Can't wait for the new meme review

Can't wait for the new meme review

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its over

He should turn it around and blame media for portraying him as nazi over edgy memes.

Pewdiepie us a hero he streamed himself playing bitch lasagna while playing beat saber. 16 million views

Beat saber became the first VR game to sell a million copys the same day the subscribe to pewdiepie video was made.

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>Muslim: allah akbar!
>*blows up*
>This has nothing to do with Islam, it is a religion of peace and to suggest otherwise is nothing short of xenophobic bigotry!
>Kiwi: Subscribe to pewds!
>Clearly Pewd is an alt-right neo-nazi genocidal extremist, to suggest otherwise is nothing more than a demonstration of your own neo-nazi extremism!

Clown world.

no joke, I do feel kind of bad for him.

Jesus, I feel bad for Felix, no money can save him from the backlash that will be going down on him

Fuck, it sucks now... Really I'm glad niggers go bang bang but this sucks.

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there's a difference between spouting memes for lolz and known terrorist war cries.

I'm out of the loop. Did the NZ shooter blame his actions on Pewdiepie? Has Australian shitposting gone too far?

Said sub to pewdiepie 20 seconds into the video

man... that's not cool

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the void needs it's 20 million dollars worth of entertainment.

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Any PR is good PR.
as Sven points out in this can be used as fuel against MSM

reddit closed

but what if it really is the jews?

Subscribe to PewDiePie bois!

Nah look at the sub count. He's probably goi ng to lose tonight


Are dank memes actually mkultra trigger devices being used to start a global race War?

Did the Jew jew us?

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