the invasion has happened. The war has started and therefor there are no innocent people. Definitions change in war and war aint pretty. To those crying about how this guy killed "innocent" people and blah blah, you will also be considered the enemy during war times. White people can only be pushed so far before we seek extreme solutions for ridding these invaders from our homelands

i suppose so, thats just nature.

This land was rightfully taken by the Whites, because the natives did not fight back hard enough.

inciting division won't land you the political power you need to keep the white race from dying off.

your reactionary tards are just going to make shit worse and worse for you until you're finally stamped out.

anyway, keep up the persecution complex. i'm sure your hateful ideology will get you brainlets far.

Like you have a better plan, faggot.

You're cool. That other one is good too.

>has no fear

i like how you started the list with the most obviously wrong attribute. fear is the absolute groundrock of your beliefs.

Why do you still refer to him as White?? Post without that memeflag. I have a hunch telling me you too are a mutt

well climate is going to make your miserable gammon lives unbearable soon anyway. Look forward to watching you all burn.

literally pathetic

>the virgin Jow Forums: posts stale mems on weeb image board
>the chad normie: makes memes reality


>race is a thing.

so 20th century.

It looks like the transformation from Come and See.

go play a game of secret hitler. better yet, learn how the nazi party infiltrated the german government. hitler didn't gain his seat as chancellor by shooting up a random synagogue. he amassed power slowly, gaining germany's favour, until he could seize the seat for himself.

gain the public's trust. infiltrate the government. attack important figures. you Jow Forums facists will never be real facists.

Why should I not use this flag? It is beautiful and only Jews hate it. Are you a Jew?

And to answer your question: Because he is racially White, you brainlet.

>memeflaggot redditor
hello leaf

>from his country
he was Australian and was in New Zealand.

>It is the current year
It is more a thing than ever before.

Here's some footage of when he got arrested

Attached: big_guy.webm (720x1276, 1.08M)



that's not him

Boy you are cringe and why do you keep claiming he is white? You can literally see his brown eyes

aren't you fuckheads whining about white genocide? the same white genocide that's being caused by whites breeding with other races?

race is hardly a thing anymore, and it won't be as the world becomes more of a melting pot day by day.


subscribe to pewdiepie

>r-race is hardly a thing anymore g-guys
>t. le 56% goblin

>race is hardly a thing anymore, and it won't be as the world becomes more of a melting pot day by day.
The world isn't becoming a melting pot. If things continue as they currently do, in 100 years there's going to be 2 billion asians in asia, 1 billion middle-easterners in the middle-east, 1 billion blacks in africa and 0 white people in europe. I reiterate, no melting pot happening.

He looks slavic after Jow Forums

Attached: 1552645873615m.jpg (341x1024, 80K)

imagine praising this cringe lord. cuck

Better get used to seeing his face on Jow Forums, m8.

Race is always a thing. Either Whites fight back against the muttification or we will go extinct. Of course we cannot allow that.

And look at Haiti or Rhodesia (now SA), when we are the minority we face physical genocide. If you look at Brazil which consists of mutts you see it is a completely atomised country with constant fight and murder. Without a common racial identity you have no social cohesion.

>Has no fear
>Attractive gf
>Writes manifesto to share his ideas with us
>Removes 50+ kebab invaders from his country
>Takes action when everyone is just apathetic and does nothing
He's the absolute opposite of Jow Forums then

The Maori killed all the natives many years ago

Are you projecting from yourself?

he was a manlet lol.

>Ahmad Al-Mahmoud, 37, described the shooter as white-skinned, blond, quite short


my ancestors didn't sleep, shit, and eat in mud huts

Tbh i have mixed feelings about muslims

For one they come from a desert, arent the most smart people and follow a religion based around screaming on the streets

But they are the SJWs enemy and they dont realize it. And if there are more shootings they are gonna be the first ones to die under Allah's hand

Prepare yourselves anons

Fuck off cuck you low T cuck. This guy is a hero.

Fucking nigger is laughing at him

American flags on sleeves. The lack of effort is insulting.

This are really the fault of Western governments, Jews and Boomers for putting this Mosque there and ignoring the protests of of their people.

Democracy has failed them.