How do I cope with the fact that I will never have a gf like this?

How do I cope with the fact that I will never have a gf like this?

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Get a decent job, get an ugly asian gf, buy your gf clothes you like, nice glasses frames and get her better skin/hair care
Not only will she be hot, but she'll love you forever

I wouldn't want a gf that ugly.

Fuck off faggot

i cant even get a gf period, im less than 6' tall. its hopeless

take that back...

cringe, asian women are fucking perfect

cute. CUTE!

Height is a meme, all my short friends get insane amounts of pussy
They're just outgoing and they dress well

It's not fair

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height is def not a meme dude... girls dont even fucking look at me being 5' 11''...

ive tried browsing /fa/ to dress better but ive had little success, im a comp sci major so i already look nerdy to begin with

im out of options...

i would literally do anything just to make her smile at me like that. i would fucking castrate myself just to hear her say, "i love you user!". why the fuck has god done this to me? im a fucking khv for life, time is running out

I'd like to thigh fuck her, and cum on her leggings.

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It's your confidence

My friend is honestly 5'2" and he fucks 9/10s regularly

i'm 5'8 and I have what you want.
it sounds like you're just not as pleasant to be around as you think - try working on your personality, be more outgoing

please dont say that, shes pure. she would never entertain anything like that. she would rather listen to k-pop or study or write me notes on that cute stationary shit asian girls like
i highly doubt your friend fucks 9/10s or anyone of the opposite sex. period.

I'm telling you he does because i've witnessed him going home with girls and have seen the texts they send him

He gets plenty
Stop making up excuses

post pics of her then, prove it. could you sound more full of shit than you already do? fuck you

i call fucking bullshit on that, youd prob watch him fuck them too, i can tell you dont get any more than me. youre jsut as sad and lonely as me dont get on on high horse with anecdotal evidence, height>face>frame>social status are literally everything and my experience with girls proves it time and time again

>people give you valid replies
>tell them they're lying and to fuck off

You could be 6'6" and you still wouldn't have a gf with that shitty personality

So you're telling me your anecdotal evidence is worth more than mine?

I hope you never find love and that you die alone and angry

can you blame me for saying that? im at my fuckign wits end, try being fucking alone k-12 and college then come tell me that shit, you dont know what its like to see guys walk around with gfs like this, happy and smiling, makes me wanna fucking do something id regret....

Literally stop getting all your girl advice from Jow Forums.

Your height has nothing to do with getting a girlfriend and the poofs over at /fa/ aren't going to get you laid unless you're looking for gizmo.

I'm 5'8 220lbs and married to an azn cutie. I wear graphic tees and shorts. Literally all you need is a good personality and don't smell like shit.

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I didn't touch a girl till i was 25, I can absolutely blame you for your terrible personality

>doesn't smell like shit
Tell me how I know you're lying

post pics then you fat fuck

i doubt she even holds a candle to the girl that i posted, your fucking imported bug wife doesnt prove shit about getting a qt asian gf. youre nothing helping with your humble bragging
speak for yourself i guess. ive had plenty of girl platonic relationships but i can never get to the next step, especially with the asian girls i want

Even if he smells like shit, he has a gf and op doesn't

The big difference between the two is that op is angry and negative, and fat user is optimistic and positive.

It means you're doing something wrong. Inaction is action. If you don't make moves or build a romantic relationship initially, it is all your fault

Jow Forums here, dude i got two pieces of advice for you
1. start lifting (reading the fucking sticky)
2. be yourself (unironically, you sound like a pathetic little bitch right now, thats not the actual you though. that mentatilty is that you think your deserve, not what you actually deserve.)

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Get the fuck out. "You miss all the balls you don't swing for." But no one is fucking pitching for me!

No reason to pitch for a weak, whiney bitch.

>Literally all you need is a good personality and don't smell like shit.
If that's all it is, how do I get a good personality? 34 and never had a gf.

how do I get a good personality? when do you think the technology will arrive for when I can pay for someone with a decent personality to pilot my decent body into finally having a decent girlfriend?

you talk more like a catcher anyways faggot
you couldnt get pussy if it sat on your fucking face incel
give actual advice or fuck right off
thanks user, you look pretty big ngl
ill try to take your advice man, i really appreciate it. it makes sense to work on myself before thinking about being with another person. seriously, thanks dude

What kind of human being do people enjoy being around? What character traits do you have that are positive? Which are negative? Work on what you have dude

i feel the same as you, i focus so much on other people instead of myself. its probably led me to where i am today might be right, work on your strong points

>you talk more like a catcher anyways faggot
holy shit
absolutely demolished

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I get the idea, but the problem with personality traits is one which is positive for a part of your life can be a negative in another part. And vice versa. So I don't think it's as simple as you're implying it is.

who fuckign cares about the negatives, the only fucking goal in life for a man is to have sex with a woman, its just nature dude, if you cant accomplish that you are a failure.

Rape and murder the one that you do like.

I'm the fatty from a few posts ago, don't feel like quoting everyone. You get a good personality from not letting your negativity stain every aspect of your life. I'm not going to say I'm a ray of sunshine but I'm not a downer either. Life works out and you can get through anything. Put that to heart and you'll turn yourself around. I went through a lot of shit before I met my wife and we've been through a lot of shit since. There's always shit in life but you get through it. Find things you enjoy doing to help you through the bad times but always work towards the good times. I have Jow Forums /tg/ /an/ /v/. Find a hobby where you can create, your soul craves it. Goodnight Jow Forums

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